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Обучение чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Ракетная и импульсная техника» (120

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11B. Memorize the following key terms: laying system – система наводки command aids – средства управления sustained fire – непрерывный огонь

a unit – воинское подразделение drive – привод, передача

small arms fire – огонь из стрелкового оружия rapid fire – скорострельная стрельба power9to9weight ratio – мощность на единицу веса

cargo round – грузовой боеприпас, выстрел с кассетным снарядом salvo fire – стрельба залпами

logistic sites – базы (склады) материально9технического снаб9 жения

area target – цель, занимающая значительную площадь munition – военное снаряжение

propulsion – двигатель, силовая установка projectile – снаряд; мина; пуля; ракета h.p. = horse power – лошадиная сила

12A. Read and translate Text 2C. Try to guess the meaning of the underlined words. The words to help you:

arguably – бесспорно

utility – полезность, выгода to hurl – метать

to trace – восходить, проследить to tow – буксировать, тянуть

to support – поддерживать advent – появление defensive – оборонительный to deliver – доставлять demise – конец

capability – способность, возможность

to harass – беспокоить, тревожить, изводить to suppress – подавлять, устранять, поражать to call in – призывать, вызывать

well below – значительно меньше

ultimately – в конечном счете, в конце концов


Text 2C

Utility of Artillery

Artillery is arguably one of the oldest arms, tracing its origins to towed and transportable projectile launchers used by Roman legions two millennia ago. The advent of gunpowder enabled faster and larger projectiles to be hurled over larger distances, but the basic paradigm of a horse9towed projectile launcher remained for centuries. Trucks or trucked artillery towing vehicles replaced horses, but this model did not change until Krupp constructed the first Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) using a 105 mm leFH 18/1 L/28 howitzer in a turret on a Panzer IV chassis. By the end of World War II every major power operated some type of SPH. Artillery remains in use for a wide range of tasks on the battlefield, especially supporting advancing infantry or defensive positions. A key role for artillery has been counter9battery fire, or bombardment of opposing artillery batteries. The use of artillery for battlefield fire support peaked during World War II on the Eastern Front. Since then, air power has progressively eaten into the roles traditionally held by field artillery. The advent of precision9guided bombs, and more recently 500 lb or smaller precision bombs will ultimately see the demise of classical heavy artillery pieces.

Medium and light artillery will survive longer term, since they occupy a niche below the weight of fire and projectile size of air delivered bombs, but above the range and weight of fire of man9portable or lower caliber projectile and guided weapons. A standard Mk82 500 lb bomb, with 87 kg of Tritonal or H96 filler, is effectively five times the weight of a typical 155 mm artillery shell, and it is fifteen times the weight of a typical 105 mm shell.

Artillery continues to provide the capability for sustained harassment fire or area fire support for infantry. this capability is useful as it is organic to the land force, and it doesn’t require calling in aircraft to orbit overhead to pick off small targets or provide suppressive fire.

There is little doubt that the classical heavy artillery bombardment role has fallen to air power, and that is unlikely to change, but the advent of precision guided artillery rounds, using semi9active laser homing, or satellite/inertial guidance, provides for a surgical capability in rounds well below the weight of air delivered bombs.

12B. Memorize the following key terms: homing – самонаведение

satellite/inertial guidance – спутниковое/инерциальное наведение target – цель, мишень


precision guided artillery round – высокоточный управляемый ар9 тиллерийский снаряд, ракета

suppressive fire – огонь на поражение harassment fire – огонь на изнурение

weight of fire – вес пуль, выпускаемых в единицу времени filler – снаряжение (наполнение) снаряда

lb – libra (лат.) = pound – фунт

13.Conduct a round table discussion on: “The role of classical artillery in modern warfare” .

14.Comment on the following statement:

The gun remains a completely able to exist, capable of developing and surviving weapon and is worth of every effort to improve its performance, the most essential factors being range, accuracy, rate and volume of fire.

One point of view. The introduction of large numbers of armored vehicles on the modern battlefields can lead to the conclusion that the importance of artillery should be degraded; indeed, in at least some western armies, there has been a considerable reduction in the number of artillery pieces.

Do you think the classical gun is obsolete? Why?

