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Our University Методические указания для студентов I курса (английский язык)

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The faculty has the following departments: Economic Theory, Economics and Management of Construction, Applied Psychology and Sociology, Accounting and Auditing, Philosophy, Foreign Languages, Management and Marketing, and Transport Economics.

The faculty has close contacts with some foreign higher educational institutes. The best students can take part in seminars of Helsinki Marketing Institute (Finland) and study in Germany (University of Stralsund) in accordance with the Baltic Management Programme.

The Faculty of Economics and Social Management has a special Humanities department. Students can specialise in marketing, oratory3, applied psychology and sociology, information technology and journalism here. Students take part in scientific and research work in cooperation with October Railway enterprises and other organisations.

The Foreign Languages department is a part of the Economics and Social Management Faculty. Every year it organises competitions for the best translation and listening comprehension4. The Foreign Languages department has contacts with the School of Modern Languages and Cultures in Durham (UK). English students come to our University to master Russian, to learn more about Russia and its culture, to work as teachers in the English language groups.

The graduates of this faculty can get jobs in such areas as railway transport, municipal operation5, research organisations, transport enterprises6 as well as joint ventures7, financial and marketing organisations, strategic planning etc.


1to train – обучать

2construction – строительство

3oratory – ораторское искусство

4listening comprehension – аудирование

5municipal operation – муниципальное управление

6enterprise – предприятие

7joint venture – совместное предприятие.



The Railway Operation Faculty is one of the most important faculties at our University. It trains railway operation specialists for our country.

As passenger and freight turnover is constantly growing the introduction of new kinds of traction1 and new transport technologies is becoming vitally important. These tasks can only be solved only by highly qualified specialists.

It should be mentioned that senior students have to study such specialised subjects as railway stations and junctions2, traffic organisation, mechanical handling3, track maintenance4, rolling stock, logistics and commerce work.

They also study automation, telemechanics and communication on railway transport and general electrical engineering5. When speaking about the Railway Operation Faculty, it should be noted that its Traffic Organisation Laboratory is the prominent laboratory in the University where students can acquire their first knowledge in train operation practice. The faculty trains its students in these specialisations: Railway Stations and Junctions, Systemic Provision of Information Security for Automated Systems, Information Security for Telecommunications Systems, Logistics and Commerce.

A railway operation engineer is the chief person in the work of any railway. He provides regular train movement according to the schedule and ensures the most effective use of the rolling stock.

The graduates of this faculty should know all kinds of railway technologies and specific character of transport economy. They have to introduce new progressive means of freight transportation in containers, packages6 and in specialised rolling stock7.


At the same time a modern railway operation engineer must know how to use the best Russian and foreign experience to provide high economic efficiency in railway operation.

The graduates of the Railway Operation Faculty work at different railway stations of our country, at railway divisions8 and at the Railway Board 9.



traction – тяга


packages пакетированные перевозки


junction – ж.-д. узел


rolling stock – подвижной состав


handling – погрузочно-разгрузочные работы


division – отделение


track maintenance – текущее содержание пути


Railway Board – Управление


electrical engineering – электротехника


железной дороги.


The Bridge and Tunnel Construction Faculty was founded in 1943 on the basis of the Faculty of Engineering Structures but specialists in the field of artificial structures1, bridges and tunnels have been trained here since the very beginning of the faculty. It was at this faculty that the Russian school of bridge and tunnel construction was formed. Among the graduates of this faculty there have been prominent scientists and engineers, designers of artificial structures and builders of the first Russian railways: St.Petersburg–Tzarskoye Selo, St.Petersburg–Moscow and all the main railway lines of the European part of Russia. They constructed bridges over the Neva, Volga, Yenisey, Lena, Ob and Amur rivers.

Here, the traditions laid down by the founders of the Russian bridge and tunnel construction school carry on.

There are several departments at the faculty: Bridges, Tunnels and Underground Systems, Structural Constructions2, Theoretical Mechanics, Bases and Foundations, and Structures and Buildings.

Future engineers for designing and constructing bridges, tunnels, viaducts, underground and various civil and industrial buildings are trained here.


There are also several laboratories equipped with modern devices such as the mechanical laboratory, the tunnel modelling laboratory3 and the computing centre4 with modern computers.

In order to become good specialists the students work at different construction sites5 and take part in construction and reconstruction of bridges, tunnels and different engineering structures6.

