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Roberts, Caserio - Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry (2nd edition, 1977)

68.94 Mб

4-3 Combustion. Heats of Reaction. Bond Energies


how structure influences bond energy. Thus, C-H bond energies in alkanes decrease in the order primary > secondary > tertiary; likewise, C-H bonds decrease in strength along the series C=C-H > C=C-W > C-C-H.

How accurate are AN0 values calculated from bond energies? Generally quite good, provided nonbonded interactions between the atoms are small and the bond angles and distances are close to the normal values (see Section 2-2B). A few examples of calculated and experimental heats of combustion of some hydrocarbons are given in Table 4-4. Negative discrepancies represent heats of combustion smaller than expected from the average bond energies and positive values correspond to larger than expected heats of combustion.

Table 4-4

Calculated and Experimental Heats of Combustion of Gaseous

Hydrocarbons at 25°C


AH0 of combustion,

AH0 of combustion,



calculated from




bond energies,




kcal mole-'

kcal mole-'

kcal mole-'




-1 221.8




CH, -CH,


' CH, CH,


"Based on the individual heats of formation compiled by D. R. Stull, E. F.

Westrum, Jr., and G. C. Sinke, The Chemical Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1969.

4 Alkanes

Comparing isomers in Table 4-4, we see that 2-methylpropane and 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutanegive off less heat when burned than do butane and octane, and this is a rather general characteristic result of chain branching.

Cyclopropane has a A H 0 of combustion 27.7 kcal molev1 greater than expected from bond energies, and this clearly is associated with the abnormal C-C-C bond angles in the ring. These matters will be discussed in detail in Chapter 12. For cyclohexane, which has normal bond angles, the heat of combustion is close to the calculated value.

Exercise 4-3 The heat of combustion of 1 mole of liquid decane to give carbon dioxide and liquid water is 1620.1 kcal. The heat of vaporization of decane at 25" is 11.7 kcal mole-'. Calculate the heat of combustion that would be observed for all the participants in the vapor phase.

Exercise 4-4

Kilogram for kilogram, would the combustion of gaseous methane or

of liquid decane (to CO,

and liquid water) give more heat?


Exercise 4-5

Use the

bond-energy table (4-3) to calculate AH0 for

the following

reactions in the vapor phase at 25":





+ 50, -3C02+ 4 H 2 0



CH, +go,

-CO + 2H20




CO + 3H2--+ CH, + H 2 0



Exercise 4-6

Calculate AH0 for C(s) -C(g) from the heat of combustion of 1

gram-atom of carbon to CO,

as 94.05 kcal, and the bond energies in Table 4-3.

Exercise 4-7

The dissociation HO-H

-HO. + H.for gaseous water at 25" has

AH 0 equal to +119.9 kcal. What is AH0 for dissociation of the 0-H

bond of HO.?

Exercise 4-8

Methane reacts slowly with bromine atoms and it has been estab-

lished that A H 0 for the following reaction is 17 kcal per mole of CH,:


CH, + Br. -+ CH,. + HBr

A H 0 = 3-17 kcal


a.Calculate the C-H bond strength of CH, from this result and any other required bond energies you choose to employ.

b.The heat of the following reaction in the vapor state is 192 kcal per mole of CH,:

CH, + 20, -+ CO, + 2H20(g) A H 0 = -192 kcal

From AH0 and any other required bond energies in Table 4-3, compute a second C-H bond-energy value for methane.

c. Consider whether the two C-H bond-energy values obtained in Parts a and b should be the same in theory and experiment, provided that the experimental error is small.

4-4 Halogenation of Alkanes. Energies and Rates of Reactions


Th e economies of the highly industrialized nations of the world are based in large part on energy and chemicals produced from petroleum. Although the most important and versatile intermediates for conversion of petroleum to chemicals are compounds with double or triple bonds, it also is possible to prepare many valuable substances by substitution reactions of alkanes. In such substitutions, a hydrogen is removed from a carbon chain and another atom o r group of atoms becomes attached in its place.

