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HTML 4_01 Weekend Crash Course - G. Perry

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HTML for Web Page Creation

Session Checklist

Create your first Web page

Learn the minimum HTML code to produce a Web page

Understand basic HTML formatting command tags

Understand that browsers do not support the same HTML code

You begin this session by creating your very first Web page from scratch (actually, from HTML!) using an editor such as the Windows 98 Notepad editor. Although the page will be extremely simple, the experience will teach

you much more about the nature of HTML programming than several chapters of text could do. HTML defines the styles of your Web pages. You’ll begin the example in this session by exploring the simplest job of HTML, text formatting, and you’ll learn the bare-bones HTML code required by Web pages.

Creating a Web Page

As you learned in the first session, HTML is a language that defines how your Web page will look. In one sense, HTML is a text-formatting language. Although HTML


Friday Evening

does more than format text, when the first version of HTML appeared, text formatting was its primary job, second only to providing hyperlinks as cross-references to other HTML documents.

When you first learn HTML, perhaps the best place to begin is by formatting some simple text. Therefore, consider the following poem:

Roses are red,

The Web is sure growing.

You use HTML,

To keep your page flowing.

If you want to put this poem on a Web page, completely unformatted, you could not do so without using some HTML. In other words, every Web page requires a minimum amount of HTML code. Without the minimum HTML tags, the file would be no different from an ordinary text file, such as a text file that might end with the txt filename extension. Given that HTML is a language comprised of command tags, as you learned in the previous session, you must insert more advanced formatting tags around this poem before the poem can ever appear formatted on a Web page.

Minimum HTML

This section teaches you the minimal HTML code needed to produce a Web page and how the code should be set up. Keep in mind that the minimum code lets you create only an unformatted Web page. Formatting command tags will be covered later in this session.

Filename Extension

A Web page, defined in an HTML file, always has the filename extension html (or htm if you want to be compatible with Windows 3x users, although fewer and fewer of them exist). The html extension separates the file type from ordinary, unformatted text files whose extensions might be txt.

Many browsers, such as Internet Explorer, will refuse to open your file with an extension such as txt, except by starting another program such as Notepad and loading the text file into that secondary program for your viewing and editing work. Some browsers will open a file whose name does not end with the html extension, but will refuse to interpret any HTML command tags. In such a case, the file will appear inside the browser window displaying the nitty-gritty command tags themselves instead of performing the formatting actions that the command tags request.

Session 2—HTML for Web Page Creation


Beginning and Ending <html> and </html>Tags

Every Web page should begin with the following HTML start tag:


Every Web page should end with the following HTML end tag:


The poem, therefore, looks like this with those two enclosing tags:


Roses are red,

The Web is sure growing. You can use HTML,

To keep your page flowing. </html>

More is needed to make this an appealing Web page.


All HTML tags are enclosed between angled brackets. Often,


related tags appear in pairs with one beginning the formatting


process and the other terminating that format. The <html> and

</html> tags indicate the very beginning and ending of a Web


page. The end tag contains the same command name as the start


tag except it begins with a forward slash to distinguish where


the tag pair begins and ends.

The start and end tags may or may not be on the same line. For example, take the following section of HTML code:


This is boldface text </b>

This example is identical to the following example in the way a browser handles it:

<b>This is boldface text</b>


Friday—I Part



It is common to nest tag pairs inside other tag pairs. By doing so, you can boldface words inside a Web page’s italicized body of text. Therefore, don’t be surprised to see many command tags begin before you see the first end tag.


Friday Evening

Lowercase Versus Uppercase in Tags

It is common to use lowercase for all HTML tags. Most browsers and computers do not care if the tag is uppercase, as you saw in the previous session’s example. Uppercase tags can help you keep the tags more easily separated from the sur-

rounding text that the tags format. Nevertheless, a move is underway to standardize using lowercase tags because some computers, most notably UNIX-based machines, often distinguish too literally between uppercase and lowercase in command names. To be safe, develop a good habit and write lowercase tags.

Spaces in Code

You may not use spaces between a tag’s opening angled bracket, its forward slash (if it is an end tag), or before the command itself. Many commands, however, include spaces both in the command as well as in the command’s attribute, which is an optional value that some tags support. For example, here is a valid <a> command tag with a space that separates the tag name from its attribute:

<a href=”http://www.abc.org/image.jpg”>

The following is illegal in many browsers because of the location of the first space:

< a href=”http://www.abc.org/image.jpg”>

The reason the spacing around the command tag’s angled brackets and the command itself is so critical is that you do not want your browser mistaking normal text for a tag. If angled brackets appear in your Web page’s text that is to be displayed, those angled brackets will not be interpreted as possible HTML command tags unless they follow an exact format required by HTML. Also, many times you will see quotation marks around attributes, as shown in the previous example. The quotes are often optional.

Viewing your page

If you want to view the Web page with the poem, do the following:

1.Start Notepad.

2.Type the poem in the previous section with the <html> and </html> tags.

3.Save your text file with the html extension so your Internet browser can display the file properly.

Session 2—HTML for Web Page Creation


You can even use a word processor to create your HTML code, but be sure that you save the file in text format and use the html filename extension.


4.Start your Web browser. From a browser, you can open files on your own computer just as you open Web pages on other computers over the Internet.

