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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (25), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

Other natural phenomena associated with rain are: Tau (dew), Gewitter (thunderstorm), Wind (wind), Tröpfeln (drizzling rain), Morgenrot (morning) and Abendrot (evening) dawn.

Abendrot - Gutwetterbot, Morgenrot mit Regen droht [6*]. - Evening dawn is a precursor of good weather, the morning dawn threatens rain (our translation).

The corpus of signs of rain, you can also distinguish the group, in which rain is combined with zoonymic reality (13 the proverbs).

From ancient times, our ancestors could foresee a change in the weather according to a certain behavior of animals and insects. Scientists have found that about 600 species of animals have meteorological foresight. In the German linguistic culture, as in the Russian, one of the main weather indicators is the frog and the swallow.

Wenn die Schwalben das Wasser im Fluge berühren, so ist der Regen zu spüren [1*]. - Swallows fly low over the water - to the rain (our translation).

As you know, the swallow refers to the sacred symbols in many cultures. Symbolism swallows in German-speaking countries is ambiguous. It was considered a good sign if this bird makes a nest under the roof of the house or in the barn.

And, on the contrary, many swallows, perched on the eaves, predict poverty. In some regions of Germany, a single swallow flying over a cow or a horse is a sign that this animal will die. If the swallow inadvertently flies under the cow, then she will have blood milk after that. And if it sits down on the shoulder or palm of a person, that will not last long [7].

Other precursors of rain are chicken, fish, goose, shrew, mole, raven and spider.

The weather has long been determined by the planets and stars, including rain, which allows us to distinguish a group of rain + cosmic reality in the corpus of the proverbs (9 units). For many centuries, the moon is a kind of “barometer” that allows you to accurately determine the weather. Earlier it was believed that large natural disasters occur during a new and full moon.

Wenn der Mond hat einen Ring, folgt der Regen allerding [6*]. - If the moon has a circle - soon wait for the rain (our translation).

The rain is foreshadowed by dark spots on the moon, as well as a large red moon in the clouds.

The German peasant also noticed a quick rain on the position of the sun.

Geht die Sonne feurig auf, folgen Wind und Regen drauf [6*]. - If the sun is scorching in the morning, it will soon be windy and rainy (our translation).


Thus, the German meteorological signs with the component "rain" occupy a special place in the corps of agricultural signs. However, it is worth noting that the attitude of the peasant to this weather phenomenon is twofold. On the one hand, rain is seen as a boon, an update, a source of life for all living things. On the other hand, rainy weather during the period of sowing or harvesting is an obstacle to carrying out certain agricultural activities, which cannot but be reflected in the paremiological foundation of the language.

The study revealed that the component “rain” in signs is correlated with realities (temporal, theological, cosmic, zoonymic, natural) acting as meteorological indicators.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (25), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

The most numerous is the temporal group. The most frequent is the correlation with the month, namely with August (13 units).

For the convenience of systematization and ordering of knowledge and observations of the weather, the times and months of the year form oppositions, so signs often contrast winter with summer, for example, the weather in May can be predicted by the nature of the weather in February.

It is important to note that the life and way of life of the peasant were determined by the important dates of the church calendar, as well as the holy days, as evidenced by the huge number of signs containing a theomorphic name. Thus, in our corpus of rain signs there are 71 proverbs in which 35 sacral names are mentioned. Most often, signs with the “Regen” component mention the holy apostles Peter and Paul (8 units), St. Barnabas (7 units), Holy Walpurgia (5 units), which can be explained by the coincidence of the day of their worship with turning periods, which are characterized by abundance of precipitation .

The classification by gender criterion revealed the obvious predominance of male names over female ones. Of the 35 sacred names found in signs of rain, only 6 are female.

Along with cultural universals, the presence of ethnocultural marked sacral names in signs of rain should be emphasized (11 units).

The order of the field work was lined up, also corrected by "oracular days", allowing to make a long-term meteorological forecast.


[1] Zakirov M. I. Leksemy rosa i inej v russkih i tatarskih narodnyh primetah KiberLeninka, URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/leksemy-rosa-i-iney-v-russkih-i-

tatarskih-narodnyh-primetah (vremya obrashcheniya - 22.04.19).

[2]Pilevceva A.V. Imennye rifmovye struktury v nemeckih pogodnyh primetah v lingvokul'turologicheskom aspekte, URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30047111 (vremya obrashcheniya - 23.04.19).

[3]Simvolika dozhdya, URL: https://surfingbird.ru/surf/simvolika-dozhdya-- mJXLFc691 (vremya obrashcheniya - 18.04.19).

[4]Kul'kova M.A. Semantika i pragmatika nemeckih i russkih narodnyh primet

Dissertacii po gumanitarnym naukam, URL: http://cheloveknauka.com/semantika-i- pragmatika-nemetskih-i-russkih-narodnyh-primet#ixzz5nvtKg2yQ (vremya obrashcheniya - 22.04.19).

