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Лексико-грамматические тесты (110

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V. Do the grammar test. Choose the right variant:

1.TV sets and radios … (produce) in Birmingham.

2.This work … (do) as soon as possible.

3.A: Have you ever appeared on TV?

B: Actually, I … (recently/ask) to take part in a show.

4.The new road … (complete) by Christmas.

5.The car couldn`t be used because it … (service) in the garage.

6.The date of the exams … (announce) yesterday.

7.A: Did you post the letters?

B: No, they … (already/post) by the time I came in. 8. The supermarket …(repair) now. We can’t go there.

VI. Read the text. Are the following statements true or false?

Ethics, regulations and standards of pharmacy

Pharmacy is one of the most regulated professions in the country and one of the most ethically challenging. State boards of pharmacy regulate, administer and influence every phase of pharmacy practice, including the requirements for testing to become a licensed pharmacist. The mission of the state pharmacy boards is to set regulations, standards, and parameters within which pharmacists practice. The boards also monitor compliance with these standards so that pharmacists clearly understand what is expected of them and what support they can expect in return. Three of the most important regulations set by the state boards ensure that pharmacists conduct a patient history, check a patient’s current medications for any possible drug interactions and interact with the patient directly.

Other key standards of practice focus on the dispensing of drugs: the limits on how various classes of drugs may be sold, how prescriptions are secured, what special forms are required for strict-access drugs, and how to ensure the confidentiality of the patient’s information. The standards set by the boards are the result of the cooperative effort of the pharmacy professionals, the state legislature and consumer groups. Protecting the public is the primary goal of the pharmacy boards. On a broad scale, this mission requires a pharmacist to attend school for a specific number of years and to pass the state competency examination. The pharmacy boards also set the parameters for what happens if a law or regulation is violated, what penalties result, and what infractions can cause a pharmacist to lose his or her license. State pharmacy boards also determine what can and cannot be dispensed. They set up «drug schedules» that determine the stringency of requirements for dispensing specific medications. Responding to and investigating patient complaints about the behavior of individual pharmacists is another critical charge of the state boards.

1.There are only three main regulations set by the state pharmacy boards.

2.Protecting the public is the essential goal of pharmacy boards.


3.Another important duty of a state board is to respond and investigate patient`s complaints.

4.State boards of pharmacy regulate and influence every phase of pharmacy practice.

5.State boards don’t set up any regulations that determine the stringency of requirements for dispensing medications.

6.A highly-qualified pharmacist doesn’t need to confirm his or her competence, attending school and taking state examinations.

7.There are some parameters within which pharmacists should practice not to lose the license.

8.Pharmacists can never lose the licence.

Revision (units I–IV)

Use of English

I. Compose the sentences using the following words and word combinations: substance, carry out, care, solvent, mixtures, health professionals, impurities, sought-after, solute, subjects, intermediary, impure, curriculum, purification.

1.The students learn to… qualitative analyses in the chemical laboratories.

2.Poison is a ... producing injury to an organism by its chemical action.

3.A solution is a class of …

4.Pharmacists are … who practice the science of pharmacy.

5.Pharmacists act as a learned … between patients and other healthcare providers.

6.All plants and factories must have the system of … of industrial wastes.

7.Natural waters have different …

8.Pharmacist nowadays is a … career with a high salary on a 40-hour per week basis.

9.The … includes all the basic and clinical … that are necessary for the training of highly qualified pharmacists.

10.… is a substance dissolved in the …

11.Natural waters are …

12.Pharmaceutical … involves taking direct responsibility for patients.

II. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets:

1.Many students of the pharmaceutical faculty are members of the … (science) society.

2.Pharmacists take a request for medicines in the form of a medical prescription and evaluate the … (appropriate) of the prescription.

3.It is necessary to maintain a strong GPA as most health sciences graduate programs are highly … (compete).

4.The students learn to gather herbs and plants, to … (storage) and pack them.

5.To be a good pharmacist means to have an … (graduate) and bachelor`s degree in chemistry or biology.

6.The Hippocratic Oath is a … (write) documentation for physicians.


III. Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets:

1.I … (make) an omelette. Would you like some?

2.He … (cook) a meal when I arrived.

3.Tea … (make) from the leaves of the tea plant.

4.I … (live) here for ten years.

5.I knew her name because I … (meet) her before.

6.The article … (publish) next month.

7.Who … (go) to the party last night?

8.If you … (leave), you`ll catch the 11 o’clock bus.

9.The people next door disappeared six months ago. They … (not/see) since then.

10.I … (know) Julia for many years.

11.The patient … (be) examined is from the ward 5.

12.Water boils when … (heat) up to 100 degrees.


IV. Read the text and write T/F:

1.Researchers trained in pharmaceutics integrate working knowledge of a narrow spectrum of scientific disciplines.