A simple example of a substitution reaction is the formation of chloromethane from methane and chlorine:

Th e equation for the reaction is simple, the ingredients are cheap, and the product is useful. However, if we want to decide in advance whether such a reaction is actually feasible, we have to know more. Particularly, we have to know whether the reaction proceeds in the direction it is written and, if so, whether conditions can be found under which it proceeds at a convenient rate. Obviously, if one were to mix methane and chlorine and find that, at most, only 1% conversion to the desired product occurred and that the 1% conversion could be achieved only after a day or so of strong heating, this reaction would be both too unfavorable and too slow for an industrial process.

One way of visualizing the problems involved is with energy diagrams, which show the energy in terms of some arbitrary reaction coordinate that is a measure of progress between the initial and final states (Figure 4-4). Diagrams such as Figure 4-4 may not be familiar to you, and a mechanical analogy may be helpful to provide better understanding of the very important ideas involved. Consider a two-level box containing a number of tennis balls. An analog to an energetically favorable reaction would be to have all of the balls

energetically favorable reaction

energetically unfavorable reaction

( reactants















reaction coordinate

reaction coordinate

Figure 4-4 Schematic energy diagrams for reactions that are energetically favorable and unfavorable when proceeding from left to right along the reaction coordinate


4 Alkanes

on the upper level where any disturbance would cause them to roll down to the lower level under the influence of gravity, thereby losing energy.






favorable ~ r o c e s s 1


If the upper level is modified and a low fence added to hold the balls in place, it will be just as energetically favorable as when the fence is not there for the balls to be at the lower level. The difference is that the process will not occur spontaneously without some major disturbance. We can say there is an energy barrier to occurrence of the favorable process.





but not spontaneous



The situation here has a parallel in the left side of Figure 4-4 where we show an energy barrier to the spontaneous conversion of reactants to products for an energetically favorable chemical reaction.

Now, if we shake the box hard enough, the balls on the upper level can acquire enough energy to bounce over the barrier and drop to the lower level. The balls then can be said to acquire enough activation energy to surmount the barrier. At the molecular level, the activation energy must be acquired either by collisions between molecules as the result of their thermal motions, or from some external agency, to permit the reactants to get over the barrier and be transformed into products. We shortly will discuss this more, but first we wish to illustrate another important concept with our mechanical analogy, that of equilibrium and equilibration.

With gentle shaking of our two-level box, all of the balls on the upper level are expected to wind up on the lower level. There will not be enough activation to have them go from the lower to the upper level. In this circumstance, we can say that the balls are not equilibrated between the lower and upper levels. However, if we shake the box vigoro~tslyand continuously, no matter whether we start with all of the balls on the lower or the upper level, an eq~lilibriurnwill be set up with, on the average, most of the balls in the energetically more favorable lower level, but some in the upper level as well.

vigorous 'shaking

4-4A The Question of the Equilibrium Constant


To maintain a constant average fraction of the balls at each level with vigorous and continued shaking, the rate at which balls go from the upper to the lower level must be equal to the rate that they go in the opposite direction. The balls now will be equilibrated between the two levels. At equilibrium, the fraction of the balls on each of the two levels is wholly independent of the height of the barrier, just as long as the activation (shaking) is sufficient to permit the balls to go both ways.

The diagrams of Figure 4-4 are to be interpreted in the same general way. If thermal agitation of the molecules is sufficient, then equilibrium can be expected to be established between the reactants and the products, whether the overall reaction is energetically favorable (left side of Figure 4-4) or energetically unfavorable (right side of Figure 4-4). But as with our analogy, when equilibrium is established we expect the major portion of the molecules to be in the more favorable energy state.

What happens when =ethane is mixed with chlorine? No measurable reaction occurs when the gases are mixed and kept in the dark at room temperature. Clearly, either the reaction is energetically unfavorable or the energy barrier is high. The answer as to which becomes clear when the mixture is heated to temperatures in excess of 300" or when exposed to strong violet or ultraviolet light, whereby a rapid or even explosive reaction takes place. Therefore the reaction is energetically favorable, but the activation energy


is greater than can be attained by thermal agitation alone at room temperature. Heat or light therefore must initiate a pathway for the reactants to be converted to products that has a low barrier or activation energy.