[5]Val'purgieva noch', URL: https: //www. liveinternet.ru /users/ 2614890/ post164039164 (vremya obrashcheniya - 22.04.19).

[6]Ukrainskij S.A. Sposoby perevoda na russkij yazyk kul'turno-specificheskih realij v nemeckih pogodnyh paremiyah, URL: http://www.vestnik.vsu.ru/pdf/lingvo/2006/02/2006-02- 21.pdf (vremya obrashcheniya - 22.04.19).

[7]Pticy v mifologii raznyh stran i narodov, URL: http://adonay-forum. Com /masterskaya_sudbyi_adonai_myi_i_nashi_domashnie_zhivotnyie/ptitsyi_v_slavyanskoy_mifo logii (vremya obrashcheniya - 28.05.19).

Analysed sources

[1*] Wetterregeln - Bauernregeln / Tiere als Wetterboten, URL: http: //www .medien werkstatt-online.de/lws_wissen/vorlagen/showcard.php?id=17459 (vremya obrashcheniya - 17.04.19).

[2*] Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon, URL: https: //proverbs _de. deacademic.com /6256/Fr%C3%BChlingsregen (vremya obshcheniya – 16.05.19).

[3*] Bauernregeln, URL: http://www.gutzitiert.de (vremya obrashcheniya – 16.05.19). 35

Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (25), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

[4*] Bauernregeln, URL: https://www.wetter.de/bauernregeln (vremya obrashcheniya - 15.05.19).

[5*] Liste von Bauernregeln, URL: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_von_Bauernregeln (vremya obrashcheniya – 22.04.19).

[6*] Bauernregeln, Wetterregeln, Lostage, Weisheiten, Wetter, URL: http: //www

.bauernregeln.net/17.html (vremya obrashcheniya – 17.04.19).

UDC 81 ‘37



I.S. Karpenko


Voronezh State University

Teacher of English Chair for science departments VSU Irina Sergeevna Karpenko

e-mail: kisss22@mail.ru


Statement of the problem. The study is devoted to revealing the forms of national peculiarities of Russian and English adjectives by means of comparative-parametric method of linguistic research. An attempt to determine national peculiarity with in the aspect of lexical and lexical-grammatical polysemy is undertaken. The paper also studies communicative relevance of the sememes incorporated into semanthemes of Russian and English adjectival lexemes.

Results. The national peculiarity was determined within three aspects: aspect of lexical polysemy, aspect of lexi- cal-grammatical polysemy and communicative relevance aspect. National peculiarity of multi-sememe adjectives was qualified in accordance with the mean integral index obtained in the study.

Conclusion. National peculiarities of multi-sememe Russian and English lexemes within the aspects of lexical polysemy and lexical-grammatical polysemy can qualified as noticeable. As for the aspect of communicative relevance, the peculiarity can be described as vivid. On the whole national peculiarity of Russian and English multisememe adjectives can be considered as moderately expressed.

Key words: national peculiarity, comparative-parametric method, lexical polysemy, lexical-grammatical polysemy, lexical-grammatical variation, communicative relevance, aspect, index.

For citation: Karpenko I.S. Russian and English adjectives through the prism of comparative analysis / I.S. Karpenko // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2019. - № 2 (25).

– P. 36-44.


National peculiarity has always been in the field of view of both linguists and ordinary users of the language such as translators, teachers, students. According to I. A. Sternin, “the national peculiarity of the semantics of a lexical unit implies its difference in the composition of semantic components from the unit of the matching language” [1, p.77]. Until the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, conclusions about the presence or absence of national


© Karpenko I.S., 2019


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (25), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

peculiarity of a particular lexical unit, concept, lexical semantic group, thematic group or field were made primarily on the basis of the subjective assessments of researchers. With the advent of the “comparative-parametric method of linguistic research” [2], this subjectivity was overcome: linguists obtained an objective tool for assessing the degree of national peculiarity, a toolkit based on objective indices, numerical values and scales.

The object of the research is 28 multi-sememe (the terminology of M. A. Sternina [3, p. 42]) adjectival lexemes of the Russian language ( b l i z k i i , b o l s h o i , v y s o k i i , d a l y o k i i , d o b r y i , z h i v o i , i z v e s t n y i , k r a s i v y i , k o r o t k i i , k r u p n y i , l y o g k i i , m a l e n k i i , m o l o d o i , n e b o l s h o i , n i z k i i , n o v y i , o b s h e s t v e n n y i ,

o b s h i i , p o l n y i , p o s l e d n i i ,

r a b o c h i i ,

s e r y o z n y i ,

s y l n y i ,

s k o r y i ,

s o b s t v e n n y i ,

s t a r s h y i , t s e l y i ,

s h i r o k i i )

and 23 multi-sememe adjectival lexemes

of the English

language ( o l d , o t h e r , p a r t i c u l a r , p o o r ,

p r i v a t e ,

p u b l i c ,

r e a l , r e d , s o c i a l , s p e c i f i c , t r u e , y o u n g a b l e , c e r t a i n , c o m m o n , e a r l y , g e n e r a l , g r e a t , l a r g e , l i t t l e , l a b o u r , m a j o r , n e w ) . The subject of the research of this article is the national peculiarity of these groups of lexemes within three aspects: ALP, ALGPD and ACR.

