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Эмоционально-этические концепты pride и humiliation в английском языковом сознании (90

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наличие чрезмерной гордости в характере человека, основанной на высоком мнении о себе (haughtiness, snobbishness, conceitedness, vanity, self-conceit, selfexaltation, priggism, side (slang), toploftiness (colloq.), bumptiousness, superciliousness, disdain, contemptuousness, priggishness): Haughtiness is founded on the high opinion we entertain of ourselves [CCED, 1981, p. 699]; I persuaded him to be ashamed of snobbishness or perhaps I only taught him to keep his true feelings from me [WNCD, 1973, p. 972] (убедил стыдиться наличия надменности в характере); The Junior Minister pulled himself up to his full height of five foot three, and in a plummy voice rich with haughty disdain said, “What difference does that make?” [OESLD, 2004, p. 411] (надменное презрение в голосе субъекта); He listened with a terrible look of disdain on his face [OESLD, 2004, p. 411] (наличие надменности во взгляде); But to write as though the problem were one simply of petty snobbishness and priggishness is, wilfully or not, to trivialize the argument, and not to hear the voices [LDAE, 2004, p. 573] (наличие надменности, выражающееся в отказе прислушаться к мнению окружающих);

чрезмерную гордость, выражающуюся в поведении субъекта (mannerism, hauteur, condescension, airs, pretensions, coxcombry, gaudery, ostentation, pomposity, solemnity, magnificence, splash (colloq.), splendor, crest, starch): I find his mannerisms a pain in the neck [LDCE, 1991, p. 674] (манерное поведение как кость в горле); What did he think he was, with his insolent, haughty airs? (Cronin, 1966, p. 176); He was so much afraid of others putting on airs with him that, in order as it were to get in first, he put on such airs as to make everyone think him insufferably conceited [ESE, 1988, p. 73]. В данной знаковой ситуации эксплицируется: субъект, о котором идет речь, от страха, что другие будут задирать перед ним нос, от желания опередить их, сам вел себя чрезмерно гордо; Frank (with dignity): “I want you to direct my play.” Joe (imitating him): “’I want you to direct my play’... Pomposity will get you nowhere, Wilson. A former drunken newspaper reporter from Hicksville U.S.A. is no good trying to be Colonel Blimp, so knock it off.” [WNDS, 2002, p. 252]. В этом дискурсе говорящий субъект акцентирует внимание на том, что напыщенное поведение (pomposity) ни к чему не приведет;

чрезмерную гордость с компонентом дерзости (arrogance, insolence, conceit, swagger, lordliness): Answering back is a clear case of insubordination. Not answering back is dumb insolence [WNID, 1986, p. 248] (немая дерзость); I’ll take some o’the conceit out o’them, take some o’the gilt off their gingerbread. They don’t know who they’re up against yet, but, by gad, I’ll learn them [WDS, 1972, p. 279] (сбить спесь с кого-либо); He carried himself with as much swagger and gay assurance as ever

(Prichard, 1967, p. 183); Without conceit, he told me: “I’m a ones and can go on playing the same music for ever.” (Hockin, 1990); He believed, without conceit, that not everyone could do this job and, as he felt that he could, it was up to him to do it (Young, 1990); She said it without conceit, simply as a fact (James, 1993); A man who has outgrown the swagger and affectations of boyhood, and settled down into a respectable member of

society [OESLD(A), 2004, p. 1586] (переросший юношескую развязность и манерность);

● чрезмерную гордость, выражающуюся в хвастовстве (bluster, boast, vainglory, selfpraise, self-glorification, self-laudation, self-applause, swank (Eng. dial.), blow): Heb was full of bad whiskey... and his boast was unusually loud and insolent [RHUD, 1997, p. 67];


I’ve lived a good many years without knowing how to read and write, and without wishing to praise myself, self-praise is no recommendation... [F&WSHSA, 1999, p. 248].

2.Группа лексических единиц, репрезентирующих «гордость – духовную ценность» или proper pride (dignity, self-respect, self-regard, self-esteem, self-admiration, honour) и

объективирующих ассоциативную связь гордости с достоинством: personal dignity, human dignity, national pride [OALD, 1987, p. 173, 661]; Teachers need to help build up their students’ sense of self-esteem [WPD, 1998, p. 486] (помочь стать личностью и приобрести чувство собственного достоинства).