A contrary point of view. It is true that conventional artillery shells produce few casualties among a formation of battle tanks; the warhead of a rocket can be considerably more effective and this is a good reason for multiple rocket launchers (многоствольные пусковые установки). It is no less true, however, that conventional gun artillery can delay or even paralyze tank formations by firing smoke rounds, and can deliver a large volume of shells with a massive destruction capability and unquestionable effect against lightly armored vehicles and personnel, sheltered by buildings.

And what do you think? Can artillery be still effective in modern warfare? In what applications? Why?

To prepare your report for presentation, use Text 2A, 2B & 2C, and find your own information to give some reasons for or against two points of view.

Useful phrases:

I am going to speak about … . Currently the part (role) played by classical artillery … . Simply put, the idea … . Not surprisingly, such an approach … . I quite agree with the idea that … . Previously, we couldn’t/ didn’t have … . whereas now … . But the most recent developments in …


have provided new possibilities, technologies, etc. So for that reason (those reasons), personally, I think … . Or as a result of this, one day, it will become possible to … . In conclusion, I’d like to stress the importance of all previous experience in … .


Anti*Tank Guided Missiles

1.Translate the following sentences paying attention to relative clauses (бессоюзные определительные предложения).

1.The higher the muzzle velocity the projectile is intended to attain, the lower the energy it will receive from a given propelling (метательный, пороховой) charge. 2. Regarding KE attack on armor, projectiles and armor plates must hence be analyzed together, whereas shaped charges can be studied in themselves irrespective of the armor they are intended to pierce.

3.Konstantin Tsiolkovsky came to the conclusion that if a rocket was going to do the things he dreamed of, it would have to be powered by liquid fuels. 4. In the tandem warhead the author is referring to the aft warhead detonates first. 5. Our hypothesis is that the best projectile is the longest

you can make with the technology available. 6. The projectiles are always found deviated almost exactly by 90° in respect to the trajectory they had when impacting the ground. 7. There is a strong similarity between rockets and balloons. The only significant difference is the way the pressurized gas is produced. 8. Because there is not sufficient money to build9in the digital systems in all the various vehicles the Army is going to equip with, the plan is to take dual approach. New systems will be given the necessary digital data busses on the factory floor. But existing systems will be fitted with equipment to allow their operators to receive a minimum level of data necessary for their job. 9. Imagine the whole process of riding a skateboard. On the ground the only part air plays in the motions of the rider and the skateboard is to slow them down. 10. An American, Robert Godderd, launched a liquid9powered rocket he had designed and built at his farm in 1926; the rocket flew only 46 meters – but it was the first flight of a liquid9 fueled rocket in history.

2.Translate the following word combinations.

Guidance equipment; sight mechanism; course correction; missile nose; laser guidance; battery package; night light; missile flight; strength requirements; caliber length; gas pressure; guidance equipment weight;


missile launch site; full9frame video data; composite material construction; vehicle9tripod launched missiles; first generation manual weapon; special light frequency sensor.

3.Translate the following words paying attention to the negative prefixes non*, dis*, un*, in* and suffix*less:

Nonstop, nonmetal, nonsmoker, nonsense, non9recoil, nonmilitary, non9transportable, nonessential, nonfunctional, non9penetrating, non9 penetration;

to dislike, to disorganize, to disappear, to discover, to disable, to discharge, to disarm, disadvantage, to disconnect.

Unhappy, unused, uncomfortable, unreliable, undamaged, unbroken, unnecessary, unsymmetrical, unlike, until (пока не), unarmed, undoubtedly, unless (если не), uncomplicated, unarmed, unexpected.

Incapable, incorrect, inaccuracy, incomplete, inseparable, informal, ineffective, insignificant, inflexible, invariably (неизменно).

Useless, noiseless, endless, harmless, harmlessly, needless to say (нет необходимости сказать, говорить), linkless, hopeless, careless.

Note: no – нет, никакой.