The study was performed on the material of S.A. Sharov’s frequency dictionary of the

Russian language [1 *] and the list of frequency adjectives of the British National Corpus [2 *], from which one hundred of the most frequent Russian and English adjectives were selected. The frequency of the lexemes was determined by considering examples from the Russian National Corpus [3 *] and the British National Corpus [2 *].

Research methodology

The main method used in this work was the “comparative-parametric method” [2]. The method of contextual analysis and the methods of seme and sememe analysis were also used. To measure the degree of national peculiarity within the aspects in question, we used the following scales:

1.“The scale of ranging degrees of the parameters” [4], according to which the degree of development of the analyzed parameter with an index equal to 0, is characterized as zero, with an index in the range from 0 to 10% - as low, in the range from 10% to 30 % - as noticeable, in the range from 30% to 50% - as vivid, from 50% and up to 70% - significant, from 70% and up to 90% - high, from 90% and up to 100% - hyper high, with an index equal to 100% is absolute [4].

2."The scale of national peculiarity expressiveness within the aspects under consideration" introduced by N.А. Portnihina [5] and modified by L.А. Krivenko [4] and N.V. Kochetova [6]. This scale is based on the value of the integral index of national-specific differences and characterizes these differences as absent when the index is 0, noticeable when the index value is from 0.1% to 10%, vivid (10.1% - 30%), noticeable (30 , 1% - 50%), substantial (50.1% - 70%), hyper substantial (70.1% - 90%) and super hyper substantial (more than 90%).

3."The scale of national specific expressiveness of semanthemes" [4]. This scale was proposed by L.A. Krivenko and developed by N.V. Kochetova is based on the value of the

“average integral index of national-specific differences” [4] and gives grounds to characterize the degree of national peculiarity as slightly expressed (index less than 10%), moderately expressed (index 10.1% - 20%), highly expressed ( 20.1% - 30%), hyper-expressed (30.1% - 50%), super-hyper-expressed (50.1% - 99%) and absolutely expressed (100% index) [7].

Results of the research

To consider the first aspect ALP, we used the following indices: “the index of lexical polysemy of semantheme / in the group”, and also “the index of denotative and connotative lexical polysemy of semantheme / in the group” [8]. With the help of “the scale of ranging


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (25), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

degrees of the parameters” [4], it was found that eleven lexemes in the Russian language group are characterized by a high degree, eleven by a significant degree, one by a vivid one and five by a noticeable degree of lexical polysemy. Let us consider the semantheme of the lexeme k r u p n i j , which has a high degree of lexical polysemy. The composition of the semantheme of the lexeme in question includes eight sememes: D1a (the terminology by M.M. Kopylenko, Z.D. Popova [9] is used, the symbol after the name of the sememe, means part of the speech)«sostoyashii iz bolshikh chastits, odnorodnykh chastei» (K r u p n y y e kapli dozhdya barabanili po kryshe saraya.), К1a/adv «bolshikh razmerov» (Ta k r u p n a y a devushka, vozmozhno, byla ego dochka / Baranina uzhe razdelana k r u p n o , luk koltsami narublen I vodka zagotoblena, kuda zh bez neyo?), К1а «bolshoi po sile, vliyaniyu, igrayushii v chem-libo znachitelnuyu rol» (Ona rabotala redaktorom v dovolno k r u p n o i gazete), К1a «imeyushii bolshiye materialnye vozmozhnosti, moshnyi economicheski» (Mnogiye uspeshno rabotayushie predpriyatiya srednego klassa prinadlezhat tem zhe oligarkham ili drugim predstavitelyam k r u p n o g o kapitala), К1а «znachitelny po vyrazheniyu v denezhnykh edinitsakh» (Lineker stal vo glave konsortsiuma, zayavivshego o namereniyakh investirovat v klub k r u p n u y u summu), K1a «sostoyashii iz mnozhestva lyudei, mnogochislennyi» (Samaya k r u p n a y a po chislennosti — inspekstiya v Nizhnem Novgorode, na nee ozhitsya osnovnaya nagruzka, potomu chto zdes zaregistririvano 2500 edinits tekhniki), К1a/adv «vazhnyi, sushestvennyi, seryoznyi / sushestvenno, silno» (Vidimo, strana predchuvstvuyet: gryadyot k r u p n y i skandal o korruptsii. / V etom smysle mne k r u p n o povezlo: ne bud v nyom etogo, edva li on vvyazalsya by v moi avantyury), К1a «shirokii, razmashistyi». It should be noted that the example of the sememe K1a «shirokii, razmashistyi» was not found the Corpus [3 *].