2.Some people often confuse pharmaceutics with pharmacy practice.

3.Pharmaceutics has in recent years become an increasingly demanded discipline. 4. Pharmaceutics is the science of drug-related systems focusing on certain physiological and chemical factors.

5.Researchers in pharmaceutics today must maintain breadth and depth of knowledge only in physical and organic chemistry.

6.Researchers in pharmaceutics solve purely theoretical scientific problems having nothing to do with medical applications.


Pharmaceutics is often defined as the science of pharmaceutical (drug-related) systems, with focus on the physiological and chemical factors controlling drug disposition relevant to its therapeutic action. It is often confused with pharmacy practice but pharmaceutics is distinct in its research and development emphasis, contributing important technologies and scientific bases to pharmacy practice and drug development. In a broad sense of the word, researchers trained in pharmaceutics must integrate working knowledge of a broad spectrum of diverse scientific disciplines. Pharmaceutical research extends from fundamental studies of the physiochemical properties of drugs and related molecules to investigations of the mechanisms of various physiological processes that impact drug delivery to specific sites of action and, therefore, their therapeutic effectiveness. Pharmaceutics has in recent years become an increasingly demanded discipline as our awareness


of the complexity of the drug delivery process into living systems has grown. Researchers in pharmaceutics today must maintain breadth and depth of knowledge in physical chemistry, organic chemistry, mathematics, bioengineering, nanotechnology and the life sciences in order to solve research problems that require integration of basic science concepts from multiple disciplines with medical applications.


V. Ask 4–6 questions for the text.

Test VI

I. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

recognition, verification, a test for foreign matter, assay, binominal system, fragmented or cut plants.

II. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

показатель горечи, вкусовой, соответствовать (подчиняться) правилам, примесь, необработанная форма, тонкослойная хроматография.

III. Compose the sentences using the following words: impurities, descriptive, species, unprepared, essential, remedies.

1.Nowadays people try to use natural … because they don`t want to fill their bodies with chemicals.

2.A «crude drug» is a dried … natural material of plant, animal origin.

3.Herbal drugs are allowed to contain some …

4.Pharmacognosy is a … science.

5.A test for determination of water is made for herbal drugs with a high … oil content.

6.The natural … include all biological kingdoms as marine invertebrates, plants, fungi and bacteria.

IV. Fill in the spaces with the appropriate derivative of the word in brackets:

1.Herbal drugs are in an … (process) state, usually in the dried form but sometimes fresh.

2.Test for … (determine) of water is carried out for herbal drugs.

3.Pharmacognosy is concerned with the (identify) of plants.

4.Herbal drugs comply with the … (require) of the European Pharmacopoeia.

5.The herbal drugs (go) different tests.

6.Natural product molecules are (use) due to their different functional properties.

V. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Can you remember having seen the man before?


2.After being corrected by the teacher, the students` papers were returned to them.

3.The place is worth visiting.

4.I insist on being told the truth.

5.They accused him of having robbed the house.

6.Please forgive my interfering.

VI. Read the text. Are the following statements true or false?

Plant body organization

Every plant contains many different types of cells, tissues and organs. They are composed of many repeating units. These units are organs such as leaves, roots, flowers and stems. Seed plants have specialized organs for the growth and reproduction. Vegetative organs (roots, stems and leaves) function in the process of growth. The reproductive organs of seed plants include flowers and fruits. Most plants are stationary organisms. Their anatomy, way of life and mode of reproduction are adapted to meet the needs in water, energy and mineral nutrients.

Many plants are divided into a root under the ground and a shoot above it. The root is a branching organ that grows downward into the soil, anchors the plant and supports it both physically and nutritionally. On the one hand roots spread out through the soil to provide a solid base of attachment. On the other hand they absorb and transport water and mineral nutrients that a plant cannot take in from the air. There are two common types of root systems: a fibrous root system that consists of a million branching roots and a single large taproot which extends deep into the soil with other smaller roots branching from it. There are also adventitious roots that can arise from stems or leaves. The shoot includes the stem, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits.

Stems are organs that conduct water and minerals from the roots to the other parts of the plant. Another important stem function is to display the leaves of the plant to the light. The stem also plays a central role in the transport of materials throughout the plant. Finally, some stems store food for the plant.

Leaves are organs which are attached to the stem. Every leaf is composed of two parts, the blade and the petiole. There are two kinds of leaves. A leaf with a petiole attached to a single blade is called a simple leaf. Some leaves have many small blades, or leaflets, which arise from one bud. Such leaves are called compound leaves.

1.Every plant contains many different types of cells, tissues and organs.

2.Many plants are divided into a shoot under the ground and a root above it.

3.There are four types of root systems.

4.Leaves play a central role in the transport of materials and even store food for the plant.

5.The reproductive organs include flowers and fruits.

6.The root does not only anchors the plant but also supports it nutritionally.


