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Жбиковская О. А., Соловьева Н. Н.. Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для подготовки к занятиям по контролю самостоятельной работы

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Exercise 5.7. Complete the sentences using proper words and phrases in the box.

Young adventurers; adventure holidays; to build a shelter; whitewater rafting; a troglodyte; different; popularity.

1)«Adrenalin sports» account for the burgeoning … of adventure holidays.

2)The point of … is being drenched, frozen, starved and bumped.

3)Adventure holidays may be of … shapes and sizes.

4)A typical adventure tourist would like very much to try life as … .

5)Adventure holiday-makers need to learn how … .

6)The number of … coming to far-off places has greatly increased recently.

7)Cliff-jumping and … are fairly risky 'adrenalin sports'.

Exercise 5.8. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

1)Most city dwellers have no need to think for themselves in everyday life.

2)Thrill-seekers risk their necks in far-off places, such as London.

3)Desk-jockeys know how to live off the land.

4)British holiday-makers pay good money only to be left wet, cold, and hungry.

5)Adventure holidays always come in one and the same shape.

6)Punters usually travel in small groups with a local guide.

7)Women keep signing up for adventure holidays in increasing numbers.

8)Every city dweller knows quite well how to use a map and compass or build a shelter.


Exercise 6.1. Read the text and translate it.


The Terminal is a 2004 American comedy drama film directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta Jones. It is about a man trapped in a terminal at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport when he is denied entry into the United States and at the same time cannot return to his native country, the fictitious Krakozhia, due to a revolution. The film is partially in-


spired by the 17-year-stay of Mehran Karimi Nasseri in the Charles de Gaulle International Airport, Terminal I, Paris, France from 1988 to 2006.

Viktor Navorski (Tom Hanks) arrives at JFK International Airport, but finds that he is not allowed to enter the United States. While he was en route to the US, a revolution was started in his home nation of Krakozhia. Due to the civil war, the United States no longer recognizes Krakozhia as a sovereign nation and denies Viktor's entrance to the US. Unable to leave the airport or return to Krakozhia, Viktor instead lives in the terminal, carrying his luggage and a mysterious Planters peanut can. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Head Frank Dixon (Stanley Tucci) wants Navorski removed from the airport. Navorski collects money for food by retrieving vacant baggage trolleys for the 25-cent reward from the machine, until Dixon prevents this. He then befriends a catering car driver named Enrique Cruz (Diego Luna) who gives him food in exchange for information about Customs and Border Protection officer Dolores Torres (Zoe Saldana), with whom Enrique is infatuated. With Viktor's help, Enrique and Dolores eventually marry each other. He meets flight attendant Amelia Warren (Catherine Zeta-Jones), who asks him out to dinner, but he tries to earn money in order to ask Amelia out instead. He finally gets an off-the-books job as a construction worker at the airport earning $19 an hour. Viktor is asked to interpret for a desperate Russian man with undocumented drugs for his sick father. Viktor claims it is «medicine for goat», barring the drug from confiscation and resolving the crisis. Under pressure and the watchful eye of the Airport Ratings committee, who is evaluating Dixon for an upcoming promotion, Dixon has a falling out with Viktor. Though Dixon is advised that sometimes rules must be ignored, he becomes obsessed with getting Viktor ejected from the airport. An airport janitor, Rajan Gupta (Kumar Pallana), exaggerates the "goat" incident to his fellow co-workers and as a result, Viktor earns the respect and admiration of all of the airport staff. One day, Viktor explains to Amelia that the purpose of his visit to New York is to collect an autograph from the tenor saxophonist Benny Golson. It is revealed that the peanut can Viktor carries with him contains nothing more than an autographed copy of the «Great Day in Harlem» photograph. His late father was a jazz enthusiast who had discovered the famous portrait in a Hungarian newspaper in 1958, and vowed to get an autograph of all the jazz musicians featured on the photograph. He succeeded in obtaining, but died before he could finish his collection. A few months later, the war in Krakozhia ends, but Dixon will still not allow