Our scientists are involved in solving the problems of high speed railway line construction, underground and transport tunnels and many other issues7 both in Russia and abroad. They work in cooperation with the Scientific Research Institute of Bridges, where all Russian underground structures are tested. The Mechanical laboratory also conducts research work in the field of construction materials and structures.

The graduates of the faculty have every opportunity to work at scientific research institutes, construction bureaus, plants and on various railroads. They are in great demand all over the country.


1artificial structures – искусственные сооружения

2tunnel modelling laboratory – лаборатория моделирования тоннелей

3computing centre – вычислительный центр

4сonstruction site – строительная площадка

5structural constructions – строительные конструкции

6engineering structures – искусственные сооружения

7issue [isju:] – проблема.


Railway transport is the most important transport in Russia as it is a country of long distances. In order to meet the great demand for civil engineers, our University increases the number of students in this faculty.

The Civil Engineering Faculty which was founded 20 years before the construction of the first railway in the world is as old as the University itself.


The first graduates of the faculty built canals, ports, locks1, embankments2, roads, highways3 and all kinds of buildings. In the 1830's the faculty began to train specialists for the construction of railways. The first railway in Russia was built in 1836.

Now the Civil Engineering Faculty trains engineers for different specialisations: Railway Construction and Track Maintenance4, Water Supply and Sewage, Standardisation and Certification, Industrial Transport. The students of the first speciality are trained for surveying5 and constructing railways and other structures. The students of the Water Supply and Sewage6 speciality are trained for the construction and maintenance of waterworks7 and water-supply8 structures for transport, industry, cities and pipeline9 transport. Future specialists of Industrial Transport will deal with designing, constructing and operation of transport systems (railway lines, industrial sidings10, etc.) for large factories, works11 and other industrial enterprises12.

The faculty gives its students a very broad education. A modern engineer of the railway transport is skilled enough to solve different economic and engineering problems. He is also able to use the achievements of national science and engineering13.

The graduates of the Civil Engineering Faculty work on the railways of Russia. They work at scientific research institutes, construction bureaus and different civil and military organisations. They build bridges, tunnels and hydroelectric power stations. Some of them choose a teaching career or become scientific researchers.


1lock – шлюз

2embankment – набережная

3highway – шоссе

4track maintenance – содержание (ремонт) пути

5surveying – изыскания

6sewage ['s(j)u:ɪʤ] – канализация / водоотведение

7waterworks – водопроводные сооружения


8water-supply – водоснабжение

9pipeline – трубопровод

10siding – (зд.) ж.-д.ветка

industrial siding – заводская ветка

11works – завод

12industrial enterprise – промышленное предприятие

13science and engineering – наука и техника.


The Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Petersburg State Transport University was set up1 in 1929. Since its early days it has become one of the most popular faculties of the University.

The Faculty has the following specialisations: Locomotives, Wagons divided into Wagon Construction, Refrigerator Wagons, Passenger Wagons; the specialisations Mechanical Handling Equipment2 and Road Building3 Machines, Robots and Robotic Systems, Industrial Heat and Power Engineering4, Safety of Technological Processes and Production, Engineering for Environmental Protection5.

It is necessary to note that the passenger and freight car fleet6 is constantly improving. New high-capacity7 cars, long refrigerator car trains and new types of passenger cars are designed at special research railway laboratories including the labs of this faculty.

The students who have chosen the speciality of mechanical handling equipment and road-building machines usually specialise in different kinds and types of these machines. At present these machines have become an integral part of any large-scale construction8.

It should be mentioned that during the fourth and fifth years at the University all undergraduates9 concentrate on some specialised branches of mechanical engineering.


Before starting the work on their diplomas all students spend some time at different depots or plants to get special practical training.

A lot of experimental research work is carried out10 at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty. The department of applied mathematics11 was opened at the faculty not long ago. It is hoped that it will greatly contribute12 to a better mathematical training of students and their creative activity.


1set up – создавать

2mechanical handling equipment – погрузочно-разгрузочные устройства

3road-building – дорожное строительство

4industrial heat and power engineering – промышленная теплоэнергетика

5environmental protection – защита окружающей среды

6car fleet – парк вагонов

7high capacity – многоместный (вагон); большой грузоподъемности

8large-scale construction – крупномасштабное строительство

9undergraduate – студент последнего курса

10carry out – выполнять, проводить, осуществлять

11applied mathematics – прикладная математика

12contribute – способствовать, содействовать.


The Electro-Mechanical Faculty was opened in 1930. It was called the Railway Electrification Department, but since 1972 it has been called the Electro-Mechanical Faculty. Many famous scientists worked at this faculty, among them were G.O.Graftio, B.E.Vedeneyev, A.E.Alexeyev and many others.