3.Лексические единицы, объективирующие ассоциативную связь гордости с самолюбием (self-centeredness, self-love, egoism, egotism, self-interest, selfishness):

Poor Martin! For ever building castles in the air. For ever, in his very selfishness, forgetful of all but his own teeming hopes and sanguine plans [RHUD, 1997, p. 990]; Selflove, in nature rooted fast, attends us first, and leaves us last [WPQD, 1998, p. 103].

4.Лексические единицы, объективирующие ассоциативную связь гордости с самонадеянностью (self-sufficiency, assumption, self-complacency, self-confidence, selfassurance, complacency, smugness, presumption): He barricades himself behind an unassailable wall of self-sufficiency [RHUD, 1997, p. 990].

5.Лексемы, номинирующие человека, обладающего чрезмерной гордостью

(highflier, boaster, prig, coxcomb, toff (slang), stiff, snob): You're the damnedest prig I ever saw. You're a bag of wind. Get out of here [WPD, 1998, p. 406]; witless coxcomb [WPD, 1998, p. 110]; That unctuous prig always talking about himself, his conceit turns my stomach. He’s illiterate [WPT, 1998, p. 112]; You are a supercilious half-baked snob(Cronin, 1966, p. 241).

6.Лексемы, обозначающие крайнее проявление чувства гордости, граничащее с помешательством (narcissism, megalomania): One of the most characteristic forms which this takes is the delusion of megalomania, a state in which the subject believes himself to possess supreme value and ultimate powers [WPD, 1998, p. 313].

Концепт Humiliation в английском языковом сознании репрезентируется синонимическим рядом ключевой лексемы humiliation, которая является доминантой, так как она широкозначна, общеупотребительна и стилистически нейтральна.

По наличию общих семантических компонентов в толкованиях выделены следующие группы лексем, номинирующих концепт Humiliation:

1. Лексемы с общим семантическим компонентом offending the pride, объективирующие унижение, оскорбление человеческой гордости – духовной ценности (mortification, abasement, debasement, abjection, disrespect, disregard, derogation, degradation): treat smb with disrespect [CODCE, 1964, p. 124] (пренебрежительно относиться); He crawls, in a shame of abasement, when he longs to leap like a flung wave, like a cloud of starlings [AHD, 2000, p. 33] (ползал, унижая себя); The sort of abasement novices have to go through before they are admitted to an order [WPD, 1998, p. 7] (новички должны пройти через данный вид унижения);

People who are drowning in mortification do not find it easy to laugh [AHD, 2000, p. 1327] (тому, кто терпит унижения, смеяться нелегко); Had they felt a flicker of disrespect, he wondered, dressing for a jamboree which was now more like a wake?

[WPD, 1998, p. 139] (субъект почувствовал унижение); She felt he had total disrespect


for women [WPD, 1998, p. 139] (почувствовала унизительные действия по отношению к женщинам).

2.Лексические единицы, репрезентирующие эмоциональное состояние унижения,

отсутствия гордости, позор, смущение (disgrace, shame, chagrin, dishonor, embarrassment, abashment, blush, discomfiture, confusion, ingloriousness, turpitude, infamy): Berowne almost seems to revel in his own discomfiture here, in his desperate last stand for freedom – he clearly enjoys the sensation of falling in love, even though he presents the experience as a disaster! [CODCE, 1964, p. 167]; But it was on his return to the West Coast that he was to suffer most discomfiture [CODCE, 1964, p. 167] (субъект должен был испытать потерю уважения, позор); They knew better than to insult their hosts by open mention of this superiority; such bad manners would disgrace the clan

[WPD, 1998, p. 138] (плохие манеры заставили бы испытать потерю уважения, унижение).

3.Лексические единицы с семантическим компонентом being free from pride. Они номинируют:

● «отсутствие гордости» (humility, lowliness, self-effacement, humbleness, self-distrust, meekness, modesty, timidity, backwardness, bashfulness, abjectness, hesitation, diffidence, sheepishness, demureness, shyness, forbearance, submission, resignation, vileness): I’ll habit my behaviour in humility [OEM, 1995, p. 251]; Feign meekness

[WNCD, 1973, p. 375]; Cornelius remained as mute as a fish, abject, but faithful to his purpose [ESE, 1988, p. 145] (жалкий, но верный своей цели); His poltroonery and mean submission deserve the greatest reproach [RHUD, 1997, p. 1825] (трусость и жалкая покорность заслуживают наивысшего осуждения); ● «раболепие», то есть унижение по собственному желанию, с какой-либо целью