On the basis of “the index of lexical polysemy in the group” - 61% [8], we concluded that there is a significant degree of lexical polysemy in the group of Russian multi-sememe adjectives. It was found that the degree of denotative lexical polysemy in the Russian language group is low, and connotative degree is hyper-high, in accordance with the obtained indices - 3.8% and 96.2%.

It was found that the English group contains one lexeme with an absolute degree of lexical polysemy, seven with a high one, twelve with a significant one and two with a vivid degree. One lexeme in the group of English has no lexical polysemy. As an example let us consider the lexeme a b l e which demonstrates an absolute degree of lexical polysemy.

The semantheme of the lexeme in question contains: D1a «sposobnyi, obladayushii sposobnostyu» (We are a b l e to achieve all of this and priorities in other areas such as the nursery education), K1a «talantlivyi» (The most a b l e craftsmen prefer to work as sub-contractors), K1а «kompetentnyi» (In an age of monarchy there was no substitute for an a b l e and energetic ruler),K1a «krepkiy, zdorovyi, godnyi» (Tenn Tunns employed ten a b l e well-experienced workmen to dress the ore), D2a «обладающий хорошими мореходными способностями», D2a «kompetentnyi, pravosposobnyi». The examples of sememes D2a «obladayushii khoroshimi morekhodnymi sposobnostyami», D2a «kompetentnyi, pravosposobnyi» were not found in the Corpus [2*].

It is worth noting that the value of the lexical polysemy index in the English language group is slightly higher (63%) than in the Russian language group, and can be also qualified as significant according to “the scale of ranging degrees of the parameters” [4]. At the same time, the research has revealed that the degree of denotative polysemy in the English language group can be qualified as noticeable, and connotative as high, as indicated by the values of the corresponding indices –16.3% and 83.6%.

The aspect – ALGPD was characterized by the following indices: “index of lexical - grammatical polysemy of semantheme / in the group” [8], “index of lexical-grammatical variance of semantheme / in the group” [8], “index of part of the speech representation (adjectival, adverbial, substantive, verbal, particle and modal ) in the group ”[4]. In the Russian language group, twelve lexemes demonstrate a zero degree of lexical-grammatical polysemy;


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (25), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

fourteen lexemes exhibit a noticeable degree and two show a vivid degree of lexicalgrammatical polysemy.

Let us look at the semantheme of the lexeme p o l n y i . The lexeme in question demonstrates a noticeable degree of lexical-grammatical polysemy, the index equals 14%.

The semamtheme of this lexeme contains sememes: D1a «nopolnennyi, zanyatyi tselikom» (V torzhestve, s p o l n y m koshelkom, no neskolko ustalyi, on vozvratilsya v svoyu komnatu), K1a «absolutnyi, neogranichennyi nichem, ne stesnennyi» (Khotya imel godovoi bilet moego generala, otdannyi v p o l n o y e moyo vladeniye, ya peredaval ego inogda), K1a «vo vsyom obyome, vo vsyu velechinu, ischerpyvayushii» (Tut ne odni tolko basni; net, basni sostavlyayut lish tretyu chast p o l n o g o sobraniya, kuda voshli vse proizvedeniya Krylogo), K1a «tslikom proniknutyi, okhvachennyi chem-libo» (Ona prishla ko mne s p o l n o y reshimostyu I prinesla mne svoyu netronutuyu molodost), K1a «soderzhashiy v sebe, vmestivshyi v sebya predelnoye kolichestvo chego-libo» (Stadion byl p o l o n lyudei), K1a «dostigshii vysshego predela, predstavlyayushii krainyuyu stepen chego-libo» (Ya zhe na repetitsii vsyo-taki byla nezdorova I pela ne v p o l n u y u silu, starayas berech golos dlya spektaklei), K1adv «mnogo» (Obratil vnimaniye, chto v gorode opyat p o l n o glukho tonirovannykh avtomobilei, vidimo perestali lishat prav), K1a «upitannyi, umerenno tolstyi» (Kak-to na konkurse poyavilas chrezvychaino p o l n a y a devushka). [3*]

On the whole, in the studied group, the index of lexical-grammatical polysemy is equal to 10.4%, which indicates a noticeable degree of the development of this phenomenon. As for the lexical-grammatical variation, according to the study, the Russian language group includes one lexeme with a zero degree, eighteen with a noticeable degree, seven with a vivid one and two with a high degree of the development of this phenomenon. The degree of lexical-grammatical variation in the group can be qualified as noticeable, according to the obtained index – 27.6%. Let us consider the semantheme of the lexeme s h i r o k i i with a high degree of the lexicalgrammatical development.