5.Select File Open and type the full path and filename or browse your files for the file you saved earlier. Then click OK.

When you click OK, the poem is displayed along the top of the browser window, as shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1

Your HTML file appears in your browser’s window.

As you can see, the poem all rests on a single line, even though the poem spans four lines of your HTML file. Web browsers do not, and should not, make assumptions about line and paragraph spacing. You will learn how to separate the poem onto different lines with the formatting commands, which are discussed in the next section. Keep in mind that if you do not issue formatting commands, the browser will perform no formatting on the data you send to the browser.


Friday—I Part




Friday Evening


You can use a general text editor or one designed specifically for HTML coding. One of the nice things about a text editor designed for HTML, as opposed to a straight text editor such as vi or Notepad, is that many of today’s HTML editors color-code tags

to help you keep your code accurate. For example, BBEdit and FrontPage 2000’s HTML editing windows color all commands one color, command options (such as Title values) in another color, and certain punctuation and auxiliary HTML tags in another color. Once you familiarize yourself with these color schemes, you will be able to glance through your HTML code on the screen and more quickly locate lines and commands that you want to edit.

Adding Formatting Command Tags

Congratulations, you have created your first Web page. Obviously, you have a ways to go before you create the next dot.com Web-based company, but you’ve taken your first step. You can see that a simple Web page requires little more than typing text surrounded by <html> and </html> command tags.

Head and title tags

One optional but crucial item you must add to every Web page that you create from this point forward is a title for the browser window in which your Web page appears. You are probably used to seeing the title at the top of almost every Web site you visit. The title defines the page and sometimes displays needed information such as a filename reference.

Never let the Web browser pick a window title for you. By

default, the HTML filename appears in the title bar, if you don’t

assign a title name. For example, the title shown in Figure 2-1 Never is the same as the HTML filename displayed to the left of the browser name. You owe it to your Web audience to describe as

much as you can about the page they are viewing. Users who view multiple Web sites on their screens at the same time can read the tiled windows’ titles to determine what each window contains.

The title command tag must appear inside a special section of your Web page called the header section. Before adding the title’s tags, you must first create the

Session 2—HTML for Web Page Creation


header section with the <head> and </head> command tags. Start these tags immediately after the opening <html> tag, like this:




Roses are red,

The Web is sure growing. You can use HTML,

To keep your page flowing. </html>


Add ample spacing to make your HTML files readable and to make


the command tags and HTML sections pronounced. Subsequent


HTML examples in this weekend course include plenty of this

whitespace to make the file readable and easy to maintain.

As in word processing, the header section of a Web page contains information about the Web page that often does not change from page to page on the site. Most Web sites contain multiple pages, and the header section defines the title and other heading information for each page on the site. The most important element you can include is the browser window title tag, <title>, and its corresponding end tag, </title>.

The value that you type between the title tags becomes the actual title you want the Web browser to display in the browser window’s title bar.



<title>Poem to make you feel good</title> </head>

Roses are red,

The Web is sure growing.

You can use HTML,

To keep your page flowing.



Friday—I Part



Figure 2-2 shows the resulting browser window. The browser window displays the poem’s title, “Poem to make you feel good.”


Friday Evening

The window's title

Figure 2-2

The title describes the file to your Web audience.

Finally, most HTML programmers place the body of the Web page in its own section, the body section. As you see from the successful display of the Web page in Figure 2-2, a body section is not required for simple Web pages such as the one being created so far. Nevertheless, the body section helps you organize more advanced Web pages, and most HTML programmers agree that a bare-bones Web page should include the <body> and </body> command tags. The body section is the page’s meat-and-potatoes section that contains the bulk of information on that page.

The body section follows the header. The sample HTML-based poem now looks like this:



<title>Poem to make you feel good</title> </head>


Roses are red,

Session 2—HTML for Web Page Creation


The Web is sure growing. You can use HTML,

To keep your page flowing. </body>


Break tags

As mentioned in the previous section, the poem should appear with each line on a separate physical screen line. As you may now assume, a new command tag is required.

Use the break tag to break lines. The format of the tag is as follows:

<br>Text that appears on its own line

The <br> tag is special because, unlike so many other command tags, <br> has no corresponding end tag. The <br> tag is a stand-alone tag because it requests that the browser move down to the next line on the screen before displaying the text that follows.

Adding <br> to the beginning of each line in the poem produces a four-line poem. Here is the complete HTML file:



<title>Poem to make you feel good</title> </head>


<br>Roses are red,

<br>The Web is sure growing. <br>You can use HTML,

<br>To keep your page flowing. </body>



Friday—I Part



Figure 2-3 shows the final Web page creation. The poem is now formatted and includes a title and a body.


Friday Evening




<br> breaks lines here

Figure 2-3

You’ve now seen the complete creation of a simple Web page.


The <br> tag creates a line break at each location in which it is placed. The first line of the poem would appear one line higher without the <br> tag in front of it. You can put the <br> tag at the end of a line to force a line break for subsequent text.

A more complete example

To help initiate you into HTML, Listing 2-1 contains the code for a more complete HTML example with a graphic image. Although the example is not extremely complex or advanced, by studying the code and the corresponding Web page in Figure 2-4 you will gain insight into what’s ahead in the late Friday evening and early Saturday sessions of this course. Think of this example as whetting your appetite for more advanced HTML commands.