(self-denial, self-abasement, obsequiousness, subserviency, sycophancy, flunkeyism, servility, slavery): Chief Inspector was slightly more than just a copper, Meredith thought wryly, amused at his apparent self-abasement [WPD, 1998, p. 486]; The American shopkeeper has not the obsequiousness of his European congener [ESE, 1988, p. 151]: В

данной знаковой ситуации отмечается подобострастность лавочников; The church, all sects of it, acting in line with the precept of rendering into Caesar the things that are

Caesar’s has historically endorsed and supported all the systems of human slavery that have followed one another during the almost two thousand years of Christian Church history [Foster, 1988, p. 152]: Церковь поддерживала человеческое раболепие.

4.Лексемы, номинирующие человека, которого унижают или который унижается,

льстеца, тихоню (sycophant, flunkey, sheep): Tyrants and sycophants have been and are

[WPD, 1998, p. 568]: Тираны и подхалимы были и есть; To follow smb like sheep [OEM, 1995, p. 478] (безвольный человек, который слепо следует за кем-либо, как овца).

Исследование лексической сочетаемости языковых знаков-репрезентантов позволило выявить образный компонент Pride и Humiliation, представленный основными концептуальными метафорами.


− субстанция: We rise in glory as we sink in pride (Young, http://ds life.8m.com/dictionary/bodya-d.ht.m); People who are drowning in humiliation do not find it easy to laugh (Trollope, 1993);


живое существо: Pride does not permit to ask for a pay rise [RHUD, 1997, p. 1118]; Jack was by now mumbling as he hauled his way up the slope to face further pain and humiliation (Lipman, 1990, p. 163);

предмет: Alf put his pride in his pocket and went to ask him if he knew of anything available, prepared to take any job Frisco might offer (Prichard, 1946, p. 79); Poor Robert looked only at himself; he had nothing but a small and worthless humiliation, which was only wounded vanity (Deland, www.thinkexist.com).

Данные метафоры не являются специфическими для анализируемых нами смыслов: они в той же мере ассоциируются с именами положительных и отрицательных чувств и эмоций.

Оценочный компонент концептов Pride и Humiliation представлен фразеологическими единицами, афоризмами и паремиями с положительноотрицательной оценкой. Анализ исследованных нами фразеологических единиц и паремий свидетельствует о положительной оценке гордости: save (one’s, smb’s) face

[САИ, 1997, c. 348]; hold one’s head high (hold up one’s head) [САИ, 1997, c. 190]; Each bird loves to hear himself sing [ABQ]; Every ass loves to hear himself bray [ABQ].

Чрезмерная гордость и унижение вызывают оценочную реакцию осуждения как поведение, неизбежно ведущее к поражению, моральному и социальному падению: be (get) too big for one’s boots [САИ, 1997, c. 421]; a stuffed shirt [САИ, 1997, c. 391]; look down (turn up) one’s nose at smb [САИ, 1997, c. 249]; curry favour with smb [САИ, 1997, c. 85]; with cap in hand [САИ, 1997, c. 56]; feel (sing) small

[САИ, 1997, c. 117]; bring smb to heel (to his knees) [САИ, 1997, c. 370]; bite the dust

[САИ, 1997, c. 34]; Pride with pride will not abide [ABQ]; I proud and thou proud, who shall bear the ashes out? [ABQ]; Pride and grace dwelt never in one place [ABQ]; Pride increases our enemies, but puts our friends to flight [WQ]; Pride, joined with many virtues, chokes them all [WQ].

Чрезмерная гордость, сопровождаемая ложью, свойственна слабым, ничтожным людям, не приветствуется в обществе. Она негативно и безжалостно влияет на сознание и разум индивида: A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you can’t see something that’s above you (C. S. Lewis, www.wisdomquotes.com); Pride is the mask of one’s own faults [ABQ]; Pride costs more than hunger, thirst and cold (Thomas Jefferson, www.wisdomquotes.com); To be proud and inaccessible is to be timid and weak (Jean Baptiste Masillon, www.brainyquotes.com).

Человек многое теряет из-за своей чрезмерной гордости и, несомненно, терпит неудачу: Pride goes before a fall [ABQ]; Hasty climbers have sudden falls [ABQ]; The highest tree has the greatest fall [WQ].

