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Английский язык методические указания по самостоятельному чтению для студентов II курса всех факультетов заочной формы обучения

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Germany. Within a year, he was granted Patent No. 67207 for a «Working Method and Design for Combustion Engines, a new efficient, thermal engine.» With contracts from Frederick Krupp and other machine manufacturers, Diesel began experimenting and building working models of his engine. In 1893, the first model ran under its own power with 26% efficiency, remarkably more than double the efficiency of the steam engines of his day. Finally, in February of 1897, he ran the first diesel engine suitable for practical use, which operated at an unbelievable efficiency of 75%. Diesel demonstrated his engine at the Exhibition Fair in Paris in 1898. This engine stood as an example of Diesel's vision because it was fueled by peanut oil - the «original» biodiesel. He thought that the utilization of a biomass fuel was the real future of his engine. He hoped that it would provide a way for the smaller industries, farmers, and «common folk» a means of competing with the monopolizing industries, which controlled all energy production at that time, as well as serve as an alternative for the inefficient fuel consumption of the steam engine. As a result of Diesel's vision, compression ignited engines were powered by a biomass fuel, vegetable oil, until the 1920's and are being powered again, today, by biodiesel.

Diesel Engines vs. Gasoline Engines

In theory, diesel engines and gasoline* engines are quite similar. They are both internal combustion engines designed to convert the chemical energy available in fuel into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy moves pistons up and down inside cylinders. The pistons are connected to a crankshaft, and the up-and-down motion of the pistons, known as linear motion, creates the rotary motion needed to turn the wheels of a car forward.

Both diesel engines and gasoline engines covert fuel into energy through a series of small explosions or combustions. The major difference between diesel and gasoline is the way these explosions happen. In a gasoline engine, fuel is mixed with air, compressed by pistons and ignited by sparks from spark plugs. In a diesel engine, however, the air is compressed first, and then the fuel is injected. Because air heats up when it's compressed, the fuel ignites. The diesel engine uses a four-stroke combustion cycle just like a gasoline engine. The four strokes are:

Intake stroke – The intake valve opens up, letting in air and moving the piston down.

Compression stroke – the piston moves back up and compresses the air. Combustion stroke – as the piston reaches the top, fuel is injected at just

the right moment and ignited, forcing the piston back down.

Exhaust stroke – the piston moves back to the top, pushing out the exhaust created from the combustion out of the exhaust valve.


Remember that the diesel engine has no spark plug, that it intakes air and compresses it, and that it then injects the fuel directly into the combustion chamber* (direct injection). It is the heat of the compressed air that lights the fuel in a diesel engine.

Diesel Fuel Injection

One big difference between a diesel engine and a gas engine is in the injection process. Most car engines use port injection* or a carburetor. A port injection system injects fuel just prior to the intake stroke (outside the cylinder). A carburetor mixes air and fuel long before the air enters the cylinder. In a car engine, therefore, all of the fuel is loaded into the cylinder during the intake stroke and then compressed. The compression of the fuel/air mixture limits the compression ratio of the engine – if it compresses the air too much, the fuel/air mixture spontaneously ignites and causes knocking*. Because it causes excessive heat, knocking can damage the engine.

Diesel engines use direct fuel injection – the diesel fuel is injected directly into the cylinder.

The injector on a diesel engine is its most complex component and has been the subject of a great deal of experimentation – in any particular engine, it may be located in a variety of places. The injector has to be able to withstand the temperature and pressure inside the cylinder and still deliver the fuel in a fine mist. Getting the mist circulated in the cylinder so that it is evenly distributed is also a problem, so some diesel engines employ special induction valves, precombustion chambers or other devices to swirl the air in the combustion chamber or otherwise improve the ignition and combustion process.

Diesel Fuel

Petroleum fuel, or crude oil, is naturally found in the Earth. When crude oil is refined at refineries, it can be separated into several different kinds of fuels, including gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene and, of course, diesel.

If you have ever compared diesel fuel and gasoline, you know that they are different. They certainly smell different. Diesel fuel is heavier and oilier. Diesel fuel evaporates much more slowly than gasoline - its boiling point is actually higher than the boiling point of water. You will often hear diesel fuel referred to as «diesel oil» because it is so oily.

