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Учебное пособие

Новосибирск 2007

УДК 802.0: 625.1 А67

А н и к и н а Э.М., К и т о в а Е.Т., П а л а г и н а О.А., Я в о р с к а я С.К. Railway Engineering. Строительство и эксплуатация железных дорог: Учебное пособие. — Новосибирск: Изд-во СГУПСа, 2007. — 263 с.

ISBN 5-93461-284-0

Пособие разработано для обучения английскому языку в неязыковых вузах. Использован языковой материал из современных аутентичных специализированных изданий. Пособие построено на модульном принципе. Разработана система лексических и коммуникативных упражнений и контролирующих тестов. Имеется глоссарий и терминологический англо-русский и русско-английский словари.

Предназначено для студентов и аспирантов транспортных вузов, а также специалистов железнодорожного транспорта. Может использоваться в системе магистратуры при двухуровневой подготовке специалистов в вузе.

Утверждено редакционно-издательским советом университета в качестве учебного пособия.

О т в е т с т в е н н ы й р е д а к т о р канд. филол. наук Э.М. Аникина

Р е ц е н з е н т ы:

кафедра «Иностранные языки» Ростовского государственного университета путей сообщения, завкафедрой д-р пед. наук, проф. Т.Е. Исаева

кафедра иностранных языков Новосибирской государственной академии водного транспорта, завкафедрой канд. филол. наук, доц. Е.И. Мартынова

ISBN 5-93461-284-0

©Авторы, 2007

©Сибирский государственный университет путей сообщения, 2007

Учебное издание

Аникина Элина Михайловна

Китова Евгения Тарасовна

Палагина Ольга Александровна

Яворская Светлана Константиновна

Railway Engineering

Строительство и эксплуатация железных дорог

Учебное пособие

Печатается в авторской редакции Компьютерная верстка Н.Н. Садовщикова

Изд. лиц. ЛР № 021277 от 06.04.98 Подписано в печать 29.05.2007

16,5 печ. л., 12,5 уч.-изд. л. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ № 1774

Издательство Сибирского государственного университета путей сообщения

630049, Новосибирск, ул. Д. Ковальчук, 191 Тел./факс: (383) 228-73-81. E-mail: press@stu.ru








PART I. RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION.......................................................




UNIT 1. RAILWAY TRACK OF THE 21ST CENTURY..............................



Test 1






UNIT 2. PERMANENT WAY AND ITS MEMBERS..................................



Test 2









Test 3








Test 4






UNIT 5. SURVEYING AND ORGANIZING.............................................



Test 5






KEYS to tests 1–5





PART II. TUNNELS AND BRIDGES ........................................................




UNIT 6. UNDER THE THAMES TO LEWISHAM...................................



Test 6






UNIT 7. THE ERESUND FIXED LINK .....................................................




Test 7









Test 8









Test 9






KEYS to tests 6–9





PART III. ROAD CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY.................................



UNIT 10 .......................................................................................................






Test 10






UNIT 11 .......................................................................................................






Test 11






UNIT 12 .......................................................................................................






Test 12






UNIT 13. MAINFRAMES...........................................................................




Test 13






UNIT 14 .......................................................................................................






Test 14






KEYS to exercises and tests 10–14




PART IV. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ......................................................




UNIT 15. MOTIVE POWER.......................................................................




Test 15






UNIT 16. RAILROAD CARS .....................................................................




Test 16






UNIT 17. TERMINAL OPERATION .........................................................




Test 17











Test 18






UNIT 19. SIGNALING..............................................................................





Test 19








Test 20









Test 21






UNIT 22. LOGISTICS...............................................................................





Test 22






KEYS to tests 15–22











ENGLISH – RUSSIAN VOCABULARY .................................................




RUSSIAN – ENGLISH VOCABULARY .................................................




List of Abbreviations







Railway Construction

b) auto-video inspection of track

Данное пособие

предназначено для




специальностей, изучающих английский язык, и рассчитано на сквозную языковую подготовку, предусматривающую продолжение изучения иностранного языка после завершения базового курса на начальном этапе обучения в вузе. Студенты 3, 4, 5 курсов могут работать с данным пособием самостоятельно и готовиться к защите диплома на иностранном языке под руководством преподавателя. Кроме того, оно может быть использовано в системе повышения квалификации для работников железнодорожного транспорта, которым необходимо совершенствовать знания иностранного языка в профессиональных целях. Аутентичные профессиональные тексты формируют понятийный аппарат в области конкретной железнодорожной специальности. Материалы для текстов и упражнений отобраны из современных специализированных периодических изданий.

