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6)It was years since I had made the …….. to Scotland.

7)The Mediterranean …….. promised many interesting impressions.

8)A …….. agency is a business which makes arrangements for people’s holidays and …….., for example by booking their tickets or hotel accommodation for them.

9)I’d be delighted to go on a sea …….. , but my wife has never been a good sailor, so we can’t join you.

10)The Italian …….. was really exciting. We visited a number of wonderful towns and then returned to Rome. The ……. to Moscow by railway took us about three days.

11)The …….. company arranges …….. round the island.

12)He came home after years of foreign …….. . It is delightful to come ashore after a long …….. and to feel solid ground under one’s foot.

13)Many times on his long ……. In the depths of Africa, in the jungle of the Amazon he faced danger, starvation and death.

14)I’m just reading a very amusing book about a pleasure party making a Caribbean …….. in somebody’s yacht.

15)They’re planning a …….. of some Baltic resorts. They have a new car, you know.

Task 7. Match the words on the left to the words on the right to form collocations. Then choose any three and make sentences of your own.

1) to come up

1) unthankful

2) to make

2) the street

3) an awful

3) a terrible mistake

4) to invent

4) one’s life

5) an unfortunate

5) of smo’s death

6) to cause

6) on the account

7) a savings

7) the story

8) plenty of money

8) business

9) to notify

9) book

10) to interfere with

10) implications

11) truly

11) shock

Grammar and practice

Task 8. In this part of the film the characters use such sentences as

If I saw her coming up the street I would have died of fright. I suppose I would have felt exactly the same

What kind of sentences are these? What do they express? How do we call them?

Think of other examples of such sentences.


Task 9. Conditional sentences, types 0, 1 and 2.

A In what ways are these three conditional sentences different?

If I get up in time, I go swimming. (0) If I get up in time, I'll go swimming. (1) If I got up in time, I'd go swimming. (2)

Which verb tenses are used in the two parts of each of these sentences?

B How do these tense differences affect meaning?

Which sentence refers to:

a)an imaginary or unreal event or situation?

b)a general rule that's always true?

c)a possible or likely future event or situation?

C Here are some more conditional sentences. Which type are they: 0, 1 or 2?

1)If it's possible, I try and combine the two.

2)If the country is wealthy, businesses do well.

3)If the parties all worked together, we wouldn't have so many problems.

4)Future generations will suffer if we don't do something about it now.

5)If they became extinct, our grandchildren would never know what graceful creatures they were.

6)If you don't look after yourself, nobody else will.

D What is the difference in meaning between these pairs of sentences?

1)a. If I have to pay too much income tax, I won't be able to afford a reasonable standard of living.

b. If I have to pay too much income tax, I may not be able to afford a reasonable standard of living.

2)a. If the parties all worked together, we wouldn't have so many problems.

b. If the parties all worked together, we might not have so many problems. 3) a. Future generations will suffer if we don't do something about it now. b. Future generations could suffer if we don't do something about it now.

E How could this sentence be rewritten using the word unless:

Future generations will suffer if we don't do something about it now.

Task 10. Practice A What do you do?

People have their own cures for minor problems, such as headaches, colds, etc. Finish these conditional sentences (type 0) with your own favourite cures. The first one has been done as an example.


1.If I have a headache, I go to bed and sleep for an hour.

2.If I have hiccups,

3.If I catch a cold,

4.If my nose bleeds,

5.If I can't get to sleep,

B Type 1 conditional sentences are often used to persuade or warn. Here are the first parts of sentences spoken by adults trying to persuade or warn children. Finish each of these sentences in different ways.

1.If you watch too much television,

2.If you don't go to bed earlier,

3.Unless you tidy your room this weekend,

Make up some more sentences of your own like these.

C Types 1 and 2 conditional sentences can also be used in bargaining or negotiating situations. For example, children might say to their mother or father: I’ll do the washing up if you let me watch the late film.

Make up some more sentences of your own like these.

D As long as, provided (that), unless

1.Match a beginning a-c with an ending d-f and join the two with as long as, provided (that), or unless.

a You can come to my party . . .

b You mustn't telephone me . . .

c You'll pass your driving test. . .

d . . . you have some important news.

e . . . you spend enough time practising. f . . . you don't eat too much.

2.Now finish these sentences in several different ways.