Diesel fuel evaporates more slowly because it is heavier. It contains more carbon atoms in longer chains than gasoline does (gasoline is typically C9H20, while diesel fuel is typically C14H30). It takes less refining to create diesel fuel that is why it used to be cheaper than gasoline. Since 2004, however, demand for diesel has risen for several reasons, including increased industrialization and construction in China and the U.S.


Diesel fuel has a higher energy density than gasoline. On average, 1 gallon (3.8 L) of diesel fuel contains approximately 155 · 106 joules (147,000 BTU), while 1 gallon of gasoline contains 132 · 106 joules (125,000 BTU). This, combined with the improved efficiency of diesel engines, explains why diesel engines get better mileage* than equivalent gasoline engines.

Diesel fuel is used to power a wide variety of vehicles and operations. It of course fuels the diesel trucks you see lumbering* down the highway, but it also helps move boats, school buses, city buses, trains, cranes, farming equipment and various emergency response vehicles and power generators. Think about how important diesel is to the economy – without its high efficiency, both the construction industry and farming businesses would suffer immensely from investments in fuels with low power and efficiency. About 94 percent of freight – whether it's shipped in trucks, trains or boats - relies on diesel.

In terms of the environment, diesel has some pros and cons. The pros – diesel emits very small amounts of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide, emissions that lead to global warming. The cons – high amounts of nitrogen compounds and particulate matter (soot) are released from burning diesel fuel, which lead to acid rain, smog and poor health conditions.

Diesel Improvements and Biodiesel

During the big oil crisis in the 1970s, European car companies started advertising diesel engines for commercial use as an alternative to gasoline. Those who tried it out were a bit disappointed – the engines were very loud, and they would arrive home to find their cars covered from front to back in black soot – the same soot responsible for smog in big cities.

Over the past 30 to 40 years, however, vast improvements have been made on engine performance and fuel cleanliness. Direct injection devices are now controlled by advanced computers that monitor fuel combustion, increasing efficiency and reducing emissions. Better-refined diesel fuels such as ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) will lower the amount of harmful emissions and upgrading engines to make them compatible with cleaner fuel is becoming a simpler process. Other technologies such as CRT particulate filters and catalytic converters burn soot and reduce particulate matter, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons by as much as 90 percent. Continually improving standards for cleaner fuel from the European Union will also push the auto industries to work harder at lowering emissions – by September 2009 the EU hopes to have particulate matter emissions down from 25 mg/kilometer to 5 mg/kilometer.

You may have also heard of something called biodiesel. Is it the same as diesel? Biodiesel is an alternative or additive to diesel fuel that can be used in diesel engines with little or no modifications to the engines themselves. It's not made from petroleum - instead it comes from plant oils or animal fats that have


been chemically altered. (Interesting fact: Rudolf Diesel had originally considered vegetable seed oil as fuel for his invention.) Biodiesel can either be combined with regular diesel or used completely by itself.



to impact








combustion chamber

камера сгорания

port injection

впрыск во впускной канал





to lumber

проезжать с грохотом


торговая марка фильтра


Harvesting timber consists of several phases: falling the trees, manufacturing them into logs, and transporting the logs from the stump to a landing* or roadside* and then to a conversion facility. Many factors influence the exact sequence and details of these phases, but regardless of the details, the basic concept remains the same: harvesting timber consists of cutting trees and transporting them from one location to another. The operations are conducted sequentially, and the output of one phase becomes the input to the subsequent phase.

Falling can be done by either manual or mechanical methods: the choice between the two methods is driven primarily by terrain and timber characteristics. However, falling cannot be considered in isolation of the other phases because it helps to determine their efficiency and effectiveness. Trees must be felled and aligned in such a way as to minimize fiber loss, value loss, and site disturbance, and maximize productivity in a safe working environment.

One of the primary differences between hand-falling and mechanical falling is the effect on hookup* efficiency. Hand-felled trees are hooked individually, but the bunching ability of mechanical falling equipment allows several trees to be hooked at a time.