Could we have predicted the results of this experiment ahead of time? First, we must recognize that there really are several questions here. Could we have decided whether the reaction was energetically favorable? That the dark reaction would be slow at room temperature? That light would cause the reaction to be fast? We consider these and some related questions in detail because they are important questions and the answers to them are relevant in one way or another to the study of all reactions in organic chemistry.

4-4A The Question of the Equilibrium Constant

Presumably, methane could react with chlorine to give chloromethane and hydrogen chloride, or chloromethane could react with hydrogen chloride to give methane and chlorine. If conditions were found for which both reactians proceeded at a finite rate, equilibrium finally would be established when the rates of the reactions in each direction became equal:

CH4+ C12 c-L CH3C1+ HCl

At equilibrium, the relationship among the amounts of reactants and products is given by the equilibrium constant expression

in which K,, is the equilibrium constant.

4 Alkanes

The quantities within the brackets of Equation 4-1 denote either concentrations for liquid reactants or partial pressures for gaseous substances. If the equilibrium constant K,, is greater than 1, then on mixing equal volumes of each of the participant substances (all are gases above -24"), reaction to the right will be initially faster than reaction to the left, until equilibrium is established; at this point there will be more chloromethane and hydrogen chloride present than methane and chlorine. However, if the equilibrium constant were less than 1 , the reaction initially would proceed faster to the left and, at equilibrium, there would be more methane and chlorine present than chloromethane and hydrogen ~ h l o r i d e .For~ methane chlorination, we know from experiment that the reaction goes to the right and that K,, is much greater than unity. Naturally, it would be helpful in planning other organic preparations to be able to estimate K,, in advance.

the reaction CH, + CI, --+CH,CI + HCI when CH, and CI, are mixed, each at one atmosphere pressure. Assume that K,, = loT8.

It is a common experience to associate chemical reactions with equilibrium constants greater than one with the evolution of heat, in other words, with negative AH0 values. There are, in fact, many striking examples. Formation of chloromethane and hydrogen chloride from methane and chlorine has a K,, of 1018and AH0 of -24 kcal per mole of CH,CI formed at 25". Combustion of hydrogen with oxygen to give water has a K,, of 1040and AH0 = -57 kcal per mole of water formed at 2.5". I-Iowever, this correlation between K,, and AH0 is neither universal nor rigorous. Reactions are known that absorb heat (are endothermic) and yet have K,, > 1. Other reactions have large AH0 values and equilibrium constants much less than 1.

The problem is that the energy change that correlates with K,, is not AH0 but AGO (the so-called "Gibbs standard free en erg^")^, and if we know

AGO, we can calculate Keqby the equation


AGO = -2.303RT log K,,


41f calculations based on chemical equilibrium constants are unfamiliar to you, we suggest you study one of the general chemistry texts listed for supplemental reading at the end of Chapter 1.

5Many books and references use A FOinstead of AGO. The difference between standard free energy AGO and the free energy AG is that AGOis defined as the value of the free energy when all of the participants are in standard states. The free energy for AG for a

reaction A +B + .

--+ X +Y + . . . is equal to AGO-2.303RT

log [Xl[YI . . .


[XI, [Y] . . a , and the reactants, [A], [B] .

[Al[Bl . .

where the products,

. .,do not have to

be in standard states. We shall use only AGO in this book.

4-4B Entropy and Molecular Disorder

in which R is the gas constant and T is the absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin. For our calculations, we shall use R as 1.987 cal deg-l mole-l and you should not forget to convert AGO to cal.

