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for lumber, plywood and construction timber. Next in order are the cedars. Their wood is light and resistant to decay. In vergin forests they reach heights of 150 – 200 feet and diameters of 8 to 10 feet. Their wood is used for lumber, poles and posts.

Finally there are the birches. Most distributed is the white birch which grows widely throughout Canada. The most important hardwood tree in eastern Canada is the yellow birch. Its wood is much in demand for flooring, furniture veneer and railroad ties.

Canada is indeed fortunate to possess such a variety of useful tree species. The pine and spruce in the east, and Douglas fir, cedar and hemlock in British Columbia have won for Canada its position as the world’s leading nation in forest products trade.

Mind the vocabulary:

Pulpwood – бумажно-целлюлозная древесина

Plywood - (клееная) фанера

balsam fir – пихта бальзамическая

cedar - кедр

yellow birch – береза желтая


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written


3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) –

adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions:

What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?


Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …

Text 6.



The future productivity of our forests depends on careful selection of tree seed sources to match the local soil and climatic conditions of each forest. The objective is to select species and seed sources which will yield high volumes of timber and superior tree form while maintaining wood properties and disease resistance.

Forestry makes an important contribution to a productive and flourishing countryside and rural welfare. Forest and woodland have the special capacity to provide recreation benefits and absorb the pressures of large numbers of visitors. Public recreation must be a part of forest management.

Silviculture is the art of reproducing and tending forest growth, it includes the technique of starting new forests and caring for them through all stages to maturity.

Regeneration of woods may be accomplished by creating conditions for establishing new stands either by natural seeding or by a new crop of tree sprouts; again, new woodlands may be established by planting small trees grown in forest nurseries. As stands develop, numerous types of cultural measures are desirables, cutting made in immature stands are termed intermediate cutting; these made in the mature woods are called final cuttings.


The treatment of a wood that is managed for the production of useful wood products varies considerably from the treatment where the aim is one of encouraging of wildlife or of protecting human habitations from climatic extremes. But it is easily possible in any woods to meet all objectives by a well-coordinated plan of silvicultural treatment.

The application of silvicultural treatment demands a knowledge of the many environmental factors that influence the growth of species, an understanding of the ways in which trees live and grow in association of the worth of the individual species that are adaptable to local conditions.

Mind the vocabulary:

Recreation - отдых

Silviculture – профессиональное лесоводство

forest nurseries - лесопитомники

intermediate cutting – промежуточная рубка


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written


3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) –

adjective (group 3).

4. Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions: What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.


7. Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …

Text 7.


The Director of the Kolomna forest farm Alexei Popov has grown on the Moscow Region soil over 90 species from all corners of the globe.

If trees could speak the capricious in forest growing Weymouth pine would be the first to say “thanks” to Alexei Popov. It would probably be followed by Amur cork tree, cembra pine, English oak, horse chestnut – all those were cherished by the Director of the Kolomna Forest farm.

Four hectares of former pasture land have accomodated about 90 hardy-shrub species from all over the world. They started with common pine but it proved to be the most unlucky species in the park. All because of moose. For decades these animals were number one danger for coniferous plants, eating green pine outgrowth to the root. But forest farmers managed to vindicate pine from moose.

Much greater menace for this unique natural corner was posed by “black lumbermen”, reckless hikers, mushroom collecters or just ... thieves.

The arboretum was once inhabited by a native Canadian fir, or dwarf spruce. A grace itself, it had an extremely tight, strictly pyramidal shape. But the green beauty ... was stolen on a New Year Eve.

Today the arboretum is the home of a few species of larch, spruce, maple, and oak, hornbeam, thuja, ever-green cypress. Weymouth pine, the pride of the arboretum, was very hard to naturalize in the Moscoe area.

The initial plan was to plant about 100 species from all continents. Today this plan is accomplished by 90 percent – some plants failed to naturalize.