This activity dates back to the earliest history in the forest industry in British Columbia, and although the equipment has changed with lightweight, high-powered chainsaws, the physical aspects of the job remain similar. Falling trees is demanding activity that requires physical stamina, a concern for safety, and a regard to recovering the maximum value from each log.


A worker approaches each tree carrying a gasoline-powered chainsaw. The faller examines the tree to determine any safety hazards such as rotten limbs or tops, its direction of lean (trees are safest to fall in the direction of lean), and the proposed landing area. The faller prepares an escape route away from the proposed falling direction. The actual falling begins with a preliminary cut, called the undercut*, on the side of the tree in the desired direction of falling, then a backcut* above the undercut on the opposite side of the tree. A hinge of timber between the undercut and the backcut is left to control the tree during falling and to prevent the tree from splitting. When the backcut is almost complete and the tree starts to fall, the faller moves to a safe place on the escape route. After the tree is felled, it may be cut it into logs.

Hand-falling is often associated with large trees and steep or rough terrain – it is used for areas where ground-based machines cannot travel or where the trees are too large for mechanical falling equipment to handle effectively. Handfalling is used more commonly on the Coast than in the Interior of British Columbia, although the proportion of hand-falling will decrease on the Coast as the amount of second-growth harvesting increases.

Hand-falling is a dangerous occupation, and many workers are killed or injured each year in British Columbia as a result of falling accidents. Overhead hazards, precarious footing, and unstable logs that can slide over steep terrain all contribute to a hazardous work environment. Fallers must be aware of their surroundings at all times, and must always be prepared to protect themselves from hazards. Safety must be a primary concern for fallers: a thorough training program that emphasizes safety is essential for successful operations. Welltrained and productive fallers are a valuable asset to any operation.

Fallers must work with a partner to ensure that each worker has somebody nearby to periodically check on their safety. For small ground-based operations, the skidder* operator may act as the partner if the terrain is suitable for simultaneous cut-and-skid operations. For larger operations, the partner is usually a faller as well, which means that the cutblock* must be large enough to accommodate two or more fallers simultaneously. «Babysitters» – workers whose only function is to monitor the faller's safety – are used occasionally if the work area is too small to accommodate more than one faller.

Occupational safety regulations require at least two tree lengths between fallers. The space required between fallers increases with steeper terrain because trees may slide down the slope. Fallers cannot work above one another on steep slopes, and the space required to accommodate several fallers can be substantial. Therefore, the smaller cutblocks that have become more common in recent years require smaller falling crews. Falling costs increase with small crews because fixed costs such as transportation and supervision must be amortized over a lower production volume. Cutblocks on flatter ground can accommodate several fallers more easily because the trees do not slide.


Hand-fallers can gain access to areas where mechanical falling equipment cannot operate; it is not uncommon for fallers on the Coast to work on slopes of 100% or more. Hand-falling is less common in the Interior, but is still used around steep-sided gullies, areas of large timber, and other areas that require special attention. With harvesting systems such as helicopters and large skylines*, hand-falling is required because these systems are used only on difficult ground that ground-based equipment cannot access.

The amount of fiber recovery from cutblocks on difficult terrain must also be considered. Fallers usually fall the timber across the slope to minimize the amount of timber that «runs» down the slope and to maximize fiber recovery.

Felling head*

Felling heads can be grouped into four classes. Feller-bunchers cut the trees and pile them into bunches, while directors just cut the trees, leaving them on the ground where they fall. Feller-processor heads, both single-grip and doublegrip, cut the trees and then manufacture them into logs. Single-grip fellerprocessors perform both actions with just one head, whereas double-grip fellerprocessors require two components to accomplish the task.

The choice between the four types depends mainly on the wood form desired for the extraction phase, as well as the timber characteristics in the operating area.


Feller-bunchers are the most common type of felling head used in British Columbia. They are highly productive and well suited to working with highproductivity skidding equipment such as grapple skidders and clambunks*. They must be mounted on a robust carrier that can withstand the stresses caused by lifting and moving whole trees.