Учебное пособие состоит из 4 частей, соответствующих основным железнодорожным специальностям: Строительство железных дорог, Мосты и тоннели, Строительно-дорожные и путевые машины и оборудование, Управление процессами перевозок. Каждая часть содержит несколько блоков. Блок состоит из базового текста и упражнений на выработку основных речевых навыков профессионального взаимодействия. Блок завершается тестом с ключами для самоконтроля. Имеется глоссарий специальных терминов, англо-русский и русско-английский специали-зированные словари.

Различные упражнения разработаны как для закрепления профессиональной терминологии и систематизации языковых знаний, так и для развития коммуникативного потенциала.

Учебное пособие рассчитано на 90 ч.

Unit 1

Skim the text to say if it contains information about: a) problems of freight and passengers transportation c) operation of the railway

Railway Track of the 21st Century

We move into the century ahead with the auto-video inspection of track. It is an opportunity to optimize track maintenance processes to reduce costs. Video recordings of the track and its fittings are made using equipment mounted on a train adapted for this purpose. A valuable facility is the ability to examine the performance of the track under load, considerably enhancing its potential to locate track faults. Utilizing of auto-video inspection includes significant benefits: improvements in passenger safety, reliable and reproducible information, comprehensive record, cost reduction. This inspection offers the opportunity to dispense with time consuming, traditional inspection practices by providing high quality, detailed visual information which can be integrated with other recorded parameters such as vibration, temperature and noise. And it is essential to the safe and efficient operation of the railway.

1. Read the text and write down all words describing the auto-video inspection of track.

Every day high-speed trains and other transport vehicles safely and rapidly carry millions of passengers. Wherever you happen to be and no matter how large or small your city, province or country is, we dont ask a lot in order to provide you with the most advanced, highly efficient public transportation system in the world. All we need is a track.

The modern railway track copes with the growing demands of the constant increase in the weight and speed of trains. The growth of goods traffic intensity and train speeds requires higher standards of track facilities. In order that the railway track may carry the loads imposed on it without settlement, it must be supported on a strong, stable roadbed or subgrade.

The heavier the rails, the larger the number of reinforced-concrete sleepers and the more up-to-date system of rail joints, the smaller are the maintenance costs. Reinforced-concrete sleepers ensure: high durability, low annual rate of breakdown of singular sleepers, great uniformity of their physical condition through their service life, an increased stability of track facilitating the use of long rails and jointless track. New jointless tracks have been laid for a maximum speed of 280 km/h. That is why the choice of concrete sleepers is the worldwide solution for modern high speed railways.

As for steel sleepers they provide the required track performance while keeping renewal and maintenance costs. Steel sleepers track can be easily achieved. Sections with steel sleepers are in service for over 15 years.

Today the fastening by means of which the rails are joined to each other and held to the sleepers have been greatly improved to increase their efficiency and effectiveness. Railways adopt long welded rails, which lessen wear and tear on rolling stock. Rails of standard length of 39 feet are welded together. The continuous rails have a longer service life than the short ones. They provide a smoother running and permit the train operation at higher speeds. For the welding of long rails, European railways rely mainly on the flash-butt process. There are best

technological advancements for flash-butt welding because they give good results in rail welding.

2. Match the words with the same meanings.

a) solution

1) modern

b) to adopt

2) to supply

c) up-to-date

3) exhaustion

d) advanced

4) control

e) wear and tear

5) decision

f) to provide

6) to assume

g) fitting

7) progressive

h) inspection

8) equipment

5.Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the text.

3.Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences.

1)traffic, and, speeds, the growth, higher, of, track, goods, intensity, train, requires, facilities, standards, of.

2)inspection, significant, of, utilizing, auto-video, includes, benefits.

3)technological, welding, for, are, there, flash-butt, best, advancements.

4)high-speed, carry, passengers, of, safely, and, every, trains, day, rapidly, millions.

5)steel, are, sections, over, service, for, 15 years, with, sleepers, in.

