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Miss Mactaggart won`t Lie Down (110

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4)During the three-day hearing last month, the firm ________ they failed adequately to inspect the property and to see the evidence of deathwatch beetle and its effect on the timber in various parts of the house.

5)One of the salesmen in the supermarket _________ Anna Bronx, the wellknown TV personality who stole goods worth 67$. So she was arrested at once outside the store.

6)The PC Peter Hilton ________ 287 criminals in 11 months that’s why he was honoured for his devotion to public service with a commendation from Greater Manchester Chief Constable David Wilmot.

7)The increasingly poor quality of the work of the Criminal Investigation Department is beginning _________ the London Metropolitan Police.

8)When he returned home, he was so upset by his dismissal that he didn’t

________ that his house was burgled.

9)The policeman _________ the suspect to the police headquarters in order to interrogate him there.

Task 6. Match the words on the left to the words on the right to form collocations. Then choose any three and make sentences of your own.

1) to make

a) the peace

2) confound

b) sense

3) to disturb

c) beliefs

4) to wear

d) of the castle

5) common

e) a horrible thing

6) reasonable

f) a tiara

7) the vicinity

g) nuisance

8) to take

h) rearrangement

9) temporary

i) to the police station

10) to accompany smb.

j) up the castle

11) to find smth.

k) the jewelries


Task 7. In this episode Miss Mactaggart has committed several crimes. How do we call people who commit crimes?

• a law breaker, an offender, a criminal

What is your understanding of these words? If necessary, consult the dictionary and point out differences and similarities in the meaning of these words. Name as many criminals as you can remember.

Task 8. Match the criminal on the left with the crime he commits on the right:

1) an arsonist

a) attacks and robs people, often in the street

2) a shop-lifter

b) sets fire to property illegally

3) a mugger

c) is anyone who breaks the law

4) an offender

d) breaks into houses or other buildings to steal

5) a vandal

e) steals from shops while acting as an ordinary customer

6) a burglar

f) kills someone

7) a murderer

g) deliberately causes damage to property

8) a kidnapper

h) steals things from people's pockets in crowded places

9) a pickpocket

i) gets secret information from another country

10) an accomplice

j) buys and sells drugs illegally

11) a drug dealer

k) takes away people by force and demands money


for their return

12) a spy

1) helps a criminal in a criminal act

13)a terrorist

m) uses violence for political reasons

14) an assassin

n) causes damage or disturbance in public places

15)a hooligan

o) hides on a ship or plane to get a free journey

16) a stowaway

p) takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot


change course

17) a thief

q) murders for political reasons or a reward

18) a hijacker

r) is someone who steals


19) a forger

s) makes counterfeit (false) money or signatures

20) a robber

t) is a member of a criminal group

21) a smuggler

u) steals money, etc. by force from people or places

22) a traitor

v) marries illegally, being married already

23) a gangster

w) is a soldier who runs away from the army

24) a deserter

x) brings goods into a country illegally without paying tax

25) a bigamist

y) illegally carries drugs into another country

26) drug smuggler

z) betrays his or her country to another state

Task 9. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the words from Task 8:

1.……. usually find out secret information about another country, business or organization, by becoming involved in their work.

2.If you catch a……. breaking open your door, shout like hell.

3.A………. is a person who has two wives.

4.If a person hides on a train to get a free journey, then people call him a ……….

5.Nowadays, there are a lot of ………, that is soldiers who leave the army.

6.If you kill another person, people will call you a ………

7.A person who has broken the law is called an ……… .

8.Criminals seldom commit crimes alone, they usually have ………. .

9.………. take away children and demand money for their return from their parents.

10.If a person makes false money, paintings or documents, people call him a …….

Task 10. Continue the following table with the words from Task 8 where possible. The first few are done for you. Consult the dictionary where necessary.




Criminal Act



to betray



to steal



to murder

Comprehension Tasks

Task 11. Discuss the following questions with your groupmates.

1)What are the main characters of this episode?

2)What musical instrument was Miss MacTaggart playing?

(piano, violin, trumpet, horn, trombone, drum, clarinet, bagpipes, etc)

3)Why did Miss MacTaggart disturb the peace in the neighborhood?

4)How did Mr. Morrison react when he realized that Miss MacTaggart was causing disturbance in the public place?

The following words and expressions can help you:

(shocked, amazed, surprised, astonished, excited, upset, in despair, at a loss, terrified (badly frightened), scared, angry, irritated (annoyed), in a rage or fine, great, happy, bright, pleased etc.)

5)What did Miss MacTaggart steal in the castle? What did she do it for?

6)How did she organize the stealing of the tiara?

How was she dressed?

The following words and expressions can help you:

TYPES OF CLOTHES: coat, cardigan, pullover, tracksuit, skirt, tights, socks, stockings, raincoat, dress, trousers, trainers, jeans, belt, boots, jacket, high/ low heeled shoes, broad-brimmed hat, etc)

STYLE OF CLOTHES: short-sleeved, long-sleeved, sleeveless.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: well dressed, casually dressed, carelessly


dressed (slob).

7)What kind of person is she judging by her deeds in this episode? (Intelligent, educated, professional, personable, compatible, sincere, sensitive, artistic, vivacious, self-confident, reserved, practical, shy, calm, optimistic/ pessimistic, kind, affectionate/ rude, mean, nervy, moody, etc.)

8)Why did she want the policeman to arrest her?

Task 12. What crimes has Miss MacTaggart committed in this episode? Were they civil or criminal crimes?