VII. Ask questions to which the italicized words are the answers:

1.Vegetative organs function in the process of growth.

2.The shoot includes the stem, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits.

3.Stems conduct water and minerals from the roots.

4.Leaves are organs that are composed of two parts.

Test VII

I. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions: obligatory quality indices, obsolete (drugs), water bath, the period of validity, watch glass, mandatory.

II. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

пересматривать (требования), замещение, принять во внимание, прокаливание, весы, последовательный (следующий один за другим).

III. Compose the sentences using the following words:

competent authority, analyzed, legislation, ether, establishing, regulations, achievements, force.

1.At present, the 10th edition of the State Pharmacopoeia is in …

2.The USSR State Pharmacopoeia is based on the principles of health protection and on the modern … in medicine and other branches of science.

3.The … on different drugs are presented in separate articles, general or specific, and they are published in the Pharmacopoeia.

4.Every country has … on pharmaceutical preparations.

5.The term «…» means a national or international body or organization.

6.The term «…» is used for diethyl ether.

7.The USSR State Pharmacopoeia indicates how drugs should be …

8.The International Pharmacopoeia provides the basis for … national requirements for the drug quality.

IV. Fill in the spaces with the appropriate derivative of the word in brackets:

1.The International Pharmacopoeia was created because of the constant … (collaborate) between countries in the field of public health and drug production.

2.The molecular masses of compounds are calculated according to the table of … (relate) atomic masses.

3.The term absolute alcohol without … (qualify) means ethanol.

4.The Pharmacopoeia of every country is revised … (period) to take account of the replacement of obsolete drugs.

5.… (state) containing the word «should» are informative or advisory.

6.The … (drop) should be used to count drops.

7.The first Pharmacopoeia in Russian was … (publish) in 1886.

8.Statements containing the word «should» are … (inform) and advisory.


V. Do the test. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1.He is brave enough to try bungee-jumping.

2.The students were supposed to take part in the discussion of the paper.

3.To describe this phenomenon is a very complex task.

4.D. I. Mendeleev was the first to arrange the elements according to their atomic masses.

5.To obtain these results a lot of work had to be done.

6.He didn`t know where to find the necessary information.

7.He withdrew his hand off the fire so as not to get burnt.

8.The substance appeared to have been affected by acid.

VI. Read the text. Are the following statements true or false?

Swelling index

The swelling index is the volume in milliliters occupied by 1 gram of a drug, including any adhering mucilage, after it has swollen in an aqueous liquid for 4 hours in a 25 ml ground-glass stoppered** cylinder graduated over a height of 125 mm in 0,5 ml divisions, whole or of the degree of comminution* prescribed in the monograph.

Unless otherwise prescribed, moisten the drug with 1.0 ml of alcohol R, add 25 ml of water R and close the cylinder. Shake vigorously every 10 min for 1 h. Allow to stand for 3 h. In 90 min after the beginning of the test, release any large volumes of liquid retained in the layer of the drug and any particles of the drug floating at the surface of the liquid by rotating the cylinder about a vertical axis.

Measure the volume occupied by the drug, including any adhering mucilage. Carry out three tests at the same time. The swelling index is determined as the mean of the three tests.

* comminution – измельчение **stopper – пробка

1.The swelling index test is carried out with a drug in specified state as prescribed in the monograph.

2.During the test you should moisten the drug with 1.0 ml of alcohol R, add

25ml of water R and cover the cylinder with a special hood.

3.Carry out three tests at the same time.

4.It is forbidden to shake the cylinder during the test.

5.Swelling index is one of the tests described in Pharmacopoeia.

6.All in all the test takes 1,5 hours to complete.


I. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions: conjunction, applied science, scope, explore, exogenous, dedicated to.


II. Give English equivalents to the following words:

передозировка, отравляющее действие, питательные вещества, эффективность, в широком смысле, скорость всасывания.

III. Compose the sentences using the following words:

pharmacodynamics, variation, correlate, rate, interactions, stimuli, conjunction, pharmacokinetics.

1.Pharmacology attempts to … the chemical structure of a drug with the body’s response to that drug.

2.… is the study of what a drug does to the body.

3.Pharmacology is the study of the … that occur between a living organism and exogenous chemicals.

4.Pharmacokinetics is studied in close … with pharmacodynamics.

5.The purpose of pharmacology is to determine the response of living tissues to chemical …

6.Pharmacogenomics is the branch of pharmacology which deals with the influence of genetic … on a drug response.

7.… is the study of what the body does to a drug.

8.Capoten decreases the … of progression of renal insufficiency.

IV. Fill in the spaces with the appropriate derivative of the word in brackets:

1.Pharmacology deals with the … (therapy) uses of drugs as well as the poisonous effects that result from overdosage.