4. Make up a summary of the text. Use the given phrases.

growing demands, goods traffic intensity, concrete sleepers, welded rails, flash-butt process, autovideo inspection, to locate track faults, significant benefits, passenger safety, reliable information, costs reduction, efficient operation.

a)The choice of concrete sleepers is the worldwide solution for ….. .

b)The modern railway track copes with the growing demands of the constant increase in ….. .

c)European railways rely mainly on ….. .

d)We move into the century ahead with ….. .

e)We don’t ask a lot in order to provide you with ….. .

6.Discuss with your partner significant benefits of auto-video inspection of track. Use information from the text.

7.Read the Russian text, title and render it in English.

Основу железнодорожного транспорта составляет железнодорожный путь, представляющий собой инженерное сооружение для пропуска поездов с нужной скоростью. От состояния железнодорожного пути зависят непрерывность и безопасность движения поездов, эффективность использования всех технических средств и выполнение заданий по перевозкам людей и грузов.

Железнодорожный транспорт выполняет тяжелую работу в трудных условиях: находясь под воздействием подвижных нагрузок и агентов природы (ветра, влаги, изменения температуры и т.п.), он должен обеспечить непрерывность и безопасность движения поездов в любое время года.

Для обеспечения непрерывности и безопасности движения поездов с установленными скоростями железнодорожный путь должен всегда находиться в исправном и опрятном состоянии. Поэтому основой ведения путевого хозяйства являются текущее содержание пути и своевременные ремонты его.

Сегодня железнодорожному пути принадлежит ведущая роль, ему уделяется постоянное внимание, и он все время совершенствуется, выполняя эксплуатационные требования.

Use the words and phrases given below:

base, engineering structure, passing trains, condition, uninterruption and safety, technological facilities, passenger and freight transportation, carry out, under the influence, nature agents, moisture,

temperature changing, provide, in accordance with speeds, in good repair condition, track facility, current maintenance repairs, belong, leading role, perfect, demands.

8. In the text find English equivalents to the following Russian phrases.

a)обеспечить непрерывность и безопасность движения поездов

b)ведение путевого хозяйства

c)эксплуатационные требования

d)трудные условия

e)исправное состояние

f)под воздействием подвижных нагрузок

Optional tasks

1. Look at the words from the text and say what parts of speech they are.

advanced, highly, intensity, durability, uniformity, jointless, rely, inspection, reproducible, quality, breakdown, safely, increased, welding, vibration, examine, recording, significant, singular, roadbed, greatly, achieve.

2. Read the words and say what words they are formed from.

operation, growth, providing, performance, enhancing, equipment, recording, advancement, mainly, reduction, stability, fastening, improved, durability, settlement, information, safety, valuable.

3. Find adverbs among the following words.

vehicles, rapidly, ensure, safely, concrete, efficiency, mainly, fittings, purpose, considerably, opportunity, essential, quality, highly, annual, renewal, easily, greatly, choice, stable.

4. Choose the key words to speak about railway track of the 21st century.

inspection, utilizing, switch, subgrade, ballast, volume, strong, lessen, crane, renewal, fastening, solution, machine, technology, join, capacity, annual, jointless, length, brigade, service, speed, lifting, granite, load.

5.Find in the text phrases with the word «track».

6.Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to "ing" forms.

a)Video recordings of the track and its fittings are made using equipment mounted on a train.

b)They provide a smoother running and permit the train operation at higher speeds.

c)The modern railway track copes with the growing demands of the constant increase in the weight and speed of trains.

d)They provide the required track performance while keeping renewal and maintenance


7. Give the main idea of the text «Railway Track of the 21st Century».

Test 1

I. Match English and Russian word combinations.

1. stable track

a. бесстыковый путь

2. maintenance costs

b. процесс сварки встык оплавлением

3. to reduce costs

c. увеличивать потенциал

4. high quality

d. эксплуатационные расходы

5. flash-butt welding

e. высокое качество

6. to enhance potential

f. проверять эксплуатационные качеcтва



7. to locate track faults

g. сокращать расходы

8. to examine the performance of

h. обнаруживать неисправность пути

the track


9. jointless track

i. путь, уложенный стальными шпалами

10. steel sleepered track

j. устойчивый путь



1. The continuous rails have a longer service

a. weight and speed

life than the ______ ones.


2. The modern railway track copes with the

b. performance

growing demands of the constant increase in


the ______ of trains.


3. A valuable facility is the ability to examine

c. short

the ______ of the track under load.