То, что человек унижается и не проявляет в достаточной мере свое врожденное чувство гордости, не вызывает уважения окружающих: Better die standing than live kneeling [ABQ]; Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven [ABQ]; Better be envied than pitied [ABQ].

Если человек лицемерит и унижается в целях получения какой-либо личной выгоды, то это оценивается крайне отрицательно: He that serves everybody is paid by nobody [ABQ].


Pride и Humiliation – ментальные сущности, обусловленные семантической насыщенностью, социокультурной и междискурсной вариативностью.

Исследование актуализации смыслов Pride и Humiliation в различных типах дискурса позволило прийти к следующим выводам.

В художественном дискурсе отражена традиционная этическая трактовка гордости и унижения: гордость больше связывают с понятием ценности личности и самоуважением, чрезмерная гордость осуждается.

Она концептуализируется как «волна»: While watching the tapes of U.S. Army Special Operations warriors parachuting into Afghanistan on a dangerous raid, I felt a great surge of pride for the skill, professionalism and daring of our raiders


«источник опасности»: The self-conceit of the young is the great source of those dangers to which they are exposed (www.natcorp.htm);

«сила»: Every demonstration of an implacable rancour and an untamable pride were the only encouragement we received (from the regicides) to the renewal of our supplications


«искра»: Pride, envy, avarice – these are the sparks have set on fire the hearts of all men

(Sunley, 1991);

«чудовище»: Anger is the enemy of non-violence and pride is a monster that swallows it up (www.natcorp.htm);

«зверь»: Pride is a wild beast which lives in caves and roams the desert (Barnes, 1985); «ключ ко всем замкам»: Besides pride, loyalty, discipline, heart, and mind, confidence is the key to all the locks (www.natcorp.htm);

«причина всех ошибок»: In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes


«грязь»: Pride sullies the noblest character (www.natcorp.htm);

«ядовитое лекарство»: Pride, like laudanun and other poisonous medicines, is beneficial in small, though injurious in large quantities. No man who is not pleased with himself, even in a personal sense, can please others (www.natcorp.htm);

«маска»: Resolutely, she splashed her face with icy water, repaired her make-up, and went back to her desk to face the nightmare with only her dignity to mask her pain

(Holland, 1993).

Предмет гордости: достижения близких людей: I thought of Tremayne and his pride in Perkin's work (Francis, 1990);

дети: When the children clattered, yelling, down the bus steps, their mothers regarded them with a mixture of disgust and pride, as if amazed anew each afternoon that they had managed to produce children of such spectacular offensiveness (Trollope, 1993); социальный статус: A young man without the priggishness that the Deputy Under Secretary believed he could identify in all Public School pupils, without the conceit of a Cambridge College (Seymour, 1983);

происхождение: A possible Trojan link was claimed by William of Jumièges for William the Conqueror as soon as he became king; a late eleventh-century genealogy of the counts of Boulogne produced a similar conceit; and Genealogy IV of the Counts of Flanders, written about 1120, made them the most important non-royal family to trace its ancestry back to Priam (Dunbabin, 1991);


внешность: By taking away a people’s culture and pride in their appearance, you literally change the way they see themselves (Longmate, 1991).

Унижение концептуализируется как «горький напиток»: He made me drink the cup of humiliation to the very dregs (Maugham, 1946, p. 61);

«тяжелый камень»: Tears of outrage stung his eyes, and something deeper than humiliation sank like a stone into the pit of his stomach (Highsmith, 1990);

«огонь»: Burning with mortification, Leonora looked away, sliding lower beneath the quilt like an animal burrowing for cover as Penry sat on the edge of the bed (George, 1991);

«грязь», которую униженный человек старается с себя смыть: In his report a month later, when the entry of German troops in Paris on 14 June and the official French capitulation in Compiègne on 22 June… symbolically wiping out the humiliation of the

German capitulation in the same spot in 1918… had raised Hitler's standing to unsurpassed heights, the same Government President of Swabia provided his own description of the mood (Kershaw, 1989);

«тяжелый груз», который униженному человеку приходится нести: For three years now, I’ve carried this pack with me from place to place, a penance, a humiliation, a burden that weighed as heavy as sin, thinking never again to open it, never again to be asked to take out my chisel or swing my mallet (McCaughrean, 1987). Тяжесть этого

«груза» наваливается на человека (to heap up on – нагромождаться) и способна его сломить (to be broken by it – быть сломленным): She knew it was the beginning of the humiliation that would be heaped upon her, and she was determined not to be broken by it

(Falconer, 1993).

