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is well played but with one-note earnestness by Alexander Ludwig, who still comes off a little too robotic at times. As an astrophysicist who gets caught up in the trio’s predicament, Carla Gugino is a delight. Lead among the antagonists is Irish actor Ciaran Hinds who is properly mean and heartless when it comes to aliens of any stripe. Director Garry Marshall has an amusing cameo as a selfstyled UFO expert, and there are brief, but welcome, appearances by the all- grown-up Kim Richards and Ike Eisenmann, who played the ‘70s incarnation of the alien kids in the earlier films. Richards’ face-to-face meeting with Robb is especially sweet.


The filmmakers wisely keep the retro tone of the book and earlier films while using state-of-the-art visual effects and movie magic. A lot of sci-fi movies have come along since Escape to Witch Mountain premiered in 1975 – see Star Wars, Close Encounters and E.T. And while Witch Mountain circa 2009 won’t do anything to make us forget those classics, it’s good fun -- like welcoming back an old friend.


There’s no complexity in sight, and the story isn’t given a lot of time to breathe. We barely get to know Jack Bruno before the kids have hijacked his cab and the whirlwind begins. A little more exposition and plot development would have been welcomed for those with an attention span beyond two minutes.


There are lots of first-rate action set pieces including a collision with a train and a chase through a Vegas casino, but the climactic spaceship battle can’t be topped. Kids are going to eat this sequence up.


Задание 11. Выполните предпереводческий анализ и перевод следующего текста

Cinema of the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has had a major influence on modern cinema. The first moving pictures developed on celluloid film were made in Hyde Park, London in 1889 by William Friese Greene, a British inventor, who patented the process in 1890. It is generally regarded that the British film industry enjoyed a 'golden age' in the 1940s, led by the studios of J. Arthur Rank and Alexander Korda.

The British directors Alfred Hitchcock and David Lean are among the most critically acclaimed of all-time, with other important directors including Charlie Chaplin, Michael Powell, Carol Reed and Ridley Scott. Many British actors have achieved international fame and critical success, including Julie Andrews, Sean Connery, Vivien Leigh, David Niven, Laurence Olivier, Peter Sellers. Some of the most commercially successful films of all time have been produced in the United Kingdom, including the two highest-grossing film franchises (Harry Potter and James Bond). Ealing Studios has a claim to being the oldest continuously working film studio in the world.

Despite a history of important and successful productions, the industry has often been characterised by a debate about its identity and the level of American and European influence. Many British films are co-productions with American producers, often using both British and American actors, and British actors feature regularly in Hollywood films. Many successful Hollywood films have been based on British people, stories or events, including Titanic, The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean and the 'English Cycle' of Disney animated films.

In 2009 British films grossed around $2 billion worldwide and achieved a market share of around 7% globally and 17% in the United Kingdom. UK boxoffice takings totalled £944 million in 2009, with around 173 million admissions.


The British Film Institute has produced a poll ranking what they consider to be the 100 greatest British films of all time, the BFI Top 100 British films. The annual British Academy Film Awards hosted by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts are the British equivalent of the Oscars.

Задание 12. Переведите следующие имена собственные с учётом правил международной фонетической транскрипции

Catherine Zeta-Jones; Vanessa Redgrave; Kate Winslet; Anthony Hopkins; Christopher Lee; Hugh Grant; Colin Firth; Daniel Radcliffe; Michael Caine; Rupert Everett; Daniel Craig; Keira Knightley; Orlando Bloom; Emily Blunt; Dame Judi Dench; Julie Walters; Kate Beckinsale; Tilda Swinton; Terence Stamp; Tim Roth.

Задание 13. Сопоставьте исходную и переводную версии названий следующих британских фильмов. Прокомментируйте данные переводческие решения/стратегии, представленные в таблице 2

Таблица 2 – Названия фильмов (Великобритания)

My Beautiful Laundrette


Моя прекрасная прачечная




A Room With a View


Комната с видом




Distant Voices, Still Lives


Далёкие голоса, застывшие жизни




The Remains of the Day


На исходе дня




The Crying Game


Жестокая игра




Shallow Grave


Неглубокая могила




The Madness of King George


Безумие короля Георга




Secrets & Lies


Тайны и ложь




Nil by Mouth


Не глотать




Gosford Park






Touching the Void


Касаясь пустоты






Таблица 2 – Продолжение

My Summer of Love

Моё лето любви



The Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Проклятие кролика – оборотня



Man On Wire

Человек на проволоке



Fish Tank




The King’s Speech

Король говорит



Brassed Off

Дело – труба



The English Patient

Английский пациент



The Full Monty

Мужской стриптиз



Shakespeare in Love

Влюблённый Шекспир



Topsy Turvy




Задание 14. Переведите с листа следующий текст

British Academy Film Awards

BAFTA's annual film awards ceremony is known as the British Academy Film Awards, rewarding the best work of any nationality seen on British cinema screens during the preceding year. Since 2008 the ceremony has been held at the Royal Opera House in London’s Covent Garden having taken place since 2000 in the flagship Odeon cinema on Leicester Square. The ceremony previously took place in April or May, but from 2002 onwards has taken place in February, in order to precede the Oscars.