The semamtheme of the lexeme s h i r o k i i

contains sememes: D1a


(Cherez tsntr goroda protekala s h i r o k a y

r e k a

— Neva), K1a/adv

«znachitelnyi po

okhvatu, razmeru / znachitelno»,


ne khvataet spetsialistov bolee s h i r i k o g o

profilya / Novyi zavod pozvolit


s h i r i k o

uchastvovat, naprimer, v proekte

gazoprovoda “Sila Sibiri”), K1a/adv «massovyi/massovo» (Mnogo bylo sdelano Suvorinym dlya russkoi literatury I dlya znakomstva s nei s h i r o k o i publiki /V Rossii s h i r o k o razvita razrabotka SAPR I PLM-sistem lyogkogo I srednego klassa, kotoryye sposobny obespechit praktichesky polnoye importozamesheniye), К1a/adv «zanimayushii bolshoye prostranstvo, obshirnyi/obshirno» (S h i r o k a y a stepp ne kazalas yemu unyloi / Zamelkali pered nami yakhty I lodki, s h i r o k o raskinulas volzhskaya panorama),

К1a/adv «otlichayushiisya bolshim razmakhom v deyatelnosti, shedrostyu/shedro» (U Vadima sh i r o k a y a n a t u r a , on ochen dobryi), К1а «ne oblegayushii, svobodnyi, prostornyi» (Na nyom byla krasnaya shelkovaya rubakha i s h i r o k i y e sharovary),

К1a/adv «razmashistyi, svobodnyi/razmashisto, svobodno». The example of the sememe

К1a/adv «razmashistyi, svobodnyi/razmashisto, svobodno» was not found in the Corpus


The analysis of the English group showed that nine lexemes demonstrate a zero degree of the lexical-grammatical polysemy, ten demonstrate a noticeable degree and four show a vivid degree. The lexical-grammatical polysemy of the whole group can be qualified as noticeable in accordance with the index–13%. Let us look at the semantheme of the lexeme g e n e r a l with a vivid degree of lexical-grammatical polysemy (33%).

The semamtheme of the lexeme on question includes the following sememes: D1a/n

«obshii/obshee» (Her g e n e r a l state was getting better/ Some people do not see the g e n e r a l for the particular), К1а «obychnyi, obsheprinyatyi» (As a g e n e r a l rule,


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (25), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

only long vehicles are taken in here for repair), K1a «shirokii, povsemestnyi, rasprostranennyi, obsheprinyatyi» K1a (The proposals in the accord were for g e n e r a l improvements in the judicial system), К1a «glavnyi» (He entered the service of the National Telephone Company in 1883, becoming g e n e r a l manager and chief engineer for Scotland and north-west England from 1886 to 1890), K1a «nespetsializirovannyi, nespetsialnyi» (Virtually all the deaths occurred in g e n e r a l practitioners' surgeries), К1a «rasplyvchatyi, ntochnyi» (The deputy judge then referred to Mr. Morgan's evidence and said:' the g e n e r a l impression given by Mr. Morgan's evidence is that the testator was alert) , К1n «general» (Every g e n e r a l has his own method for preparing his troops for battle and I am no exception ) D2n «obshaya chast publikatsii», Д2n «glava ordena». It should be mentioned that both sememes D2n were not found in the Corpus [2*].

According to the study two lexemes in the English group of multi-sememe adjectives do not show any degree lexical-grammatical variation whereas fifteen lexemes demonstrate a noticeable degree, four show a vivid degree and two lexemes demonstrate a significant degree of lexical-grammatical variation. As for the whole group, the degree of lexical-grammatical variation development can be qualified as noticeable, in accordance with the obtained index– 22%. The lexeme e a r l y with a significant degree of lexical-grammatical variation is given as an example.

The semantheme of the lexeme e a r l y includes eight sememes. Five sememes develop lexical-grammatical variation on the adverbial level: D1a/adv «prinadlezhashii k rannemu periodu/v nachalnom pridoe chego-libo» (I get some of my best work done in the

e a r l y


Easter Sunday morning in Dublin many of the young volunteers including

Joe Sweeney were awakened e a r l y ) and three K1 a/adv «nachalnyi/v nachale»

(In the

e a r l y


I don't think you were that nice/ Allende and Lagos would

have to

compete for their party's nomination in primary elections early next year), K1a/adv «prezhdevremennyi/prezhdevremenno» (Moldovan capital was attended by thousands who were demanding the resignation of the government and e a r l y elections/ It is too e a r l y to make any summaries), K1a/adv «skoreishii, ozhidaemyi v blizhaishee vremya/skoro, v blizhaishee vremya» (He prayed for his e a r l y and full recuperation / We are also studying the associated funding requirements to support as many communities as e a r l y as possible), K1a/adv «zablagovremennyi, svoevremennyi/zablagovremenno, svoevremenno” (Because of the e a r l y diagnosis, he was able to get the support he needed/ India should aspire to be a leader in providing data science education e a r l y on), K1а «starinnyi, drevnii» (The origins of Osiris are shrouded in mystery but in early times he was a fertility god), D2 а «proiskhodyashii ranee zadannogo vremeni», D2а «nizhnii». The examples of the sememes D2а «proiskhodyashii ranee zadannogo vremeni» and D2а «nizhnii» were not found in the