What other kinds of civil and criminal crimes do you know? (Use the information from “Miss MacTaggart won’t Lie down”, Part 1, Episode 1, Task 20).

Work in teams and compare your lists with those of other teams.

Task 13. What punishment would Miss MacTaggart get for her crimes? Think of possible punishments for crimes that you’ve remembered in Task 12.

(Use the information from “Miss MacTaggart won’t Lie down”, Part 1, Episode 1, Task 21).

If you were a judge, how would you punish Miss MacTaggart?

Task 14. Act out a conversation between the following characters of this episode:

a)Miss MacTaggart and Mr. Morrison

b)Miss MacTaggart and detective Freizer

c)Miss MacTaggart and McLaut Sergeant

Use the following expressions:

Handling a dialogue

I say … Honestly … The point is …

Don’t you agree that … ?

I’m afraid I don’t know much about … Have I got it right?

Well, I don’t (didn’t) think … I really couldn’t imagine …


Have you heard about …?

I really feel bad about it.

Someone has told me that …

That’s what I heard.

Task 15. Summarize the main events of this episode and tell your groupmates about them.

While speaking, use the following expressions:

I would like to begin with… From the point of view… Additionally…

It has been pointed out that … I’d just like to say …

As I see it …

The way I see it …

There’s one more thing to be noted. Moreover …

What’s more …

I might as well add that …

All things considered I must say that … To sum up …

Follow-up Activities

Task 16. Read the text about criminal law and pay attention to the words in bold. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences A-E the one which fits each gap. There is an extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A Only the highest body of state power may enact criminal laws.

B The Special Part defines the types of crime and prescribes the penalties.


C Combating crime criminal law helps to strengthen the state and maintain law and order.

D Criminal law usually takes the form of Criminal Code which consists of a general and a special part.

E Responsibility can exist only in the presence of guilt

Criminal Law

Criminal law is a system of legal rules approved by higher bodies of state power and defining the general principles of criminal responsibility, individual types of crimes and the penalties applied to criminals.

The task of criminal law is to protect the social and state system, existing law and order against criminal encroachments. The state combats crime and other antisocial acts above all by persuasion and by extensive educational work.


Criminal laws like all laws of the state are obligatory to all citizens. Criminal laws determine general principles of combating crime


No other organ has the right to approve or amend criminal laws.


The General Part determines the general principles of criminal responsibility for each crime. It defines the grounds for criminal responsibility, the scope of criminal law, the general (main) elements of a crime, the responsibility for a completed or incompleted crime, and for complicity in crime; it sets the purposes of punishment, lists penalties, establishes the procedure of their application and the release from punishment and so on.


Task 17. Insert the missing words into the sentences.


Criminal law is ________ of legal rules. These rules are approved and enacted by

________ . The task of criminal law is to ________ . Criminal law helps to

_________ . Criminal laws are ________ to all citizens. The General part of Criminal Code determines ________ . The Special part defines ________ .

Task 18. Think of 7 questions on the text about criminal law, using words and expressions in bold in each question. Ask your fellow-students to reply to them.

Task 19. Study the following list of offences. Rate them on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 is a minor offence, 10 is a very serious crime). They are in no particular order. You don't have to apply your knowledge of existing laws —your own opinion is necessary:

driving in excess of the speed limit

common assault (e.g. a fight in a disco-club)

drinking and driving

malicious wounding (e.g. stabbing someone in a fight)

murdering a policeman during a robbery

murdering a child

causing death by dangerous driving

smoking marijuana

selling drugs (such as heroin)

stealing 1,000 $ from a bank by fraud

stealing 1,000 $ worth of goods from someone's home


grievous bodily harm (almost killing someone)


stealing 1,000 $ from a bank by threatening someone with a gun

possession of a gun without a licence


Task 20. Give Russian equivalents for the following general types of punishment. Put them in descending order of severity.

Capital punishment

Community service

Disciplinary training in a detention centre

Fixed penalty fine

Life imprisonment


Short-term imprisonment

Suspended sentence

Long-term imprisonment

Task 21. Which of the sentences listed in Task 20 fit the offences in Task 19? Give your reasons.

What are the most frequent crimes or offences in your country nowadays? Discuss them in class.

Use the following expressions:

Personally I believe / think / consider / feel ...

In my opinion (view) … As I see it.

The way I see it.

Well, my opinion is that … My view is that …

There's one more thing to be noted. On the one hand / on the other hand …

Task 22. Look at the following questionnaire. Answer on a separate sheet of paper as honestly as you can. Have you ever been guilty of the following offences?

Often Sometimes Never


a)Dropping litter

b)Exceeding the speed limit

c)Riding a bicycle (car) at night without lights

d)Smoking a cigarette in a non-smoking area

e)Taking a coin from a public telephone and using it yourself

f)Traveling in public transport without a ticket

g)Disturbing your neighbours

h)Wrong parking

Task 23. Find out the most law-abiding member of the group.

1) Form groups of five or six and discuss your answers. Establish which

of the above offences the members of your group commit often, sometimes, or never. (It would be useful to elect one member to act as a recorder and draw up a data sheet for this information).

2)Are there any other technical offences which members of your group have committed? If so, add these to the list from the questionnaire and include the results in your data sheet.

3)Decide upon a method of presenting the information in a tabular form that is acceptable to the whole class.

Task 24. Group discussion.

Give your views on the problems listed below.

1. “Many commit the same crimes with a different result. One bears a cross for his crime, another a crown”. (Juvenal)

2. “It is much more prudent to acquit two persons, though actually guilty, than to pass sentence of condemnation on one that is virtuous and innocent”. (Voltaire)