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1987: MultiFinder

The Mac's ability to cooperatively multitask between several applications at the same time made its debut with MultiFinder, an extension in System Software 5.0. Previously, the Mac could run only one program at a time, a real drain on productivity

Growing out of Apple programmer Andy Hertzfeld's earlier work on Switcher, MultiFinder's functionality became an underlying feature of System 6 through System 9, and wasn't replaced by true pre-emptive multitasking until Mac OS X arrived in 2001


1987: HyperCard

The brainchild of programming genius Bill Atkinson, HyperCard was a simple programming interface that allowed mere mortals to construct useful programs from "stacks" of cards containing text, graphics, audio and video

Although Apple did not realize it at the time, HyperCard's interface presaged the hypertext links of the modern web


1989: GS/OS 5.0

Almost three years after the Apple IIGS was originally introduced, Apple released GS/OS 5.0, which gave the Apple II an operating system that looked very similar to that of the Macintosh

Like the Mac's Finder, GS/OS featured disk icons and the Trash along the right-hand edge of the screen. It also supported control panels and desk accessories such as the Calculator


1991: System 7

Visually, the most significant upgrade to the "classic" Mac OS came in 1991 with the release of System 7. It featured a revamped interface in 256 colors

System 7 introduced the concept of aliases -- pointers to original files elsewhere in the system. The System Folder also got organized, with separate folders for extensions and control panels, among other things


1998: Mac OS 8.5

In addition to many performance improvements made possible by one of the new PowerPC processors, Mac OS 8.5 came with several new features. Key among them was Sherlock, a utility that could search local volumes as well as the Internet

Mac OS 8.5 also looked better than anything before it because it supported detailed, 32-bit icons. Also, appearance themes allowed users to customize the overall look of the OS.


2001: Mac OS X 10.0

Most of the major changes between Mac OS 9 and OS X took place under the hood, including true pre-emptive multitasking and memory protection

But there was plenty of new eye candy, too: The new Aqua interface featured animation, shadows and transparency; the Finder sported much larger, photorealistic icons, and the Dock had a neat magnification option


Проводник Windows

Проводник Windows — это приложение, реализующее графический интерфейс доступа пользователя к файлам в современных операционных системах Microsoft Windows.

Проводник, в настоящее время, фактически является основой графической оболочки пользователя Windows


История проводника Windows

Проводник Windows впервые появился в Windows 95, как замена менеджера файлов Windows 3.x.

За функционирование Проводника Windows

отвечает процесс explorer.exe. Функции explorer.exe

– отображение папок и файлов, включая «Панель управления», «Планировщик задач», «Принтеры и факсы» и т.п.

Microsoft особенно сосредоточила свои усилия на то, чтобы сделать Проводник более заметным и задаче-ориентированным, добавив функциональность, отражающую растущее использование компьютера, как цифрового центра различного домашнего и, в первую очередь, развлекательного оборудования


Плиточный интерфейс Windows 8


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