Результаты исследования показывают: ситуация унижения способна вызывать напряженное эмоциональное состояние у адресата, которое заставляет его краснеть:

She went red with humiliation (Bennetts, 1988); бледнеть: He started up in alarm, staring dazedly, and then, realizing his lapse, paled with humiliation (Pargeter, 1987); плакать: Tears of humiliation were dripping down her cheeks and, horrified, Harry bent to kiss them away (Lorrimer, 1993); дрожать: She shuddered with humiliation (Wood, 1993);

оцепенеть: Numb with agony and humiliation, she got undressed like a ghost and went to bed, unable to let herself dwell too deeply on what had happened in case she found herself asking the inevitable question: if I hate Damian Flint, why has he been able to hurt me so deeply? (Holland, 1993); и даже умереть: “You may be sure,” said Jared Tunstall, “that if ever I do go bankrupt I should certainly die of grief, or of humiliation at such a turn.” (Marshall, 1993); She hoped such mundane matters would keep his mind occupied for a good while, because, if he ever discovered how helplessly she had responded to him, Isabel knew she would die of humiliation (Byrne, Richmond, 1993).

Субъект может идентифицировать как унижение перспективу пойти под суд:

Driven to the edge of despair and traumatised by the prospect of a court-case that deeply injured his pride, he threw himself in front of an express train bound for Edinburgh

(Cosgrove, 1991);

принятие денег от кого-либо: There had been the long drift through cold spring into hot summer; the long sinking into the mercies and bossiness of her friends and thence into the arms of the medical profession; the final humiliation of accepting, because she was too inert to refuse, money from Rachel (Maitland, 1990);


исход войны: To someone as proud as Angel, this, and the result of the war, had been the ultimate humiliation (Cooper, 1991);

победу противника: I have had the mortification of seeing him… this afternoon with three prizes…“wrote one irate resident to the Admiralty, and nothing in the world to oppose him.” (Longmate, 1991);

непризнание результатов своего творчества кем-либо: Unfortunately the fidelity of the typesetting was not commensurate with the dignity of the design, with the result that Baskett suffered the mortification of having his edition labelled ‘A Baskett-ful of Errors’

(Uden, 1986);

невысокую заработную плату: When you did me the honour of appointing me to the Mastership of Stockport School I was led to suppose that the Income, inclusive of Ten Pounds paid by your Worshipful Company, amounted to nearly Three Hundred Pounds per annum, and from an Enquiry, however, during my Residence here, I have had the Mortification to find that the whole Salary was not more than £25 10 10½d, so that it was impossible for me to remain in the Situation without a Prospect of Church Preferment in the Neighbourhood, which I have no reason to hope for (Ball, 1987);

вынужденность бросить работу: In fact Patrickson, under such circumstances, could have found himself at variance with the old Company of Mines Royal which still had the powers vested in it and doubtless to his mortification be forced to give up his work or pay a Royalty; not however, to Muncaster estates (Holland, 1986).

Анализ актуализации Pride и Humiliation в дискурсе религиозной направленности демонстрирует различие в этической и религиозной трактовке изучаемых смыслов.

Гордость есть грех, который карается: Pride and conceit were the original sins of man (www.spiritualtrails.net);

она – недостаток, который свойственен некоторым людям: You and I may look upon pride as a fault that an individual has (www.journeywithjesus.net);

болезнь: There is no cure for the pride of a virtuous nation but pure religion


объект ненависти Бога: But God feels differently about it, for the book of Proverbs tells us that pride is the object of God’s hatred (www.journeywithjesus.net);

источник споров: Pride leads to arguments. Be humble, take advice, and become wise


Гордые люди действуют в гневе: Here is an individual who is dealing in what? He is dealing in proud wrath. He is dealing in anger that has its root in pride


Гордость приводит к позору: When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom (Proverbs 11: 2, www.journeywithjesus.net); возможной неудаче: Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16: 18, www.journeywithjesus.net).