Corpus. [2*]

The study showed that the lexical-grammatical polysemy in the group of the Russian language is presented at the level of adjective, adverb, noun, modal word and particle. The index of adjectival sememe representation in the group turned out to be the largest – 89.5%. Lexical and grammatical polysemy at the noun level was noted in eighteen lexemes:

r a b o c h i i (S odnoi storony vysilas kucha zemli, s drugoi ― v melkikh kustochkakh, prinadlezhashikh drugomu uchastku, sideli dvoe r a b o c h i k h ), t s e l y i (Za kazhdym

otdelnym elementom folklora stoit nechto t s e l o y e ) ,

n e b o l s h o y

(Eto budet nash


museyu, to n e b o l s h o y e , chto my mozhem sdelat) ,

o b s h e s t v e n n y i

(O b s h e s t v e n n o y e

stalo vazhneye semeinogo schastya),

d o b r y i

(Ne mnogiye iz

nas sposobny na d o b r o y e ) ,

k r a s i v y i

(Ya nadeyalsya

k r a s i v o y e rassmotret

khotya by s kryshi), s t a r s h i i

(Starshemu chetyre goda, srednemu tri I mladenets),

v y s o k i i


― eto

daleko ne



“v y s o k o g o i










Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue

2 (25), 2019

ISSN 2587-8093


b l e s t y a s h e g o ”), n o v y i

(V «Statisticheskoye uchrezhdeniye» naznachili n o v o g o ,

kotorym okazyvayetsya staryi drug odnoi iz sotrudnits),

b o l s h o i (To, chto b o l s h i m

ne nado obizhat malenkikh, my khorosho znaem I starayemsya soblyudat etot printsip v

obshenii so svoimi detmi),

p o s l e d n y i


( Kazhdyi





DiCaprio, perezhivayesh za p o s l e d n e g o ) ,

o b s h i i

(U nikh est chto-to o b s h e y e ,

ya tochno eto znayu), m a l e n k i i

(A kak tolko ona ushla, ya vzyala Serezhku, postavila

ego na nogi i govoryu – nu, davai, m a l e n k i i , nu, pozhaluista, nu, poidi),

m o l o d o i

( M o l o d y y e




puteshestviye) ,

d a l e k i i




vzglyadyval na nikh iz takogo d a l e k a , gde voobshe ne bylo vremeni) ,

z h i v o i (Eto

nuzhno ne mertvym, etp

nuzhno z h i v y m ),

b l i z k i i



emotsionalnom sostoyanii

cheloveka, perenesshego utratu b l i z k o g o , psikhologi razlichayut tri etapa) ,

s k o r y i

( А s k o r y i desyatichasovoi ― nashu stantsiyu s khodu proyekhal).






The obtained value of the index – 13,8%




degree of


development of

the following phenomenon.

Lexical-grammatical polysemy at the adverbial

level was noted in fifteen lexemes:
















p o l n y i

(Obratil vnimaniye, chto v



p o l n o




d a l y o k i i

(Zhal, d a l e k o

bylo vozvrashatsya





sobstvennyi (V chem sobstvenno problema),


b l i z k i i

(Klub i b l i z k o

ne stoit svoikh

deneg), k r u p n y i (Baranina uzhe razdelana k r u p n o , luk koltsami narublen I vodka

zagotoblena, kuda zh bez neyo?),

s k o r y i


(On budet perezhivat smert tovarisha, no

s k o r o i

ego samogo ne stanet),

s i l n y i


zasheptala, chto u neye gorlo


s i l n o , eto


k kashlyu),

s r y o z n y i


vy chto,


militsioner? - sprosil Semyon с e r y o z n o ),

t s e l y i (V tselom film yavlyaetsya u menya

odnim iz samykh lyubimykh v etom zhanre),

l y o g k i i

( M e s t o

s l u z h b y

m o y o ,

p r o g r a m m i s t u s 1 8 - l e t n i m s t a z h e m , n a i t i b y l o l e g k o ) , n e b o l s h o i ( Y a o p y a t o p o z d a l n a p y a t m i n u t s n e b o l s h i m ), s h i r o k i i (Vklyuchaetsya dvigatel ― I zamelkali pered nami yakhty i lodki, s h i r o k o raskinulas volzhskaya panorama), k o r o t k i i (V nachale XIX veka prodolzhali nosit k o r o t k o оstrizhennyye I melko zavityye volosy) , k r a s i v y i (Kazalos by ― kolst, kartina ― nu narisovano chto-to, nu khorosho narisovano, nu k r a s i v o ), n i z k i i (Kuritsa n i z k o poletela ― k dozhdyu, kosti lomit ― k nemu zhe).