Viktor to enter the United States. Amelia reveals that she had asked her «friend» – actually a married government official with whom she had been having an affair - to assist Viktor in obtaining permission to travel within the US, but Viktor is disappointed to learn she has renewed her relationship with the man during this To make matters worse, Dixon needs to sign the form granting Viktor the right to remain in the United States, but refuses. He instead blackmails Viktor into returning to Krakozhia, or he will have Enrique fired for allowing Viktor into the restricted food preparation area and deport Gupta back to his native India, where he is wanted for assaulting a corrupt police officer. Upon hearing this, Gupta runs in front of Viktor’s plane and asks Viktor to go anyway. The plane is delayed, giving Viktor enough time to go into the city and obtain the autograph. With the blessing of the entire airport staff, Viktor leaves the airport after receiving a uniform coat from a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Assistant Port Director and hails a taxi. Dixon, watching Viktor leave the airport, decides not to pursue him. As Viktor prepares to take the taxi to a Ramada Inn where Benny Golson is performing, he observes Amelia exiting from a cab, where she gives him a wistful smile. He has a short conversation with the cab driver, telling him how to avoid traffic on the way to the hotel and that he is from Krakozhia. The driver tells Viktor that he is from Albania and arrived earlier that week. At the hotel, Benny Golson is doing a sound check and asks Victor to wait while he finishes his rehearsal. Victor listens to him play and collects the autograph, finally completing the collection. Afterwards, Viktor leaves and hails a taxi, telling the driver, «I am going home».

Exercise 6.2. Find the English equivalents in the text.

Руководить, управлять, администрировать; ловушка; отказывать; фиктивный, поддельный; из-за, благодаря; частично; вдохновленный; на пути к; гражданская война; вместо, взамен; носить, возить, иметь при себе; бюро таможенного и пограничного контроля; разыскивать, вернуть, искать; тележка; предотвращать, не допускать; общественное питание; вскружить голову, свести с ума, сильно; в конце концов, со временем, в конечном счете; обслуживающее лицо, обслуживающий; приглашать; неофициальная работа; отчаянный, безнадежный; незарегистрированные препараты; утверждать, заявлять; за исключением; оценивать, аттестовать; ссориться; одержимый; уборщик; преувеличивать, утрировать; восхищение; роман; возобновлять; отказываться;


увольнять; ограниченный, закрытый, для служебного пользования; нападение; продажный, бесчестный; благословение; диспетчер.

Exercise 6.3. Answer the questions on the text.

1)What type of movie is it?

2)What is the main hero’s name?

3)What is the native country of Viktor Navorski?

4)Where did he arrive first?

5)Who is Frank Dixon?

6)What did he want to do with Navorski while he was in the airport?

7)What is the name of Navorski’s friend, a catering car driver?

8)Who is infatuated Enrique Cruz?

9)What kind of job did Viktor find after meeting Amelia?

10)What language translator is Viktor asked to be?

11)When did Navorski earn the respect of the airport staff?

12)What is the purpose of Viktor's visit to New York?

13)How many autographs does he have?

14)Does Dixon allow Viktor to enter the USA after the war in Krakozhia ends?

15)Who is Gupta? Where is he from?

16)What did Gupta do for Viktor when he was about to leave the USA on

the plane?

17)Whom did he meet while taking the taxi to a Ramada Inn?

18)What did Viktor do before taking Benny Golson's autograph?

19)What did Navorski tell to the taxi driver on his way to the airport?

Exercise 6.4. Decide if these statements are true or false.

1)Revolution was started in New York when Navorski came.

2)Viktor lives in the terminal, carrying his luggage and a mysterious planters almond can.

3)Navorski collects money for food by retrieving vacant baggage trolleys.

4)He Enrique Cruz who gives him food in exchange for information about Customs and Border Protection Head Frank Dixon.

5)He finally gets an off-the-books job as a construction worker at the airport earning $19 a day.


6)Viktor claims it as «medicine for cow», barring the drug from confiscation.

7)His father was a jazz enthusiast who had discovered the famous portrait in a Hungarian newspaper in 1956.

8)Finally Viktor decides to forget about autograph and return to his native


9)The driver who took Viktor to Ramada Inn said that he is from Great Britain.

10)When Navorski got to the performance Benny Golson immediately gave the autograph to him.

Exercise 6.5. Discuss the following questions.

1)Do you want to see this movie and why?

2)What can you tell about the main hero's character?

3)Do you think he is a good person?

4)Why does he finally want to get Benny Golson's autograph, when it is easier to forget about it and leave New York?


Exercise 7.1. Read the text and translate it.


Studying in a foreign country can be exciting. It can be difficult too, especially if the culture is very different from your own. However, there are often surprises, even if the culture is very similar. When Megan, a British student, fi rst arrived here in the United States she knew that Americans ate their food with a knife and fork.

«But they don’t use the knife and fork like we do», says Megan. «In Britain we eat with the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand».