Унижение концептуализируется как «болезнь»: Pamuk does not think for a minute that the terrorists ‘did the right thing’ but he raises an important question. What causes such anger and resentment? He suggests that it is not merely poverty or even radical Islam, but instead ‘the crushing humiliation that has infected the third world countries’. He is worth quoting at length (www.journeywithjesus.net);


«результат полного покорения»: Darfur today gives us some idea about how the ancient Hebrews felt after Babylonian hordes ransacked Jerusalem. The dirges from Lamentations describe the slaughter and destruction – depopulated villages, abandoned streets that once bustled with business, refugees deported to foreign lands, starvation, massive unemployment, and the humiliation and helplessness that result from total subjugation. Where was God in such death and destruction? (www.journeywithjesus.net);

«часть жизненного опыта»: But it is not hard to relate to experiences of exclusion, indifference, disenfranchisement, hate, humiliation, and separation, and the longing to believe that God is really and truly for you. Every human being has experienced these, each in their own way (www.journeywithjesus.net);

«чувство безысходного»: We first meet the childhood friends Said and Khaled as ordinary garage mechanics, but not too far into this movie their spiritual adviser Jamal informs them that they have been appointed for a suicide bombing mission in Tel Aviv. As young Palestinians doomed to a future of oppression and poverty, we sense their humiliation and hopelessness (www.journeywithjesus.net);

«условие жизни»: Father, as I think about the new year now begun, my mind recalls the words of Isaiah the prophet who spoke to your Hebrew people living in oppression, humiliation and exile under the Assyrians (www.journeywithjesus.net).

Унижение собственного Я и осознанное подчинение воле Божьей с целью приближения к святости поощряется религиозной философией: Mary proclaims that after the annunciation and everything that follows, all generations will call her blessed

(все поколения назовут ее святой). But Mary’s obedience to God doesn’t yield the kind of blessing most of us ask for when we pray. She has said yes without knowing what God will do. She is submitting to humiliation, physical pain, dislocation, terror, loss. She loses her self to become Theotokos, literally, ‘the bearer of God’ (www.journeywithjesus.net):

В данной ситуации субъект, о котором идет речь, подчиняется унижению, физической боли, теряет себя, чтобы стать Theotokos, буквально, «предъявителем (носителем) Бога».

В публицистическом дискурсе отражается взгляд современного англоязычного общества: гордость больше связана с успешностью и со стремлением субъекта соответствовать определенным социальным стандартам. Она концептуализируется как «основной стимул»: But Eubank also has a huge ego to feed, and Davies revealed: “I know he’s always going on about money, but the truth is his main drive is pride; he hates the idea of losing.” (Today, 1992);

«предмет восхваления»: The findings are revealed as a report by Judge Stephen Tumim praises the care, humanity and dignity with which Grendon Prison is run (Central television news scripts, 1993);

«болезнь»: One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is seasickness; a man who wants to vomit never puts on airs (Josh Billings, www.quotationspage.com);

«препятствие»: The plot develops the obstacles in which they have to overcome, including their own pride and prejudice (Schoolgirls’ essays);

«маяк»: But yesterday Ken and Diana Over’s dignity and pride at how much Elizabeth had achieved in life shone through like a beacon (Today, 1992).

Объектом гордости выступают родной город и все, что с ним связано (новое здание, футбольная команда): We were all most impressed with our German hosts and


the pride that they obviously had in the town (Today, 1992); Sydney’s latest new building, and its pride was the P&O block (Underground: the London alternative press, 1988); He loves his county and has taken immense pride in the wholesale jubilation at the football team’s success (The Belfast Telegraph);

профессия: But there was one job he took pride in (Best. London: Periodical Publishers Assoc., 1991);

достойное содержание семьи: It is called the recession and it has blighted the lives of thousands of people who want no more than to earn an honest living and take pride in bringing up their families (Today, 1992);

результаты работы: She took pride in her expertise (Today, 1992);

какой-либо значимый для субъекта объект: Brooches, bracelets and pendants were no mere accessories to be added to an outfit as art afterthought; they were chosen with care and worn with pride (Sky. UK: News International); Suppose this antique chair was your pride and joy (Central television news scripts. Abingdon: Central TV, 1993).

Унижение представлено как «источник наслаждения», которое испытывает субъект в данной ситуации: But enjoy the humiliation is what I say (Leeds United e-mail list) и репрезентируется глаголом enjoy (наслаждаться); «проигрыш» в игре (finishing with a 59:6 humiliation in the second): They ended with a 5:3 losing record, going down to New Zealand in the two tests (finishing with a 59:6 humiliation in the second) and ending with a lop-sided scoring record of 287 points (50 tries) against and only 153 (21 tries) for (Rugby World and Post, 1991).