Mind the vocabulary:


Amur cork tree – Амурское пробковое дерево cembra pine -

English oak – дуб черешчатый

horse chestnut – каштан конский обыкновенный mooseамериканский лось

hornbeam - граб

to naturalize – акклиматизироваться


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written


3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) –

adjective (group 3).

4. Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions: What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …


The last part/passage informs us about …

Text 7.



In Europe without the Russian territory today timber exporters are : Norway, Finland and Sweden.

In Norway forests cover one quarter of the total surface of the country. Once the country exported its forest wealth in the form of logs, later on – as sawn goods and planed timbers, now – mainly as pulp and paper.

The principal tree tree species in Norway are spruce, pine and birch. In the southern parts of Norway we also find, in small quantities, several valuable species, demanding a certain minimum of average temperature, such as oak, beech, ash – (tree), alder, maple, lime and yew. Over the whole forest area, in mixed stands, a number of other species, such as willow and aspen, willow and juniper are to be found.

More than 70 per cent of the Norwegian productive area belong to private owners, and a major part of this area is utilized in combination with farming.

At the beginning of the century, and especially during World War 2 the condition of Norwegian forests began to alarm most farsighted foresters, as the long periods of harvesting policies with little or none reforestation practices had led to a condition of serious unbalance. So, in1919 a survey of Norwegian forests was done, in which the volume of the forest was calculated. Modern forestry has set itself a task of great afforestation works, especially in the western and northern parts of the country.

Mind the vocabulary:

Yew - тис

Juniper – можжевельник


1. Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.


2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written


3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) –

adjective (group 3).

4. Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions: What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …

Text 8.



Asia excluding Russia, should be discussed in two sections, one covering the region of East Asia, including China, Korea and Japan, the other covering South Asia and including the Philippines, Indonesia and India.

The forest of East Asia, though the subregions vary widely in type, are mainly situated in temperate or cool zones and hence do not differ in principle from the American or European forests. The forests of Southern Asia, on the other hand, are mainly of tropical type, more similar to those of Africa and South America.


China, once well – covered with forests, has now five or six thousand years of destructive action of man, a forested area covering only 9 per cent of the country. There still constitutes a considerable forest area, of which three quarters is productive forest land. Half of this is covered by coniferous forests, mainly concentrated in the north-eastern part of the country. The South, South – West and central region contain a considerable part of hardwood forests.

There are three main forest zones in China, namely the subtropical, the warm – temperate and cool – temperate. In the subtropical zone evergreen broadleaf trees, such as several species of oak, occur together with palms, tree ferns and bamboos.

The warm – temperate zone includes the rest of china south provinces along the Yagtz river. Its forests contain deciduous broadleaf species such as oak, maple, poplar, and even some conifers, such as pine.

Mind the vocabulary:

Hardwood - твердодревесный

Bamboos - бамбук

Palm – пальма, пальмовое дерево


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written


3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) –

adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions:

What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?


Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …

Text 9.



In Europe without the Russian territory today timber exporters are: Norway, Finland and Sweden.

In Finland pine is the dominant tree species. Birch grows extensively, but from the point of view of industry it is of less value because at present only special grades of paper are made from. It is used, however, as raw material for plywood and veneer industry and as fuelwood.

Today about 70 per cent of the whole area of Finland is covered with forests. The greater part of te forests is privately owned, mainly by farmers. Some 30 per cent is state owned, the rest is divided between companies.

In Sweden the treе species are very much the same as in Finland and Norway. The threе countries: Sweden, Norway and Finland make an important wood producing part on the european continent, with advanced lumber and pulp industries.

Southern Sweden and Denmark have a milder climate and form a transition to the Western region of Europe, which is poorly forested with valuable softwood species.

Mind the vocabulary:

Plywood - (клееная) фанера

veneer industry - шпон, однослойная фанера


softwood – мягкодревесный


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written


3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) –

adjective (group 3).

4. Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions: What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …

Text 10.


Trees in your backyard can be home to many different types of wildlife. Trees also can reduce your heating & cooling costs, help clean the air, add beauty & color, provide shelter from the wind & the sun, & add value to your home.

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