Tables of AGO values for formation of particular compounds (at various temperatures and states) from the elements are available in handbooks and the literature. With these, we can calculate equilibrium constants quite accurately. For examhle, handbooks give the following data, which are useful for methane chlorination:

C ( s >+ 2H2(g)


AGO = -12.1



C (s) +%H2(g) +iC12(g) --+CH3C1(g)

AGO = -14.0 kcal


8H2(g>+ +Cl2(g) --+ I-3[Cl(g)

AGO = -22.8

kcal (25")

Combining these with proper regard for sign gives



CH,(g) ---+ C ( s ) f 2H2(g)

AGO = +12.1 kcal

C ( s >+ 8H2(g) ++C12(g)--+ CH,Cl(g)

AGO = -14 kcal

i H 2 ( g ) f iC12(g)--+ HCl(g)

AGO = -22.8


CH,(g) + C12(g) --+ CH,Cl(g) +HCl(g)

AGO = -24.7

kcal (25")

and log K,, = -(-24.7 x 1000)/(2.303 x 1.987 x 298.2), so K,, = 1.3 X 1018. Unfortunately, insufficient AGO values for formation reactions are available to make this a widely applicable method of calculating K,, values.

The situation is not wholly hopeless, because there is a relationship between AGO and AN0 that also involves T and another quantity, AS0, the standard entropy change of the process:

This equation shows that AGO and AH0 are equal when AS0is zero. Therefore the sign and magnitude of TASOdetermine how well K,, correlates with AH0. Now, we have to give attention to whether we can estimate TASOvalues well enough to decide whether the AH0 of a given reaction (calculated from bond energies or other information) will give a good or poor measure of AGO.

4-4B Entropy and Molecular Disorder

T o decide whether we need to worry about AS0 with regard to any particular reaction, we have to have some idea what physical meaning entropy has. T o be very detailed about this subject is beyond the scope of this book, but you should try to understand the physical basis of entropy, because if you do, then you will be able to predict at least qualitatively whether AH0 will be about the same or very different from AGO. Essentially, the entropy of a chemical system is a measure of its molecular disorder or randomness. Other things being the same, the more random the system is, the more favorable the system is.

4 Alkanes

Different kinds of molecules have different degrees of translational, vibrational, and rotational freedom and, hence, different average degrees of molecular disorder or randomness. Now, if for a chemical reaction the degree of molecular disorder is different for the products than for the reactants, there will be a change in entropy and AS0 f 0.

A spectacular example of the effect of molecular disorder in contributing to the difference between AH0 and AGO is afforded by the formation of liquid nonane, C,H,,, from solid carbon and hydrogen gas at 25":

9 C (s) 4- 10H2( g ) -+ C9H2,(1) AH0 = -54.7 kcal AGO = 5.9 kcal

Equations 4-2 and 4-3 can be rearranged to calculate ASo and Keq from AN0 and AGO:

K eq = 10-AG0/(2.303R T ) = 10-5.900/(2.303X 1.987 X 298.2) = 4 7 x 10-5

These AH0, AS0, and Keq values can be compared to those for EI, -t l 1 2 0 ,

---+ H,O, for which AH0is -57

kcal, AS0is 8.6 e.u., and Keqis 1040.Obviously,

there is something unfavorable

about the entropy change from carbon and

hydrogen to nonane. The important thing is that there is a great diference in the constraints on the atoms on each side of the equation. In particular, hydrogen molecules in the gaseous state have great translational freedom and a high degree of disorder, the greater part of which is lost when the hydrogen atoms become attached to a chain of carbons. This makes for a large negative AS0, which corresponds to a decrease in K,,. The differences in constraints of the carbons are less important. Solid carbon has an ordered, rigid structure with little freedom of motion of the individual carbon atoms. These carbons are less constrained in nonane, and this would tend to make AS0more positive and AGO more negative, corresponding to an increase in Keq (see Equations 4-2 and 4-3). However, this is a small effect on AS0 compared to the enormous difference in the degree of disorder of hydrogen between hydrogen gas and hydrogen bound to carbon in nonane.