4.Memorize the following words:

to invent – изобретать wire – провод

at least – по меньшей мере

to score – достигнуть успеха, получить преимущество damage – повреждение, ущерб

overall – полный, общий, предельный manual – ручной, с ручным управлением

to trail – 1) тянуться сзади 2) прокладывать путь to sense – обнаруживать, определять, измерять

to separate – (зд.) освобождать, делать независимым to defeat – наносить поражение

appropriate – подходящий, соответствующий to disable – лишить возможности действовать to hide – прятать, скрывать

hiding – укрытие

to conceal – прятать, маскировать site – местонахождение, участок temporarily – временно complicated – сложный


5A. Look through Text 3A and find the answer for the question “What is the main disadvantage of ATGM? Why?”.

5B. Read and translate the text.

Text 3A

ATGMs: Anti*tank Guided Missiles

Invented by the French in the 1950s, wire guided anti9tank missiles were a revolutionary anti9tank weapon. The missiles are “flown” by the gunner to ranges of 3000 or 4000 meters with very high accuracy. The heavier vehicle9 or tripodlaunched missiles have HEAT warheads that penetrate two or three times the maximum armor of main battle tanks. At least, they did until composite and reactive armors made HEAT less effective. Most missiles cannot penetrate the new armors unless they hit a weak point, or score multiple hits on the same spot. Of course, even a non9 penetrating hit can inflict significant damage.

The main difference among ATGMs is their size and their guidance.

ATGM Sizes

Light ATGMs are designed to be carried by infantrymen. These include the 32 pound American “Dragon III”, the French 14.6 pound “Milan” and the 35+ pound Russian AT93 “Suitcase Sagger”. These missiles have smaller warheads and/or limited range (1500 to 2500 meters), which keeps the overall weight within portable limits.

Heavy ATGMs are designed to be fired from vehicles or large tripods. The missile alone usually weighs 25 to 50 pounds, while the launcher and guidance equipment weighs about twice as much. The American TOW and Hellfire, European HOT, and Russian AT95 “Spandrel” and AT96 “Spiral” are all examples of this weapon.

Manual Guidance

The first ATGMs were controlled manually. After launching the missile trailed a fine wire back to the gunner. The gunner used a small box with a joystick control to literary “fly” the missile to the target. Needless to say, this took considerable skill.


Optical Guidance

The second generation of AGTMs replaced the joy9stick controller with a complicated sight mechanism. Using this system, the missile flies in whatever direction the sight is aimed. This is achieved by the sight sensing the missile’s location (using IR emitters in the missile’s tail and IR sensors in the sight), and then sending course corrections back along the wire by the missile.

These missiles are much easier to operate than the first9generation manual weapons. Virtually all NATO and Russian missiles now use this system.

Laser Guidance

The third generation of ATGMs separates the missiles from the guidance system. The missile is launched, then another man (possible far away) fires a laser at the target. The missile flies at whatever the laser hits (“illuminates”) using special light frequency sensors mounted in its nose.

Fiber optic Guidance (FOG)

This future generation of ATGMs actually mounts a TV camera in the nose of the missile. The gunner has a video monitor that shows him the view from the missile nose. Using joystick or similar controls, the gunner flies the missile as if he were riding it. This is possible because small, light fiber9optic “cables” can carry vastly more data than conventional wires. In this case, full9frame video data. The US Army is experimenting with “FOG” missiles.

Defeating ATGMs

The main weakness of all ATGMs is their speed. Cannon shells take one to three seconds to travel 2000 to 4000 meters. No vehicle can react fast enough to prevent a shell from hitting if it’s aimed correctly. Missiles, however, take 20 to 60 seconds to travel the same distance. A vehicle crew can see a missile’s launch, see its approach, and take appropriate countermeasures.

Appropriate countermeasures are disabling the missile’s gunner and hiding. To hide, the vehicle needs only pull behind a building or crestline (возвышенность, холм), concealing itself from the gunner and missile,


which then flies harmlessly overhead. Smoke screens can also be used to hide the vehicle.

In many cases the gunner is at the missile launch site. If the target vehicle can use cannon or machine9guns to fire back, the shells and bullets will arrive while the missile is still airborne. If the gunner or sights are damaged or destroyed, the missile will “go stupid” and usually miss. Even if the shells don’t hit, the gunner may flinch or duck (отступить или присесть), throwing the missile off course temporarily.