Two possible answers are given for the first one. a I'll come on holiday with you provided that …

you don't smoke in the car.

you do your share of the cooking. b I won't speak you again unless … .

c I'll lend you the money you need as long as … .

3.What would you do if...?

What would you do if the building you are in now caught fire? How would you escape from the fire? Work out a route. What things would you try to take with you?


Task 11. Conditional sentences type 3 Form and use

1. What verb forms are used in the two parts of these sentences?

If I'd known it was Annie, I'd have spoken to her.

If I'd told her the result, it would have ruined her holiday.

2 What is the difference in meaning between type 3 conditional sentences and the three types introduced in Tasks 8, 9. Think about these examples:

My life is pretty dull if I don't tell lies. (0)

My life will be pretty dull if I don't tell lies. (1) My life would be pretty dull if I didn't tell lies. (2)

My life would have been pretty dull if I hadn t told lies. (3)

Task 12. Making excuses

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use up to five words including the word you are given. Do not change this word.

1.I didn't answer the phone because I didn't know it was you. had If I ________ , I would have answered the phone.

2.I didn't know you were back from your holiday, so I didn't phone you. if I would have phoned you ________ you were back from your holiday.

3.If she'd had my address with her, she'd have sent me a postcard. because She didn't send me a postcard ________ my address with her.

4.He forgot to put his watch on - that's why he was late. been

He wouldn't ________ he hadn't forgotten to put his watch on.

5.I'd have bought you a present, but I forgot when your birthday was. if I'd have bought you a present ________ when your birthday was.

6.We got in from work really late - that's why we didn't come to your party. would

If we hadn't got in from work so late, ________ to your party.

Task 13. Moments of decision

What would you have done in these situations? Motorway nightmare I

When Jill Frame broke down on the Ml at 2 a.m. last Tuesday, she got out of her Mini and went to find a telephone. The nearest one was on the opposite side of the six-lane motorway.

Supermarket Mum

Mother-to-be Sheila Sutton and her friend, Liz Curry, were doing their shopping in the local supermarket. It was a Friday evening and the shop was very busy. Suddenly Sheila realized that her baby was on its way.


Task 14. On the spot

Have you ever been in a difficult situation where you had to make an important decision very quickly? What happened as a result of your quick decision? Think about what would and would not have happened if you had made a different decision. Write three paragraphs following this plan.

Paragraph 1 a brief description of the situation and your decision Paragraph 2 what the result of your decision was

Paragraph 3 what would or would not have happened if you had made a different decision

Task 15. Mixed conditionals

What is the difference in meaning between these two sentences?

If I hadn't broken my leg, I would have gone on holiday with you. If I hadn't broken my leg, I would go on holiday with you.

The second sentence is an example of a mixed conditional. It refers to the present result of a completed past action.

Finish these sentences with appropriate present results. Use your imagination.

1.If I hadn't learned to read, … .

2.If I'd won the lottery at the weekend, … .

3.If I'd saved all my money for the last year, … .

4.If I hadn't had such a good education, … .

5.If I'd been born into a very rich family, … .

6.If my mother hadn't met my father, …

Comprehension Tasks

Task 16. Discuss the following questions with your groupmates.

1.What were Missis McGlory and Missis Ferguson discussing in the Post Office?

2.What was their reaction when they saw Miss Mactaggart?

3.What did Miss Mactaggart come to the Post Office for?

4.What did Miss Mactaggart need money for?

5.Did Missis McGlory give her money? Why couldn’t Miss Mactaggart take her money off the account?

6.How did Miss Mactaggart react to this piece of news? Was she surprised, shocked, astonished, …etc.? (Expressions from Task 1, Episode 1 can be helpful)

Task 17. Think of 5-7 questions on the episode “At the Post Office”, using new words and expressions in each question. Ask your fellow students to reply them.


Task 18. What did Mr. Morrison do with Miss Mactaggart’s savings book? Was his deed right? If you were in his place what would you do?

What should Miss Mactaggart do now in order to get her money back? What would you do if you were Miss Mactaggart?

Task 19. What do you think of the main characters of this episode? (Miss Mactaggart, Missis McGlory, Missis Ferguson).

Describe their appearance. Use the following expressions.

HAIR: long, medium-length, short, auburn, golden, reddish brown, red, blonde, fair, "mousy" or light brown, dark brown or black, silvery, going grey, white, thinning, silky, fine matted, tangled.