Negative entropy effects usually are observed in ring-closure reactions such as the formation of cyclohexane from I-hexene, which occur with substantial loss of rotational freedom (disorder) about the C-C bonds:



6The entropy unit e.u. has the dimensions cal per degree or cal deg-l.

4-48 Entropy and Molecular Disorder


There is an even greater loss in entropy on forming cyclohexane from ethene because substantially more freedom is lost in orienting three ethene molecules to form a ring:

ethene (3 moles)

For simple reactions, with the same number of molecules on each side of the equation, with no ring formation or other unusual changes in the constraints between the products and reactants, AS0 usually is relatively small. In general, for such processes, we know from experience that Keq usually is greater than 1 if AH 0 is more negative than -1 5 kcal and usually is less than 1 for AH 0 more positive than +15 kcal. We can use this as a "rule of thumb" to predict whether Keq should be greater or less than unity for vapor-phase reactions involving simple molecules. Some idea of the degree of success to be expected from this rule may be inferred from the examples in Table 4-5, which also contains a further comparison of some experimental AH 0 values with those calculated from bond energies.

Table 4-5

Comparison of Calculated and Experimental AH0Values and

Equilibrium Constants for Some Simple Reactionsarb




Expt. AH0

Calc. AH0


CH, + CI,




C(s) + 2H, ---+ CH,















1OH, ---+ C,H,




I-hexene --+ cyclohexane



$H, +$CI,







$N, -+NH,




CO + H,O

-CO, + H,

+ H,O



CH30H + HCI --+ CH,CI



aAIl participants in the gaseous state at 298.2"K unless otherwise stated, and at constant pressure.

*Thermochemical values have been taken mostly from Selected Values of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties by F. D. Rossini, et al. (Circular of the National Bureau of Standards 500,

Washington, D.C., 1952) and Selected Values of Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds by F. D. Rossini, et al. (American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44, Carnegie Press, Pittsburgh, 1953).

"Calculated using AH0= 171.3 kcal per mole for C(s)

----+ C(g), at 25".

dNot an independent value because the bond energy for product was calculated from the experimental AH0.

= lop5):
Exercise 4-10

4 Alkanes

a. Calculate AH o from bond energies for the conversion of 1-hexene to cyclohexane at 25" and from this, with A S 0 as -20.7 e.u. per mole, calculate the equilibrium constant Keq from Equation 4-2. For comparison, calculate the equilibrium constant that would be expected if the degrees of disorder of the reactants and the products were equal (i.e.,A S 0 = 0). b. How large can A S 0 be at 25" for a reaction before our & I 5 kcal rule starts to give incorrect answers?

Exercise 4-11 Knowing that the equilibrium

constant Keq for formation of nonane

from solid carbon and hydrogen gas is 4.7 X

explain why liquid nonane does

not forthwith decompose into its elements.


Suppose AGO is positive, what hope do we have of obtaining a useful conversion to a desired product? There is no simple straightforward and general answer to this question. When the reaction is reversible the classic procedure of removing one or more of the products to prevent equilibrium from being established has many applications in organic chemistry, as will be seen later. When this approach is inapplicable, a change in reagents is necessary. Thus, iodine does not give a useful conversion with 2,2-dimethylpro- pane, 1, to give 1-iodo-2,2-dimethylpropane,2, because the position of equilibrium is too far to the left (K,,

Alternative routes with favorable AGO values are required. Development of ways to make indirectly, by efficient processes, what cannot be made directly is one of the most interesting and challenging activities of organic chemists.

4-4C Why Do Methane and Chlorine Fail to React in the Dark at 25"?

T o reach an understanding of why methane and chlorine do not react in the dark, we must consider the details of how the reaction occurs-that is, the reaction mechanism. The simplest mechanism would be for a chlorine molecule to collide with a methane molecule in such a way as to have chloromethane and hydrogen chloride formed directly as the result of a concerted breaking of the Cl-Cl and C-H bonds and making of the C-Cl and H-Cl bonds (see Figure 4-5). The failure to react indicates that there must be an energy barrier too high for this mechanism to operate. Why should this be so?

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