In general, the sememe representation at the adverbial level can be qualified as noticeable in accordance with the obtained index value –22%. Lexical-grammatical polysemy at the level of the modal word is observed in three lexemes of the Russian language group:

s o b s t v e n n y i (Sobstvenno, semii-to bylo ― оn, «dyadya Ruva», i ego zhena, Irina



i z v e s t n y i

(Izvestno, vsyak staraetsya poblizhe k rabote

poselitsya) i

s e r y o z n y i (Ti s e r y o z n o v Antarktidu?), at the level of particles – one

lexeme s o b s t v e n n y i

(Kazhdyi epizod sostoit iz prologa vstrechi, s o b s t v e n n o

teksta vstrechi I epiloga).



The values of the corresponding indices of 2.2% and 0.4% allow us to qualify the

sememe representation at the

level of the

modal word and at the particle level as low.

As for the English group, the lexical-grammatical polysemy is represented at the level of adjective, adverb, noun, verb and modal word. In the English language group, sememe representation at the adjective level can be considered high according to the index value – 86.8%. Lexical-grammatical polysemy at the noun level was found in fifteen lexemes:

s o c i a l ( The example was not found in the corpus[2*]), c e r t a i n (They know for c e r t a i n that this dream will not come true) , c o m m o n ( A popular venue in a central location was the large log fire on the c o m m o n , which offered an instant warmup for those sipping cocoa and warm cider), l i t t l e (You, stupid l i t t l e , get upstairs), m a j o r (The example was not found in the corpus[2*]), o t h e r (We can have one or the o t h e r but not both simultaneously), p a r t i c u l a r (The university community and the


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue

2 (25), 2019

ISSN 2587-8093

students in

p a r t i c u l a r


be made aware of dehumanising effect



inherent in its perversity),

p o o r ( The gap between the rich and the p o o r


p r i v a t e (

T h e e x a m p l e

w a s

n o t f o u n d

i n t h e

c o r p u s


p u b l i c ( Their p u b l i c was amazed),

r e d (The extent to which they try to run towards

the r e d compared with the yellow is taken as a measure of how strongly they have been

mixed), l a b o u r (By then L a b o u r had lost its chance of power) ,

s p e c i f i c (пример

не был зафиксирован в корпусе [2*]), y o u n g (I rather pity the y o u n g

who live in

London because they must be having a particularly difficult time),

o l d (They provided

hospitality to travellers, and people with property endowed foundations for the care of the o l d and the sick).

On the whole, the degree of lexical-grammatical polysemy at the noun level can be qualified as noticeable, in accordance with the index value which equals 21.7%. Adverbial lexical-grammatical polysemy occurs in eleven English language lexemes:

e a r l y (Allende and Lagos would

have to

compete for their party's nomination in

primary elections e a r l y next year),

g r e a t

(It was difficult for me when stepping on

the court; whereas now my body feels g r e a t ) , l a r g e (Samuel Huntington's Clash of Civilisations thesis loomed l a r g e and I often felt I was swimming against the tide), l i t t l e (We have to wait patiently a l i t t l e while longer) , t r u e (Does Lord Acton's Victorian proverb, in Middle-earth, ring true), n e w ( the example was not found in the Corpus [2*]), o t h e r (As far as they are concerned the future does not exist in any way,

o t h e r

than that they hope they won't live to have any part in it), p a r t i c u l a r (Some



donated their bodies, which is

something Mrs Anderson, p a r t i c u l a r


p r i v a t e (The look Vitor shot

her said

he would prefer to discuss the

matter in p r i v a t e ), r e a l (It gets r e a l hot there),

s p e c i f i c (The picture gave no

clear impression of anyone in particular; it was generic Victorian lady, s p e c i f i c shy poetess).

According to the obtained index 10.6%, the degree of substantive lexical-grammatical polysemy can also be qualified as noticeable. As for the verbal representation, it is marked in three lexemes:

m a j o r (the example was not found in the Corpus [2*]),

t r u e (the example was not

found in the Corpus [2*]), l a b o u r (Why should we

l a b o u r for hours and get

nothing) .


Lexical-grammatical polysemy at the modal word level is found in one lexeme t r u e

(True, Qaddafi does not call these events' elections) and can be qualified as low according to the obtained index– 0,5%.

For the analysis of ACR, we used the “communicative relevance index of denotative and connotative sememes in the group” [8], “the index of density of communicatively relevant sememes in the group” [10]. Turning to the typology of M.M. Kopylenko and Z.D. Popova, it is worth noting that the D1 sememe occupies the central place in the semantic structure of the word [9]. However, in the course of our research, it was found that the D1 sememe is not always the most communicatively relevant. The research showed that only half of the Russian

lexemes obtain

the highest index of


relevance of the main


p o s l e d n i i ,

o b s h i i , m a l e n k i i ,

m o l o d o i ,

d a l y o k i i , z h i v o i ,

b l i z k i i ,

i z v e s t n y i , s e r y o z n y i , r a b o c h i i , n e b o l s h o i , o b s h e s t v e n n y i , d o b r y i , s t a r s h y i .

