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B.1. I ... Sarah that I was going home.

2.He ... us that his mobile phone had been out of action all day.

3.Alex ... she would meet us here again tomorrow at 3.30.

4.When the vet had finished, he ... them to let the animal sleep.

5.Dad ... me he thought I should inform the judge.

6.He ... that he was enjoying his work.

7.She ... me that she had seen the film before.

8.He ... me that he was feeling ill.

9.She ... that she would be late for the meeting.

10.I ... to John that he had to work harder.

Exercise XX. Вставьте глаголы “ask” и “tell” в Past Simple в следующих предложениях.

1.She ... him to leave her alone.

2.He ... her not to go.

3.He ... Anne he was going to bed.

4.Jeremy ... his father how much he earned.

5.The teacher ... the class to shut up.

6.The secretary ... Mr Brown to phone back later.

7.The teacher ... everyone they had done very well in the test.

8.Sally ... Bill if he was ready to go.

9.John ... his daughters it was time to get up.

Exercise XXI. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в предложения с прямой речью, расставьте необходимые знаки препинания.

A.1. She said she was going to Paris soon.

2.I thought the film would be interesting.

3.She said she couldn’t help me because she had too much to do.

4.I was told Ann had bought the tickets to the cinema.

5.He said he thought it was a stupid idea and it wouldn’t work.

6.The receptionist explained that breakfast was served between 7.00 and


7.He boasted that he’d been to Oxford University in the 60s.


8.She told me she’d never been to America.

9.He told her that he’d miss her very much.

B.1. She asked me if I wanted to go out for a meal.

2.They wondered why she was late.

3.He asked me if he could use my phone.

4.The customs officer asked me where I’d come from.

5.She wanted to know how long I was going to be on holiday.

6.She asked me when I had to go to work.

7.Penny wondered if I’d posted her letter.

8.He asked her if she’d be back early.

9.She asked me where I was going.

C.1. She asked Tom to do her a favor.

2.The teacher told the class to hand in their essays the next week.

3.My wife reminded me to post the letter.

4.Rosie invited John to have dinner with them.

5.The judge ordered Edward Fox to pay a fine of one hundred pounds.

6.Betty persuaded Jane to buy the red dress.

7.Gill encouraged Henry to paint professionally.

8.She begged me not to tell her father.

9.His accountant advised Bill to sell his shares.



Test 1

I. Выберите правильный вариант образования косвенной речи. Напишите цифровой и буквенный индексы верного ответа.

1.John said, “I’m sorry to disturb you, Eliza”.

a)John told that he was sorry to disturb Eliza.

b)John told Eliza that he was sorry to disturb her.

c)John said to Eliza that he had been sorry to disturb her.

2.He said, “Where is Jill going?”

a)He asked where was Jill going.

b)He asked where Jill went.

c)He asked where Jill was going.

3.Sally said, “I would like to buy it”.

a)Sally said that she would like to buy it.

b)Sally said that she would have liked to buy it.

c)Sally said that she liked to buy it.

4.“If I had any instructions, I would know what to do”, said Mag.

a)Mag said that if she had had any instructions she would have known what to do.

b)Mag said if she had any instructions she knew what to do.

d)Mag said that if she had any instructions she would know what to do.

5.Robby asked, “Bobby, do you know “Old Barn”? It’s on the Shrewsberry Road”.

a)Robby asked Bobby if he knew “Old Barn” that was on Shrewsberry Road.

b)Robby asked Bobby did he know “Old Barn”; it was on Shrewsberry Road.

c)Robby asked Bobby if he knows “Old Barn” on Shrewsberry Road.

6.The doctor asked, “How do you feel?”

a)The doctor asked how did I feel.

b)The doctor asked how I felt.

c)The doctor asked how I had felt.


7.“Will you be free tomorrow?” Colin asked Richard.

a)Richard asked would Colin be free the next day.

b)Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.

c)Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow.

8.“Don’t open the door or answer the phone”, said her parents.

a)Her parents said to her not to open the door or answer the phone.

b)Her parents told her not to open the door and to answer the phone.

c)Her parents told her neither to open the window nor to answer the phone.

9.“Why hasn’t he locked the car door?” the policeman said.

a)The policeman asked why he hadn’t locked the car door.

b)The policeman asked why he didn’t lock the car door.

c)The policeman asked why he doesn’t lock the car door.