HAIR STYLE: straight, wavy, curly, closely-cropped, plaited, bobbed, a fringe, a ponytail, in bunches, in plaits. He's (going) bald. He's got a bald patch.

EYES: green, blue, greenish-blue, grey, brown, hazel, wide-set, sparkling, twinkling, beady, piercing, close-set, deep-set, almond-shaped, oriental, to wear contact lenses, glasses.

NOSE: straight, turned-up (snub), acquiline, Roman, crooked, long. MOUTH: wide, generous, thin lips, full lips.

CHIN: pointed, firm, weak, protruding, cleft, double.

FACE: oval, round, long, angular, freckled, pale, fair, dark, rosy complexion, high cheekbones, hollow cheeks, a scar, dimples, a mole.

BUILD: thin, slim (slender), lean, muscular, skinny, heavybuilt, strongly-built, (rather) overweight, plump, stout, obese, fat.

HEIGHT: tall (lanky), of medium height (middle-sized), short (midget), petite. AGE: young, middle-aged, elderly, old, to be in one's early (mid) – 20s, 30s, etc., in one's late forties, to look young/ old for one's age, to look one's age, to be the same age.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: good-looking, pretty, handsome, lovely, charming, attractive, beautiful, plain, homely, ugly, not much to look at. He looks old.

TYPES OF CLOTHES: coat, cardigan, pullover, tracksuit, skirt, tights, socks, stockings, raincoat, dress, trousers, trainers, jeans, belt, boots, jacket, high/ low heeled shoes.

Describe Missis McGlory, Missis Ferguson as personalities. Use the expressions from Task 10 Episode 1.

Task 20. Act out a conversation between the following characters of this episode:

a)Missis McGlory and Missis Ferguson

b)Miss Mactaggart and Missis McGlory

Use expressions from Task 11 Episode 1 and the following expressions:

If you ask me … I hear that …


You know what I think … Tell you what …

Do you happen to know that … Have you got any idea …?

Not that I know of …

I wonder if you remember … Am I right to believe …?

Task 21. Summarize the main events of this episode tell your groupmates about them.

While speaking, use the expressions from Task 12 Episode 1 and the following expressions:

I would like to start with… First of all…

In my opinion / view… In addition…

On top of that…

Something else I’d like to say is… Talking of …


Not to mention the fact that… All things considered …

In conclusion…

Task 22. Group discussion. Discuss the following Napoleon’s Words of Wisdom with your group-mate. Say whether you agree or disagree with them and why. Give your arguments.

1.A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.

2.Public morals are natural complement of all laws: they are by themselves an entire code.

3.From sublime to ridiculousness there is only one step.

The following expressions can help you:

I quite agree here.

Naturally. Certainly. Sure. Exactly. Definitely. Quite.

Most likely. Absolutely.

I couldn’t agree more.

Beyond all doubt.

I’m afraid I don’t agree.

I’m not so sure.

I doubt it.

There’s something in this, but …

Just the other way round.



1.Валдавина С.Э. English for Law Students : учеб. англ. яз. для ст-ов юр. спец-тей / С.Э. Валдавина, Л.В. Кузнецова. – М.: ГИС, 2003. – 352с.

2.Гуманова Ю.Л. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс: учеб. пособие для юр. вузов / Ю.Л. Гуманова, В.А. Королёва-МакАри, М.Л. Свешникова, Е.В. Тихомирова. Под ред. Т.Н. Шишкиной. – 6-е

изд., стер. – М.: КНОРУС, 2009. – 256с.

3.Колонтаевская И.Ф. Англо-русский криминально-юридический словарь / И.Ф. Колонтаевская. – М.: Ассоциация авторов и издателей «Тандем». Издательство «ЭКМОС», 2000. – 192с.

4.Мюллер В.К. Новый англо-русский словарь: Ок. 200000 слов и словосочетаний / В.К. Мюллер. – 12-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Рус. яз. – Ме-

диа, 2005 – XIV, 945, [1]с.

5.Смирницкий А.И. Большой русско-английский словарь / Ахманова О.С., Выгодская З.С., Горбунова Т.П., Ротштейн Н.Ф., Таубе А.М. Под ред. Ахмановой О.С. – М.: Рус. яз.- Медия, 2006. – 727, [9]с.

6.Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of current English / A.S. Hornby. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. – 1541p.

7.Powell R. Law Today / R. Powel – England: Longman Group FE Ltd, 1993. – 128p.


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