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Київський національний економічний університет

Кафедра іноземних мов факультету маркетингу

Module 2

2 nd year

Variant 2

І. Write the appropriate key terms for the following definitions.

1. Reductions in the average cost of production, and hence in the unit costs, when output is increased. Economies of scale

2. The tendency for the world economy to work as one unit. - Globalisation

3. The movement of people from one country to another for the purpose of employment. Labour migration

4. Telling people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it. - Advertising

5. Strategy that involves face-to-face contact of companies and their customers at special events like concerts, fairs, and sporting events to promote a product. Event marketing

6. The prices of a company’s products or services in relation to each other and in relation to those of their competitors, and the activity of setting them. Reference prices

7. The activity of controlling and organizing the work that a company or organization does. Management

8. An office where people answer customers’ questions, make sales etc. (by using the telephone rather than by meeting people). Customer service

9. A group of people or organizations that are connected or that work together. A team

10. A computer program that finds information on the Internet and shows it on your computer screen. – A web search engine

II. Choose the correct variant - A, B, C or D - to complete the following sentences.











ІII. Correct the mistakes in the sentences where there are any.

If the sentence is correct, put a plus (+).

1. I wish I were not frightened of flying.

2. Suppose that you were asked to move out, what would you do?

3. If he were more sociable, he would have more friends.

4. If it rains when you leave, take an umbrella.+

5. They didn’t have what I asked for. +

6. I’ll call you immediately when I have reached my hotel.

7. The boys sitting at the back of the class were throwing paper aeroplanes!

8. You’d sooner do something with your time rather than sit around.

9. If he had been listening, he might have heard what the teacher had said .

10. The fence surrounding the house wasn’t very high.

IV. Translate into English.

  1. Якби ви більше працювали, ви б краще знали мову.

If you worked harder, you would know the language better.

  1. Якби ви тоді послухалися моєї поради, ви б не зазнали таких збитків.

If you had followed my advice then, you would not have suffered such losses.

  1. Ми не запізнимося, якщо вийдемо на 15 хвилин раніше.

We won’t be late if we leave 15 minutes earlier.

  1. Оскільки вони були дуже втомленими, то вирішили відпочити.

Since they were very tired, they decided to rest.

  1. Ви читали статтю, опубліковану в останньому номері журналу?

Have you read the article published in the latest issue of the magazine?

  1. Глобалізацією називається процес взаємодії та інтеграції людей, компаній, урядів різних країн, на який впливає міжнародна торгівля, інвестиції та інформаційні технології.

Globalisation is the process of interaction and integration of people, companies, governments of different countries, which is influenced by international trade, investment and information technology.

  1. Фінансування, ціноутворення, дослідження ринку, управління продуктами та послугами, просування, розподіл та продаж – основні функції маркетингу.

Financing, pricing, market research, product and service management, promotion, distribution and sales are the main functions of marketing.

  1. Ефективність управління вимірюється відносно того, що досягнуто і якими засобами.

Management efficiency is measured in terms of what has been achieved and by what means.

  1. Виробники мобільних телефонів планують встановлювати навігаційні чіпи в кожний мобільний телефон.

Mobile phone manufacturers plan to install navigation chips in every mobile phone.

  1. Маркетологи використовують численні інструменти, щоб викликати бажані відповіді від своїх цільових ринків.

Marketers use numerous tools to elicit the desired responses from their target markets.

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