As an example let us consider the semantheme of the lexeme d o b r y i which includes the sememe D1a/n «nesushii dobro, otzyvchivyi, gotovyi pomoch / dobroye delo, dobrota» (D o b r y i starik prizyvaet moloduyu devushku otkazatsya ot otchayaniya / Petr sposoben tolko na do b r o y e ) with the index 69,8 %, K1a/n «prinosyashii udachu, uspekh, blagopriyatnyi, vyzyvayushii khoroshiye chuvstva / khorosheye» (My uvideli v etom d o b r y i znak / Vrode videlos d o b r o y e , a prosnulsya v ispuge ) – 24%, K1a


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (25), 2019

ISSN 2587-8093

«znachitelnyi po velichine, bolshoi» (Ot obeda ostalsya d o b r y i

kusok myasa, i on stal

razmyshlyat, chto s nim delat) – 2,6%, К1a

«ochen khoroshii, otlichnyi» (On poobedal v

italyanskom restorane pyatyu blyudami,

s butylkoi d o b r o g o

vina) – 1,9%, К1а

«svyazannyi s kem-libo vzaimnym raspolozheniem, simpatiyei, druzhboi, blizkii»

(Znachit, Zverev uzhe ne tolko moi, no I vash d o b r y i znakomyi?) – 1,3%, K1a «nichem

ne oporochennyi, nezapyatnannyi» (Uspekhi ili neuspekhi, d o b r a y a

slava i durnaya

molva ne znachat nichego) – 0,2%, K1a «tselyi, polnyi, v polnuyu meru» (D o b r a y a polovina sosedei ― po bolshei chasti ochen milyye lyudi) – 0,2% [3*].

The study showed that the communicative relevance of the connotative sememes in the group is expressed more than denotative according to the values of the indices - 60% and 40%. The degree of connotative communicative relevance of sememes in the Russian language group can be qualified as significant whereas the degree of denotative communicative relevance can be determined as vivid. It was also found that the index of density of communicatively relevant sememes in the Russian language group is 92.3%, which points to a hyper high degree of the development of this phenomenon.

The English language group contains twelve lexemes with prevailing index of



of D1 sememe:

a b l e ,

s o c i a l ,

l a r g e ,

l i t t l e , n e w ,

p a r t i c u l a r ,

p r i v a t e ,

p u b l i c , r e a l ,

r e d ,

y o u n g ,

t r u e . Let

us consider the

lexeme social as an example.

The semantheme of this lexeme includes sememes: D1а «obshestvennyi, sotsialnyi»

(Local police maintain s o c i a l order) with index 93,1%, K1а «otnosyashiisya k polozheniyu v obshestve» Family planning is now general throughout society, although there are marked s o c i a l differences in the popularity of different methods) – 6,3%, К1

«a/n Druzheskii obshitelnyi / obshitelnyi chelovek» (It became like a s o c i a l visit)

0,5%, К1а «svetskii» (Somehow this tea was not turning out to be the delightful s o c i a l event she had hoped for, full of contented tittle-tattle and scornful criticism) – 0,1%, Д2а

«obshestvennyi, stainyi, stadnyi» (Bees are s o c i a l insects) – 0,1% and a sememe K1n «vecherinka». Lexical-grammatical variant at the noun level «obshitelnyi chelovek» and sememe K1n «vecherinka» are not communicatively relevant [2*].

As for indices of the denotative and connotative relevance of the sememes in the group of the English adjectives, they both turned out to be 50%, therefore, the degree of denotative as well as connotative communicative relevance can be qualified as significant. The index of density of communicatively relevant sememes in the English language group (74%) indicates a high degree of development of this phenomenon.


The study showed that within the ALP, the national peculiarity of Russian and English adjectival lexemes according to “the scale of national peculiarity expressiveness within the aspects under consideration” [5], [4], [6] can be characterized as significant, according to the obtained value of the integral index 9%. As for the ALGP, according to the results of the study, national peculiarity can be qualified as noticeable, in accordance with the obtained integral index of 4.1% for this aspect. Based on the obtained integral index 18% for the ACR, we can conclude that the national peculiarity is vivid within this aspect.

The final conclusion on national peculiarity in the groups of the Russian and English adjectival multi-sememe lexemes can be made on the basis of the “mean integral index” [4] on “the scale of national specific expressiveness of semanthemes” [4, 6]. According to the obtained numerical value of the “mean integral index” – 10.3%, the national peculiarity of the groups under consideration can be characterized as moderately expressed.