Whereas Americans often just use a fork in the right hand. «Megan is also surprised that Americans tip a lot more than the British do. We never tip a waiter just for a cup of coffee, but Americans tip 15 per cent. The accents can be so different, too! I’m slowly getting used to everything». For students who come here from more different backgrounds, settling in can take longer. Kit-ken, a student who came from Taiwan only a few months ago, told us «When I first arrived everything was new and exciting. I really liked the differences between here and home. I was happy to be in a new country. Now, though, I miss my family and friends and feel a


bit lonely. Sometimes I’m confused about what to do. There are still lots of things that I like, but now there are more things I dislike. I feel really homesick!»

For advice we turned to some students who now have few problems about being a student here. Seydou arrived from Senegal two years ago. He told us «Kit-ken shouldn’t worry, this is perfectly normal. I felt exactly the same as she did. I didn’t understand the culture and my English wasn’t improving, either».

Seydou realised this was because all his friends were from his own country. «So I decided to get to know some North American students, and other international students. I went to the student union where there are a lot of different clubs. There are sports clubs, dance clubs, clubs for people who have the same religion, clubs for people who want to find out more about something – there are loads! I saw there was a club for students interested in music and so I joined that. It made all the difference! I made friends quite quickly, and I was able to understand the culture a bit better. The students were interested in me, too. We talked about the differences, and I began to feel a lot happier. We now get on well and often hang out together».

Miguel from Mexico added, «My main problem was the food. I really missed eating my favourite dishes! Cooking for myself was also hard and I ate too much fast food, which was not good for me. Then I found a Mexican restaurant nearby. Now I go there quite a lot, and I often take other students to give it a try. Also my mum sends me packages with Mexican food in them, and that really helps, too. Understanding a new culture is important, but it’s good to have things from home, too». Seydou sums up the advice for us, «...»

Exercise 7.2. How does Seydou sum up the advice? Choose the best comment.

1)Things will get better if you stop talking to people from your own country and eat only North American food.

2)Culture shock is normal. Meeting people from other cultures is a good idea, but having things that you know and like also helps.

3)Culture shock is not normal. There are doctors at the student union who

can help.


Exercise 7.3. Answer the questions.

1) Which sentence is correct about line 1?

a)Being a student in your own country is easy.

b)There are always problems being a student in another country.

c)There are good and bad things about being a student in another country.

2)In the second passage, another way of saying I’m becoming more familiar with the differences is … .

3)What does Kit-ken say about her family and friends?

a)She tries not to see them.

b)She doesn’t want them to know she feels alone.

c)She feels sad because she isn’t with them.

4) How does Kit-ken feel?

a)She feels ill because she’s far from home.

b)She feels sad because she’s far from home.

c)She feels ill because she doesn’t like her new home.

5)In the third passage, what is another way of saying to go to someone for help?

6)In the third passage, which phrase means that changed things for the better?

7)In the last passage, which of these sentences about Miguel are true?

a)He has a problem with Mexican food.

b)He didn’t cook in Mexico.

c)He ate a lot of fast food because it’s his favourite type of food.

d)He sometimes goes to a Mexican restaurant on his own.

e)He sometimes goes to a Mexican restaurant with other Mexican students.

Exercise 7.4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use each verb only once.

miss turn to make get to know get on with hang out

1)I think I … Sam because we both like the same things.

2)It’s difficult for me to … new friends because I’m very shy.

3)Joining a club is a good way to … other students.


4)We mostly … with the other people in our music club.

5)When I’m away from home I really … my friends.

6)If I have a problem I know I can … my friends; they’re always ready to help.

Exercise 7.5. Complete the sentences about the second part of the text with a, an, the or Ø.

For example: Seydou is a student at American university.

1)He went to … student union at his university.

2)He saw there was … club for students interested in music.

3)It helped him to understand … culture better.

4)Miguel found … Mexican restaurant near the campus.

5)His mum sends him … packages.

Exercise 7.6. Are the articles in these sentences about Kit-ken correct?

1)Kit-ken thought an advice from Seydou was very good.

2)She likes acting and ø films so she joined an film club.

3)She got the main part in a film about ø student life.

4)Now she wants to be the actress in Hollywood!

Exercise 7.7. Retell the text.


Учебное издание

ЖБИКОВСКАЯ Оксана Алексеевна, СОЛОВЬЕВА Наталия Николаевна




Редактор Н. А. Майорова

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