10.The students said, “We wish our exams were over”.

a)The students said they wished their exams had been over.

b)The students said that they wished their exams have been over.

c)The students said they wished their exams were over.

11.Tom said, “Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood”.

a)Tom told Jerry that he had been his best friend since their early childhood.

b)Tom said that Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood.

d)Tom said that Jerry had been his best friend since their early childhood.

12.“Where is the nearest bus stop?” the old man addressed a policeman.

a)The old man asked where was the nearest bus stop.

b)The old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.

c)The old man told a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.

13.The teacher said to us, “Be quiet, please”.

a)The teacher asked us be quiet.

b)The teacher told us to be quiet.

c)The teacher said to us to be quiet.


14.“Could you show me these jeans, please?” said the boy.

a)The boy said to show him those jeans.

b)The boy asked to show him those jeans.

c)The boy asked if the salesgirl could show him these jeans.

15.“If I were you, I’d stop smoking”, Jeff said.

a)Jeff said that if he were him he would have stopped smoking.

b)Jeff said that if he had been him he would stop smoking.

c)Jeff advised him to stop smoking.

16.“Don’t swim too far, dear”, asked Dad.

a)Dad asked him/her not to swim too far.

b)Dad asked him/her don’t swim too far.

c)Dad asked him/her if he/she wouldn’t swim too far.

17.“Ann’s sister did nothing except complain”, remarked Tim.

a)Tim remarked that Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.

b)Tim remarked that Ann’s sister did nothing except complain.

c)Tim remarked Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.

18.Shop assistant: Would you wait half an hour, please?

Customer: All right.

a)The shop assistant asked whether the customer would wait half an hour. The customer said that it was all right.

b)The shop assistant asked if the customer would wait half an hour. The customer agreed to wait.

d)The shop assistant asked whether the customer would wait half an hour. The customer said it would be all right.

19.Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith, “Don’t wear your best trousers in the garden”.

a)Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to wear his best trousers in the garden.

b)Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith that he didn’t wear his best trousers in the garden.

c)Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to have worn his best trousers in the garden.


20.She says that lectures on art (посещаются) by many students.

e)were attended; b) are attended; c) are attending

21.We thought that you (приняли) their invitation.

a)had accepted; b) accepted; c) have accepted

22.We were sure that you (будете принимать участие) in these sports events.

a)will take part; b) would take part; c) would be taken

23.He says that he (будет слушать) to the tape.

f)will listen; b) would listen; c) will be listened


24.He said that he preferred to spend his days off at home.

a)Он сказал, что предпочитал проводить свои выходные дни дома.

b)Он сказал, что предпочитает проводить свои выходные дни дома.

c)Он говорит, что предпочитал проводить свои выходные дни дома.

25.We thought that you were going to enter an institute.

a)Мы думали, что вы собираетесь поступить в институт.

b)Мы думали, что вы собирались поступить в институт.

c)Мы думали, что вы пойдете в институт.

26.We thought that you were going to show your project to the teacher.

a)Мы думали, что вы пошли показать преподавателю свой проект.

b)Мы думали, что вы собирались показать преподавателю свой проект.

c)Мы думали, что вы собираетесь показать преподавателю свой проект.

Test 2

I. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме времени и залога, соблюдая правило согласования времен.

1. She said that she (to know) English very well.


2.We knew that they (to come) to visit us next week.

3.John said that he (to go) away on Wednesday.

II.Преобразуйте следующие предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1.He said, “I will be here at noon”.

2.Mary said, “I have to finish this report by five o’clock”.

3.The doctor said, “Mr. Smith will improve quickly”.

III.Из английских грамматических форм выберите ту, которую бы вы употребили при переводе придаточных дополнительных предложений.

1.Он сказал, что живет в Москве.

a)lived; b) lives; c) has been living

2.Сестра написала мне, что она окончила университет с отличием.

a)has graduated; b) had graduated; c) graduated

3.Вопрос заключается в том, приедет ли она в Москву.

a)will come; b) would come; c) comes

IV. Учитывая правила согласования времен, выберите правильную форму глагола для следующих предложений.

1. Ann told her friend that she the competition. a) won; b) had won; c) win; d) will win

2. The manager asked the worker




а) not to smoke; b) don’t smoke;

c) not smoke; d) no smoking

3.Ann asked, “Can I borrow your pen, please, Robert”.

a)Ann asked Robert if she could borrow his pen.

b)Ann asked Robert if she can borrow his pen.

c)Ann asked Robert if can she borrow his pen.

d)Ann asked Robert if could she borrow his pen.