In order for a film to be considered for a BAFTA nomination its first public exhibition must be in a cinema and it must have a UK theatrical release in a public UK cinema for no fewer than seven days in the calendar year that corresponds to the upcoming Awards. A film must be feature length and films from all countries are eligible in all categories, with the exception of Outstanding British Film, Outstanding Debut, Short Film and Short Animation which are for British films only.


The 2010 ceremony was held on 21 February, also at the Royal Opera House. The Major Awards winners in 2010 included: The Hurt Locker (Film); Kathryn Bigelow (Director), for The Hurt Locker; Colin Firth (Leading Actor), for A Single Man;Carey Mulligan (Leading Actress), for An Education; Christoph Waltz (Supporting Actor), for Inglourious Basterds; Mo'Nique (Supporting Actress), for Precious; Mark Boal (Original Screenplay), for The Hurt Locker;

Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner (Adapted Screenplay), for Up In The Air; Michael Giacchino (Music), for Up In The Air; Pete Docter (Animated Film), for

Up In The Air.

Задание 15. Прокомметируйте и переведите следующие реалии.

Cannes Film Festival; Edinburgh International Film Festival; Berlinale: Berlin International Film Festival; Palm Springs International Short Film Festival; Melbourne International Film Festival; Sundance Film Festival; The Other Venice Film Festival; Arcipelago; Viebbale: Vienna International Film Festival.

Задание 16. Выполните предпереводческий анализ и перевод следующего текста.

Film Review: Notting Hill

Hugh Grant returns to screens as the star of Notting Hill

By BBC News Online's Bella Hurrell


The year was 1994 and white weddings were back in style. Bridal outfitters everywhere blessed Hugh Grant and the film Four Weddings and a Funeral for injecting romance into the cynical 1990s.

Now the self-deprecating English gentleman is back in the follow-up film Notting Hill. The bittersweet romantic comedy is not a sequel but it does portray the same sort of mildly eccentric Brits that the rest of the world - particularly America - seems to find so amusing.

Written by Richard Curtis, famous for his UK comedies like Blackadder, the film is a feelgood summer movie and likely to put Notting Hill indelibly on the tourist map.

Grant plays William Thacker, a bumbling, shy but essentially good sort of chap with a winsome smile.

Thacker is the owner of a rundown bookshop in trendy Notting Hill. Into his life walks movie star Anna Scott (Julia Roberts). A complicated romance ensues with Thacker falling for Scott, and vice versa. Despite the "she loves me, she loves me not" vacillation, a happy ending is never really in doubt.

Notting Hill is less frothy than its successful predecessor and its characters a little more down on their luck. In an after-dinner game where each guest relates their failings, one describes the unsuccessful Thacker as 'used to be handsome but now a bit squishy round the edges'.

The film also deals with the nature of fame. Roberts' Anna Scott, who is hounded by the British tabloids, spends much of her time trying to avoid scandal. She angrily comments that yesterday's news is never forgotten, it just goes into a cuttings file to resurface again and again - a point that has particular resonance for Grant after his 1995 arrest in Hollywood.

Overshadowing Grant and Roberts, the real star of the film is Thacker's slobbish Welsh flatmate Spike, played by Rhys Ifans. Spike spends most of the film lounging around in his greying underwear contemplating life from a pile of pizza boxes and offering sage advice in a hammy Welsh lilt.


Even now, the men's nylon Y-front industry is doubtless rubbing its hands together at the merchandising possibilities.

Задание 17. Выполните полный письменный перевод следующего текста.

Stardom and work ethic

Hugh Grant has called being a successful actor a mistake and has repeatedly talked of his hope that film stardom would just be "a phase" in his life, lasting no more than ten years. He pins his lack of interest in acting on two different thoughts: first, that he drifted into the job as a temporary joke at age 23 and finds it an immature way for a grown man to spend his time; and secondly, because he believes to have already given the one remarkable comic performance he had hoped to create on screen. Grant has constantly described himself as a reluctant actor, who chooses to be neutral about his career and works mostly with friends from previous collaborations.

He has stuck to the genre of comedy, especially the romantic comedy, for the entirety of his mainstream movie career and never ventures to play characters who are not British. While some film critics, such as the respected Roger Ebert, have defended the limited variety of his performances, others have dismissed him as a one-trick pony. Eric Fellner, co-owner of Working Title Films and a longtime collaborator of Grant said, "His range hasn't been fully tested, but each performance is unique." A majority of Grant's popular movies in the 1990s followed a similar plot that captured an optimistic bachelor experiencing a series of embarrassing incidences to find true love, often with an American woman. In earlier films, Grant was adept at plugging into the stereotype of a repressed Englishman for humorous effects.

Grant's screen persona of later films, in the new millennium, gradually developed into a cynical, self-loathing cad. According to Carina Chocano,


amongst film critics, the two tropes most commonly associated with Grant are that he reinvented his screen persona in Bridget Jones's Diary and About a Boy and dreads the possibility of becoming a parody of himself. His preference for levity over dramatic range has been a controversial topic in establishment circles, prompting him to say:

“I've never been tempted to do the part where I cry or get AIDS or save some people from a concentration camp just to get good reviews. I genuinely believe that comedy acting, light comedy acting, is as hard as, if not harder than serious acting, and it genuinely doesn’t bother me that all the prizes and the good reviews automatically by knee-jerk reaction go to the deepest, darkest, most serious performances and parts. It makes me laugh”.


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