The Faculty trains engineers for several specialities: Electrical Railway Transport divided into Electric Locomotives and Electric Trains, High-Speed Overground Transport1, Computer Technologies for Using and Maintaining2 Electrical Rolling Stock3; the specialisations Electrical Supply4 of Railways and Electrical Supply Management.


The graduates of the railway electric supply speciality deal with the designing and operation of traction5 substations6, transmission lines7, catenaries8 and other electric supply equipment9 as well as with automation and telecontrol. Students of this speciality study different specialised subjects, such as power systems10, overhead contact systems11, electric networks, traction substations, electric supply of railways, electrical machines and so on.

Students of the electric rolling stock speciality get theoretical and practical knowledge in the machine-building technologies and repair work. As modern electric locomotives and trains are equipped with the most developed automatic devices12, students of this speciality have to study such subjects as fundamentals of electrical measurement and control systems, computing, electronics, construction and dynamics of the electric stock, electric equipment, electrical converters13, etc.

During their practical training, students of this faculty work both at the plants, producing electric equipment and rolling stock, and on the railways.

The training of specialists would not be successful without up-to-date14 laboratories equipped with modern machines and devices. There are five special engineering departments with 16 laboratories at this faculty. The most advanced of them are the contact network lab, the power supply lab, the electric traction lab, the automation and computing technologies lab and others. All these laboratories help students to improve their engineering knowledge.

Students have every possibility to develop their research abilities. They can work in students’ scientific societies at special departments according to their gift and inclination. This work is carried out15 under the supervision of scientists and teachers of the department. There is also a post-graduate course16 that trains future scientific researchers. Graduates of the Electro-Mechanical Faculty can work at depots, substations, railways, plants as well as at designing and research institutes.




overground transport – наземный транспорт

9 equipment – оборудование


maintain – ремонтировать


power system – система






rolling stock – подвижной состав

11 overhead contact system – контактнаясеть


electrical supply – электроснабжение


device – прибор, механизм


traction – тяга


converter – преобразователь


traction substation – тяговая подстанция


up-to-date – современный


transmission line – линия передач


carry out – выполнять, осуществлять


catenary [kə'ti:nəri] – контактная сеть

16 post-graduate course – аспирантура.


The development of Russian railway transport requires the application of the most advanced technologies of automatic block signalling1, telecommunication2, radio, television and computing machines, which provide safety of railway operation3 and higher speeds.

Design, construction and maintenance4 of this equipment5 can be carried out only by highly qualified specialists. To train specialists for these branches of engineering is the task of this faculty.

The Electrical Engineering Faculty was founded in 1930. It is one of the largest faculties at our University and the leading faculty of its kind in the country.

The Faculty trains students in the following specialisations: Railway Automation, Telemechanics and Communication divided into Automation and Telemechanics, Systems for Transmitting and Distributing Information, Radio Technical Systems, Fibre6 Optic Transmission Systems, Computer Technologies in Automation and Telemechanics; the specialisations Instruments and Methods of Quality Diagnostics7, Software for Computing Equipment and Automated Systems, Information systems and Technologies, Applied Information Science and Math, Non-Destructive Testing8.

There are scientific research laboratories at every department9. The scientists, teachers and post-graduate students10 of the departments carry out


extensive scientific research work, solving urgent11 problems of railway automation and communication.

The best students take an active part in the work, too. The scientists of this faculty have made a great contribution12 to the development and practical use of contactless automatic devices13 which increase the reliability14, safety and speed of train operation. At the faculty there is also a special computing centre for students which is equipped with modern computing machines. Here students can work on computers, make up their own programmes and perform different complex calculations necessary for their design and diplomas.

Graduates of this faculty work in different parts of our country. They work on railways, at scientific research and educational institutions, designing bureaus, computing centres, industrial enterprises15 and metro.


1automatic block signalling – автоблокировка signalling – сигнализация

2telecommunication – дистанционная связь

3railway operation – эксплуатация ж.д.

4maintenance – эксплуатация, техническое обслуживание

5equipment – оборудование

6fibre – волокно

7quality diagnostics – диагностика качества

8non-destructive testing – неразрушающий контроль

9department – кафедра

10post-graduate student – аспирант

11urgent – крайне необходимый

12contribution – вклад, содействие

13device – устройство, прибор

14reliability – надежность

15industrial enterprise – промышленное предприятие.