2.Pharmacokinetics is a branch of pharmacology dedicated to the … (determine) of the fate of substances to a living organism.

3.Pharmacokinetics has some areas including the extent and rate of absorption, distribution, metabolism and … (excrete) of drugs.

4.Capoten has … (benefit) effects in hypertension.

5.Capoten is … (effect) alone and in combination with other agents.

6.The presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract reduces … (absorb).

7.Gene expression is correlated with a drug’s efficacy or … (toxic).

8.Capoten is efficient in the treatment of heart … (fail).

V. Read the text. Are the following statements true or false?


The preparation Glaucine is a hydrochloride salt of the alkaloid glaucine isolated from the overground parts of the poppy plant. Glaucine appears as a white crystalline powder with yellowish tinge, soluble in water and alcohol. Glaucine renders an antitussive effect. A therapeutic effect usually occurs 3–5 minutes after the administration of the drug and lasts several hours. It does not produce side-effects on the gastro-intestinal tract or an inhibiting effect on respiration. Glaucine possesses hypotensive properties due to its peripheral activity. Glaucine is used as a


remedy in patients with various diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tracts: acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonias (acute and chronic) and others. Glaucine is taken orally in 0,05 g (50 mg) doses 2–3 times a day after meals. Duration of the treatment depends on the duration of the disease. Mild giddiness may occur which passes 10–15 minutes after taking Glaucine. It is dispensed in 0,05 g (50 mg) tablets. The drug should be kept in a dark dry place.

1.The preparation Glaucine has a vegetable origin.

2.Glaucine is insoluble in water and alcohol.

3.It does not produce any side-effects on the body except mild giddiness.

4.The treatment lasts as long as the desease persists.

5.Glaucine is taken orally before meals.

6.It should be taken with care by patients with hypotension.

7.Glaucine oppresses respiration.

8.Taking Glaucine may cause strong giddiness.

Revision (units I–IX)

Use of English

I. Compose the sentences using the following words and word combinations: undertake, knowledge, health professionals, substance, mixtures, intermediary, curriculum, key component, purification, impurities, sought-after, crude drug.

1.A … is a dried unprepared natural material of plant, animal or mineral origin.

2.During the period of studies the students acquire … of pharmacy.

3.Poison is a ... producing injury to an organism by its chemical action.

4.A solution is a class of …

5.Pharmacists are … who practice the science of pharmacy.

6.Pharmacists act as a learned … between patients and other healthcare providers.

7.Water is a ... of cells and provides the medium.

8.All plants and factories must have the system of … of industrial wastes.

9.Natural waters have different …

10.Pharmacist nowadays is a … career with a high salary on a 40-hour per week basis.

11.To become a successful pharmacist you should … certain steps which must be well-planned to suit the needs of such career path.

12.The … includes all the basic and clinical subjects that are necessary for the training of highly qualified pharmacists.

II. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets:

1.Capoten has … (benefit) effects in hypertension.

2.The molecular masses of compounds are calculated according to the table of … (relate) atomic masses.

3.Herbal drugs comply with the … (require) of the European Pharmacopoeia.

4.The physician`s … (oblige) is to safeguard the life and welfare of the patient.


5.Chemistry is the science which explains the … (compose) of matter.

6.Friedrich Wohler``s … (discover) opened the door to the study of the chemistry of living organisms.

III. Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the verb in brackets:

1.… you (come) from Denmark? – No, I am Swedish.

2.This music is new for me. I`m sure I … (hear) it before.

3.Sam is a teacher. He … (teach) for 15 years.

4.The students … (do) the test at the moment.

5.The children … (sleep) when I got home from the race.

6.Hey, look! She … (fall)

7.The surgeon … (finish) the operation before the light went down.

8.The car couldn`t be used because it … (service) in the garage.

9.The supermarket … (repair) now. We can’t go there.

10.This work … (do) as soon as possible.


IV. Read the text and write T/F:

1.Biotechnology can be defined as the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products.

2.Biotechnology has long been used to decrease the effectiveness of agricultural production.

3.Biotechnology is the science that led to the development of antibiotics.

4.The field of modern biotechnology originates from 1971.

5.In 1940 penicillin wasn’t yet available for medicinal use in humans.

6.The term «biotechnology» had not been accepted until 1919.

7.The US Supreme Court judgement on June 16, 1980 hindered the development of commercial viability of the biotechnology industry.

8.Since the late 20th century, the field of biotechnology has expanded to include other contemporary sciences.


Biotechnology can be defined as the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products, or any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms or derivatives thereof in order to make or modify products or processes for specific use.

Traditional biotechnology has been practiced since the beginning of records in history. It has been used to enhance the agricultural production, to bake bread, brew alcoholic beverages, cultivate food crops or breed domestic animals. Through early biotechnology the earliest farmers selectively bred the best suited crops having the highest yields to produce enough food to support a growing population.


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