Субъект может идентифицировать как унижение свое существование:

Explaining the decision, Lord Justice Hoffman said yesterday: “We think it more likely he would choose to end the humiliation of his being and the distress of his family.” (Today, 1992);

обман (в том числе непреднамеренный) своих союзников или партнеров: The way our supporters have been let down is a disgrace and humiliation (Scotsman); ненадлежащие бытовые условия: Residents cheered when a bulldozer moved in to demolish wartime flats and maisonettes condemned by tenants as humiliation (Central television news scripts. Abingdon: Central TV, 1993);

грубую речь: Also the language used by a Linfield player to Malone at the time of the incident was nothing short of a disgrace and mortification (Belfast Telegraph);

действия властей: The testing boom has been resisted vigorously by civil liberties groups and trade unions, who view this aspect of the ‘war on drugs’ as a frontal assault on a worker's dignity and entitlement to due process (Guardian, electronic edition of 1989). В

данной ситуации определенный аспект «войны с наркотиками» рассматривается как унижение и нападение на достоинство рабочего;

потерю социального статуса: To lose your work, your earnings, your social and professional standing, your dignity as a man, that’s hard (The Sunday People).

Результаты анализа гендерной вариативности концептов Pride и Humiliation демонстрируют: гордость мужская манифестируется мужественным внешним обликом, является частью мужского имиджа и имеет оттенок брутальности: Pride has always been an important part of his make-up (Cotter, 1991); He’s a man of excessive pride and extraordinary brutality (Cornwell, 1990).


Достижения в карьере имеют большую значимость для мужчины и являются предметом его гордости: No one has a greater asset for his business than a man's pride in his work (Hosea Ballou, www.quotationspage.com). В данном контексте гордость человека за свою работу выступает наилучшим активом для ведения бизнеса.

Объектом мужской гордости также могут быть его стремления и конкурентоспособность: For white middleclass males, however, pride and dignity has little resonance, when all your life you’ve been trained to be aspirational and competitive

(www.thinkexist.com); его умение выполнять что-либо самому: Clint takes pride in the fact that he still does most of his own stunts (The Sunday People).

Мужчина гордится достижениями во взаимоотношениях с женским полом:

Adult males retain a pride only long enough to father one batch of young females for the pride (Crook, 1985).

Как унижение мужчины воспринимают потерю социального статуса и связанных с ним привилегий: Healy’s last years were blighted by the humiliation of expulsion from the WRP for using his position to seduce young female members

(Guardian, electronic edition of 1989); контроль со стороны кого-либо: He is so afraid of being controlled himself (being done to as he himself does) that he continues to control others to avoid becoming a victim himself and so having to face humiliation (Spindler, Shaftesbury, 1991).

Женщинам свойственна чрезмерная и необоснованная гордость: Women are subject to two defects, curiosity and vanity. They lead these fair creatures to abandon the narrow path of virtue more often than passion (Maugham, 1946, p. 37).

Бόльшую значимость они находят в достойном поведении и репутации: Right now I think censorship is necessary; the things they're doing and saying in films right now just shouldn’t be allowed. There’s no dignity anymore and I think that’s very important

(Mae West, American Actress and sex symbol (1892–1980), www.quotationspage.com).

Они гордятся своей независимостью и внешностью: Being in employment had given these women personal confidence, a sense of independence, autonomy and pride

(Glendinning, 1992); I know you’re a top model but the others have their pride and it doesn’t do to trample all over them (Goodman, Richmond, 1992). В данной ситуации субъект, имея привлекательную внешность, гордится ею и считает возможным унижать других людей.

Женское унижение и подчинение концептуализируются как некий институт, наряду с моногамией, семьей и частной собственностью: This was the simultaneous introduction of several indissolubly linked institutions: monogamy (which later gave rise to polyandry and polygamy), the nuclear family, private property (the property of the nuclear family), the change in the rule of descent from the female line to the male line, the subordination and humiliation of women, and the State (Bloch, 1984).

Исследование и описание основных механизмов языковой концептуализации гордости и унижения в лексико-семантической системе английского языка и в различных типах дискурса является неотъемлемой частью актуальных проблем современной лингвистики: изучения семиосферы внутреннего мира человека как непрерывного семантического пространства с позиции антропоцентризма в языке; рассмотрения процесса концептуализации в его непосредственной связи с языковыми явлениями и знанием.

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