4. There are best technological advancements

d. higher standards

for flash-butt welding because they give


_____ in rail welding.


5. The growth of goods traffic intensity and

e. good results

train speeds requires _____ of track facilities.


III. Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

II.Choose the correct word in B and put it into the gap in A.

A.The railway track must be supported on

a)a strong roadbed

b)a weak roadbed

c)an earth.

B.New jointless tracks have been laid for a maximum

a)speed of 180 km/h

b)speed of 250 km/h

c)speed of 280 km/h.

C.The auto-video inspection of track is an opportunity to optimize track maintenance processes

a)to increase costs

b)to reduce costs

c)to keep costs.

IV. Match these definitions with the terms.

1.sleepers which provide the required track performance a. reinforcedconcrete while keeping renewal and maintenance costs.

2.sleepers which ensure high durability, great uniformity b. flash-butt

of their physical condition through their service life, an


increased stability of track facilitating the use of long rails


and jointless track.


3. welding which gives good results.

c. steel

4. tracks which are laid for a maximum speed of 280 km/h

d. jointless

V. According to the text, are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1.Every day high-speed trains safely and rapidly carry animals.

2.Railways adopt long welded rails, which lessen wear and tear on rolling stock.

3.The continuous rails provide a smoother running and permit the train operation at higher speeds.

4.For the welding of long rails, European railways rely mainly on the thermit welding.

5.We move into the century ahead with the auto-video inspection of track.

Unit 2

Read the text.

Permanent Way and Its Members

A permanent way is a structure, consisting of track and ballast. The track is one of the principal structural element of a railway, including rails, sleepers (crossties, ties) and rail joints for connecting rails and their fastening to sleepers. It is also called the permanent way.

The principal function of the permanent way is accepting the imposed dynamic and static loads as cars, locomotives and trains travel over the track.

All elements of the permanent way must be strong and durable in railway operation in order to ensure the safety of travel. The maintenance of the permanent way must be cheap and besides it must have a long service life.

The railway construction with all its problems of track construction, ballasting jobs and so forth, is primarily an engineering problem. Permanent way is the important structure which interacts with the rolling stock providing railway traffic.

The railway track of today is quite different from that used in the early days of railways. The first track had no ballast, the rails were made of wood and rested on heavy blocks of granite. But in general and fundamental concepts the modern railway track is not greatly different from that of a hundred or more years ago. As then, it consists of two parallel rails, supported on and fastened to a serious of sleepers which are laid on a suitable material known as ballast. It's the foundation of the railway which holds the track in line and provides needed drainage.

The rails differ greatly in weight according to the kind of traffic, which they have to carry. The largest and heaviest rails are laid in the main-line tracks as they are those tracks which carry the largest volume of traffic.

The history of railways is more than one century and half. During this period the permanent way has been substantially improved. In order to reduce the number of joints the rails are welded into continuous length. This continuous or long-welded rails have greater strength and provide a smoother running of trains as far greater speed.

Recently the crossties consisted almost universally of wood treated with creosote to protect it against decay. Now the rails are supported on concrete ties, prestressed concrete ties or steel ties in all main line tracks.

They have a longer life and a far greater weight than those made of wood. The greater weight of concrete sleepers provides the greater stability of track. It's this factor, which has greatly contributed to increase speeds. That's why the weight of rails and length of track on reinforcedconcrete sleepers are increased with every passing year in our country.

At present the permanent way is characterized of the design variety of switches, types of rails, rail fastenings. Particular consideration is given to the increasing reliability of switch elements. New types of switches have been developed on reinforced concrete bars. It has been improved on the position of switch structure and increased service life of reinforced concrete bars in comparison with the wooden ones. Switch on reinforced concrete bars became the base for similar switches of new generation. They are produced for passenger train movement with the speed up to 200 km/h.

Last years the universal track-laying by switch blocks on reinforced concrete bars is carried out. The technology of switch assembling is used in two ways: directly at the laying site or at special bases with the further delivering to the laying site on special platforms. Here track-laying switch cranes are employed.

All these improvements have become necessary, because of constant and progressive increase in train loads and speeds the need for providing a permanent way. Only the strong track can ensure safe and uninterrupted traffic.

1.Read the text and write down key words to describe the modern railway track.

2.Match up the adjectives with the nouns.

a) great

1) way

b) structural

2) track

c) principal

3) element

d) long

4) ties

e) permanent

5) length

f) modern

6) life

g) steel

7) train

h) continuous

8) function

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