5C. Memorize the following key terms: guidance – управление, наведение

wire guided missile – ракета, управляемая по проводам pound – фунт (453 г)

sight – прицел, визир gunner – артиллерист emitter – излучатель sensor – датчик frequency – частота

full9frame – полноформатный tripod – тренога

launch site – стартовый комплекс

6. Answer the questions.

1.What do we understand by the term “guided missile”? 2. How does a wire guided missile function? 3. What are the characteristics of a wire9 guided missile? 4. By what parameters do ATGMs differ from each other?

5.How do light and heavy ATGMs differ? 6. What types of guidance can you name? 7. What are the main devices used in manual, optical and laser guidance systems? 8. How does fiber9optic guidance operate? 9. What measures can be used to disable a gunner? 10. Do you know about any new means to disable a gunner?

7.Translate the following sentences paying attention to different meanings of the word “area”.

1.These missiles can fly out from a single platform to spread out and cover a large area. 2. Built9in algorithms allow the missile to attack only valid targets within a specified area. 3. The mission of the launcher is to defeat troops and combat material in concentrated areas. 4. One salvo of the launch vehicle creates a mine dispersion area of more than 15 ha.

5.Weapon development is known to have accelerated along with other


areas of technology in more modern times. 6. The sharp and pointed end of a weapon was found to apply more force per unit area and do more harm than the blunt end.

8. Pay attention to the meanings of “proof” in the following word combinations:

1)proof against bullets = bulletproof – пуленепробиваемый, пуле9 стойкий

splinterproof – противоосколочный shatterproof – неразбиваемый fireproof – огнестойкий, огнеупорный waterproof – водонепроницаемый

2)prooffiring – опытный, пробный обстрел

proofground – испытательный полигон proofround – контрольный выстрел proofload – контрольная нагрузка prooftest – проверочные испытания

9A. Translate the following words paying attention to the suffixes:

Emit, emitter, emission; probable, probably, probability; navigate, navigator, navigation, navigable; angle, angular; safe, safely, safety, safeness; capable, capably, capability; designate, designation, designator; guide, guidance; visual, visualize, visualization; wide, width, widen; interact, interaction, interactive; launch, launcher; high, highly, highness; direct, direction, directive, director; distant, distance; digit, digital.

9B. Use the words on the right to form a word that fits in the space. Use

a proper suffix.


Brimstone Anti9Armor Missile, United




Brimstone Anti9Armor Missile, which entered


service with full operational (1) … in December 2005,


is a fully fire9and9forget system, requiring no further


(2) ... from the launch platform nor a post9launch

designate, launch

target (3) … . After leaving the (4) … the solid


propellant rocket motor accelerates the missile to

emit, visualize

supersonic speed. The motor has a short burn time


and very low smoke (5) … . This gives a very low (6)


… and infrared signature minimizing the (7) … of



detection by hostile sensors. Brimstone is equipped


with a small millimeter wave radar seeker operating


at 94 GHz in all weather conditions and by day and


night. The high frequency gives a small beam (8) …


and therefore very high (9) … resolution. A (10) …

angle, digit, guide

autopilot provides mid9course (11) … and the high


precision (12) … to locate targets at long range


operations. The (13) … advanced guidance system


on the missile uses the target coordinates, course and


speed, (14) … to target, missile trajectory data and


data from other sensors to (15) … the missile controls


and accomplish the optimum flight path to the target.


In the case of identifying a group of hostile armored


vehicles on the battlefield Brimstone missiles can be


fired in salvo. For damage control the missile can be


programmed not to initiate target search until it has


passed a given point. This allows Brimstone to (16)


… over fly friendly forced and attack only valid targets


within a specified area, ignoring other fixed or moving


objects, such as houses or cars.


9C. Translate the above text without a dictionary.

9D. Describe the main units the Brimstone missile is equipped with.

10A. Read and translate Text 3B. Explain the term “fire*and*forget system” and describe the operations the soldiers and gunners of the LAW can perform. The words to help you:

to discard – сбросить, отложить в сторону to retain – сохранять, удерживать

to attach – прикреплять, присоединять sequence – последовательность

to track – следить за целью to confine – ограничивать

mode – метод, способ, режим (работы)

to predict – предварительно рассчитывать данные стрельбы to consider – рассматривать, учитывать

to coincide – совпадать

irrespective – безотносительный, независимый от to engage – поражать огнем


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