Some of the distinguishing characteristics between the different makes and models of feller-buncher heads are the size, the type of saw, and whether the feller-buncher can hold several trees simultaneously (i.e., has accumulator arms).

Feller-bunchers are available in a range of sizes as determined by the maximum opening size. The smallest feller-bunchers can cut and hold trees up to about 40 cm in diameter, while the largest feller-bunchers have openings of about 70 cm. For the occasional large trees, feller-bunchers can cut the tree from both sides, effectively increasing the maximum tree size. Oversize trees are usually just felled, without trying to hold the tree for bunching.

Most feller-bunchers use circular saw blades, either continuous high-speed or intermittent low-speed, although some older models use cone saws, augers, or chainsaws.


The saw blade in high-speed saws spins continuously when operating, and the kinetic energy stored in the disc provides the power for cutting. To start the cutting cycle, the felling head is positioned in front of the tree without actually touching it. When the operator is ready to begin cutting, the head is advanced quickly and smoothly into the tree. Cutting time is less than one second. The operator must be highly coordinated to advance the blade through the tree without stalling it and to grasp the tree before it begins to fall. If the saw fails to cut the tree completely, then the head must be withdrawn, the saw blade spun up* to full speed, and the process repeated.

The «cut-before-hold» procedure ensures that the head does not bend the tree and induce any stresses that may cause the wood to shatter or split. Very cold weather may cause the wood to split more easily.

High-speed saws are best suited for smaller-diameter trees since they rely on quick cutting.

With low-speed saws, the blade rotates only when it is actually cutting the tree. The blade is mounted on a sliding carriage that allows the felling head to fully grasp the tree when the blade is in the retracted position. Once the grapple arms are closed, the saw blade is advanced, usually taking three to five seconds to cut through the tree. Motor power, not kinetic energy, is used to cut the tree, so low-speed saws can be used on larger-diameter trees. They are not well suited to small-diameter trees because of their lower productivity.

These high-speed and low-speed saw heads are designed and constructed quite ruggedly, and are often used to knock down undersized, non-merchantable trees. They are also effective for cutting heavily limbed trees.

All feller-buncher heads have grapple* arms for holding the trees both during the cutting and bunching stages. Some felling heads are equipped with accumulator arms* that allow the head to cut and hold several trees before bunching to increase productivity.


погрузочная площадка, нижний склад


обочина, верхний склад


сцепное устройство


подрез, зарубка








подвесная канатная установка

felling head

валочная головка


валочно-пакетирующая машина


грейферный трелѐвщик

spun up




accumulator arm

стрела для одновременного перемещения нескольких деревьев




Forestry and landscape design


SPECIALLY PROTECTED NATURE TERRITORIES .....................................


A CRY OF POPLAR ................................................................................................




Economics and management


SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT ........................................................


FORESTS OF WASHINGTON STATE ................................................................


SCIENCE INVESTIGATES ILLEGAL LOGGING*........................................


Mechanical technology of wood


REGENCY CABINET* MAKING .......................................................................


SAWMILL PROCESS ...........................................................................................


LUMBER .................................................................................................................


SUPERHEATED* STEAM DRYING TECHNOLOGY....................................


Chemical technology




BY RADIONUCLIDES ..........................................................................................


BIOFUELS* ............................................................................................................


THE OZONE LAYER............................................................................................


Forest machinery


HISTORY OF THE DIESEL ENGINE................................................................


Forest engineering


HARVESTING TIMBER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA........................................



С о с т а в и т е л ь Титенская Инесса Еремеевна


Методические указания по самостоятельному чтению

для студентов II курса всех факультетов заочной формы обучения

Отпечатано в авторской редакции с готового оригинал-макета

Подписано в печать с оригинал-макета 26.09.11. Формат 60 84/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать трафаретная. Уч.-изд. л. 1,75. Печ. л. 1,75. Тираж 200 экз. Заказ № 237. С 187.

Санкт-Петербургский государственный лесотехнический университет Издательско-полиграфический отдел СПбГЛТУ 194021, Санкт-Петербург, Институтский пер., 5.


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