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Моя специальность Учебное пособие

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essor and operating systems, computer networks, theory of automated control and telecommunications are at the centre of the training. To become competitive today students investigate computer communication systems, distributed control systems, methods of computer data protection and so on. They develop their practical skills in the labs “Network technologies” and “Modelling”.

Our graduates work in different fields of national economy: oil, gas,

machine-building industries, banks and so on. I like my speciality. it is … that – именно

distributed systems – распределенные системы to meet requirements – отвечать требованиям syllabus – учебная программа

Automatized systems of controlling and data processing (АСУ)

Last year I finished a secondary school and entered the Perm State Technical University. I always interested in informatics and computers so I chose the electrical engineering faculty. This faculty trains specialists in the fields of hardware and software, computer and mobile communications, information protection and so on. The graduates of the electrical engineering faculty are highly requested. They work at different industrial enterprises, banks, firms, design bureaus and research institutes. Some of them enter a post-graduate course and carry out researches at the faculty departments.

The departments are well-equipped with up-to-date hardware and software to train highly-qualified specialists. There are a number of training and research labs, for example, “Data transmission systems”, “Automation systems”, Electronics and microelectronics”, “Multiservice networks” and many others. The labs are equipped with modern computers, measuring instruments and communication devices.

Junior students study general subjects: mathematics, physics, foreign languages, informatics and others. My favourite subject is programming. Senior students study professional subjects: microelectronics, microprocessors, digital transmission systems, computer-aided designing and so on.



We attend lectures, do laboratory works and tests, prepare course papers. Our students take part in various conferences, seminars and competitions. They make reports and publish articles.

There are 5 departments at the faculty. The department “Information Technologies and Automatized Systems” trains engineers of 3 specialities. My speciality is “Automatized systems of controlling and data processing”.

Data processing is the base of all modern information technologies. There fore our students thoroughly investigate different computer technologies, programming techniques, mathematical analysis, modelling and up-to-date methods of control. They receive wide knowledge in the field of distributed and intelligent systems, network technologies and program products. Special disciplines such as automatic programming systems, operating systems, system analysis, software systems and others are taught by highly-qualified lecturers. In our labs “Information technologies” and “Artificial intelligence” students improve their practical skills in web-technologies, hardware and databases of computer networks.

Our graduates work everywhere: at industrial enterprises, design bu-

reaus, banks, commercial and finance firms. I like my speciality. distributed systems – распределенные системы

network – сеть, сетевой

program products – программные продукты artificial intelligence – искусственный интеллект

design bureaus [bjuə´rɔu] – конструкторское бюро

Software of computing devices and automatized systems (ПОВТ)

Last year I finished a secondary school and entered the Perm State Technical University. I always interested in informatics and computers so I chose the electrical engineering faculty. This faculty trains specialists in the fields of hardware and software, computer and mobile communications, information protection and so on. The graduates of the electrical engineering faculty are highly requested. They work at different industrial enterprises, banks, firms, design bureaus and research institutes. Some of them enter a post-graduate course and carry out researches at the faculty departments.



The departments are well-equipped with up-to-date hardware and software to train highly-qualified specialists. There are a number of training and research labs, for example, “Data transmission systems”, “Automation systems”, Electronics and microelectronics”, “Multiservice networks” and many others. The labs are equipped with modern computers, measuring instruments and communication devices.

Junior students study general subjects: mathematics, physics, foreign languages, informatics and others. My favourite subject is programming. Senior students study professional subjects: microelectronics, microprocessors, digital transmission systems, computer-aided designing and so on.

We attend lectures, do laboratory works and tests, prepare course papers. Our students take part in various conferences, seminars and competitions. They make reports and publish articles.

There are 5 departments at the faculty. The department “Information Technologies and Automatized Systems” trains engineers of 3 specialities. My speciality is “Software of computing devices and automatized systems”.

Software is “a soul” of computers that make hardware do work. Our students thoroughly investigate different aspects of programming and software development technologies. Highly-qualified lecturers teach them many special disciplines: information technologies, automatic programming systems, fundamentals of control theory, systems of artificial intelligence, and the like. They receive wide knowledge of computing devices, systems and networks. Students improve their practical skills in the field of artificial intelligence systems and data protection means in the lab “Artificial intelligence”.

Our graduates work everywhere: at industrial enterprises, design bureaus, banks, commercial and finance firms. I like my speciality.

automatic programming systems – САПР artificial intelligence – искусственный интеллект and the like – и т.п.

mean – средство

design bureaus [bjuə´rɔu] – конструкторское бюро



Designing of radio-electronic means (КРЭС)

Last year I finished a secondary school and entered the Perm State Technical University. I always interested in informatics and computers so I chose the electrical engineering faculty. This faculty trains specialists in the fields of hardware and software, computer and mobile communications, information protection and so on. The graduates of the electrical engineering faculty are highly requested. They work at different industrial enterprises, banks, firms, design bureaus and research institutes. Some of them enter a post-graduate course and carry out researches at the faculty departments.

The departments are well-equipped with up-to-date hardware and software to train highly-qualified specialists. There are a number of training and research labs, for example, “Data transmission systems”, “Automation systems”, “Electronics and microelectronics”, “Multiservice networks” and many others. The labs are equipped with modern computers, measuring instruments and communication devices.

Junior students study general subjects: mathematics, physics, foreign languages, informatics and others. My favourite subject is programming. Senior students study professional subjects: microelectronics, microprocessors, digital transmission systems, computer-aided designing and so on.

We attend lectures, do laboratory works and tests, prepare course papers. Our students take part in various conferences, seminars and competitions. They make reports and publish articles.

There are 5 departments at the faculty. I study at the department “Designing of radio-electronic means”. This is my speciality.

At present cellular and space communication, electronic mail, Internet and many other new technologies are highly developed. Specialists in designing, manufacture and maintenance of radio-electronic means are required to develop and introduce these new technologies for this branch of industry.

Students investigate the latest information technologies. They get deep knowledge of computing devices, system techniques, data transmission systems and technologies of electronic means. They are taught special subjects such as radio-communication systems, microelectronic de-



vices, computer-aided designing, technologies and designing of microprocessors, fiber-optic communication lines and so on. Students develop their practical skills in a well-equipped-laboratory “Technology of printing circuit boards”. Our graduates work in all branches of national econ-

omy. I like my speciality. mean – средство cellular – сотовый

maintenance – эксплуатация fiber-optic – волоконно-оптический printing circuit broad – печатная плата



Задания к текстам

1.Внимательно прочитайте текст, стараясь понять его содержание с опоройна технические термины, знакомыеиинтернациональныеслова.

2.Выпишите ключевые слова в свой словарь.

3.Составьте письменный плансообщенияо своейспециальности.

4.Составьте письменное сообщение о своей специальности.

5.Добавьте свою информацию, отсутствующую в тексте.

6.Выскажите свое личное отношение к своей специальности.

7.Прочитайте вслух свое сообщение.

8.Расскажите своему товарищу о своей специальности.



Учебное издание

Балахонов Александр Сергеевич

Моя специальность

Учебное пособие

Технический редактор И.Н. Жеганина


Подписано в печать 5.04.2011. Формат 60×90/16. Усл. печ. л. 1,75. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ 58/2011.


Издательство Пермского государственного технического университета.

Адрес: 614990, г. Пермь, Комсомольский пр., 29, к. 113.

Тел. (342) 219-80-33.



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