Test 3

I. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме времени и залога, соблюдая правило согласования времен.

1.People were sure that soon a spaceship (to fly) to other planets.

2.We were informed that many scientists (to work) at the problem of radioactivity.

3.They thought the flight (to be) successful.

II. Преобразуйте следующие предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1.Ann said to me, “Mr. Smith will come back from England tomorrow”.

2.The teacher said, “Everyone has to write a composition”.

3.John said, “I saw this film last week”.

III. Из английских грамматических форм выберите ту, которую вы бы употребили при переводе дополнительных придаточных предложений на русский язык.

1.Он сказал, что вернется сюда завтра.

a)comes; b) will be back; c) would be back

2.Он говорит, что пойдет на прогулку скоро.

a)would go; b) goes; c) will go

3.Сестра написала мне, что она окончила школу.

а) has left; b) had left; c) left

IV. Выберите правильную форму глагола, учитывая правило согласования времен.

1. Mary asked her brother while she was on the phone.

a)not to talk; b) don’t talk; c) to not talk; d) not talk

2.Ann asked, “Can you come to my party on Saturday, Stephen?”

a)Ann asked Stephen if could he come to her party on Saturday.

b)Ann asked Stephen if he could come to her party on Saturday.

c)Ann asked Stephen if can he come to her party on Saturday.

d)Ann asked Stephen if he can come to her party on Saturday.


3.Simon asked, “What language did you study at school, Ann?”

a)Simon asked Ann what language she studied at school.

b)Simon asked Ann what language she had studied at school.

c)Simon asked Ann what language had she studied at school.

d)Simon asked Ann what language she had been studying at school.

Test 4

I. Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь, изменяя временную форму глагола и местоимения там, где это необходимо.

1. “Why do you blame her for this?” he couldn’t understand.

He couldn’t understand __________________________ for this.

2.“Now the Earth’s climate is getting warmer”, the professor reminded. The professor reminded us that the Earth’s climate ___________ warmer.

3.“I’m seeing him tonight”, she whispered.

She whispered that ____________________ him that night.

4.“He rang me up from the airport yesterday, so I’m sure he has left”. She was sure that ______________ because ____________ from the airport the previous day.

5.“Dick, do not bother calling me. I won’t be home tomorrow”.

Ann warned __________ calling because___________ home the next day.

6.“I spent a romantic weekend in Paris in 1998”, George smiled. Smiling, George remembered that __________ a romantic weekend in Paris in 1998.

7.“I have been speaking with Jane since you left”, she admitted.

She admitted that ____________ with Jane since _____________.

8.“You won’t feel at ease there as you don’t know the language”, he replied. He replied that ____________ at ease there as ____________ the language.

II.Выберите правильный вариант временной формы глагола.

1.I heard they ____________ for our department for three months already.

a)worked; b) have worked; c) had been working; d) are working


2.It was obvious that he __________ lonely here, with no relatives or friends.

a)is feeling; b) was feeling; c) feels; d) had felt

3.They faxed us informing that they ____________ to accept our proposal.

a)decided; b) are deciding; c) had decided; d) have decided

4.A week ago Joe thought that never ___________ in love again. But now it happened.

a)fell; b) would fall; c) falls; d) will fall

5.Ann had to admit that she _____________ about that a week before.

a)was informed; b) informs; c) were supporting; d) had been informed

6.Yesterday he mentioned they _____________ this project at that moment.

a)are supporting; b) supported; c) were supporting; d) had supported

7.He announced that the Russian delegation ___________ the session to show its protest.

a)leave; b) would leave; c) will leave; d) was left

8.I felt he _____________ what he had told.


a) regrets;

b) will regret;

c) regretted;

d) had been regretted



































III. Заполните пропуски правильными словами.

1.He admitted that he had committed the crime __________________.

a)six months ago; b) six months before

2.He answered that he couldn’t find him ___________________.

a)here; b) there


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