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Уч. англ.яз Бурова

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Lesson Ten


своих родителях. 4. Мы никогда не опаздываем. 5. Вы нико гда не стараетесь понять их. 6. Я всегда забываю это слово. 7. Они обычно готовят уроки вместе. 8. Мои часы хорошо хо дят и никогда не отстают. 9. Всегда можно взять эту книгу в библиотеке. 10. Пусть он иногда приходит сюда. 11. Я всегда рад вас видеть.

Step 55

Словосочетания с глаголом to have (§ 54)

to have dinner — обедать

to have breakfast — завтра кать

to have lunch — завтракать (lunch — второй завтрак)

to have supper — ужинать to have a rest — отдохнуть to have a meal — есть, прини

мать пищу

to have a cup of tea (coffee) — выпить чашечку чая (кофе) to have a break — сделать пе


to have a walk — прогуляться to have a talk — поговорить to have a chat — поболтать to have a smoke — покурить tohavealook(at) — взглянуть


to have a good (nice) time — хорошо проводить время

to have a bath (a shower) — принимать ванну (душ)

3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. In the evening I like to have a walk. 2. I want to have a talk with you now. 3. I usually have supper at 7 o’clock. 4. Let’s have a short rest. 5. I want to have a look at your new watch. 6. Let the children have lunch. 7. We usually have three meals a day. 8. Let’s have dinner. 9. Let me have a look at your new picture. 10. We often go to the club to have a good time there.

Образование вопросительной и отрицательной форм словосочетаний с глаголом to have.

I have breakfast at home.

I don’t have breakfast at home.

Do you have breakfast at home?

When and where do you have breakfast?

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


4. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы:

1. He has supper at 7 o’clock. 2. They have a rest on Sundays. 3. We have dinner in the Institute dinning hall.

5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Я хочу взглянуть на вашу картину. 2. Давайте поговорим сейчас. 3. Я обычно обедаю в институте. 4. Где вы ужинаете? 5. Мы не завтракаем дома. 6. Я хочу отдохнуть. 7. Вечером я люблю прогуляться со своим другом. 8. Давайте покурим! 9. Пусть они поговорят в моем кабинете. 10. Сегодня вечером мы собираемся хорошо провести время в общежитии.

Step 56

Придаточные определительные предложения. Союзные слова who, which, that (§ 55)

В придаточных определительных предложениях использу ются союзные слова для обозначения:

1)одушевленных предметов — who (whom), that

2)неодушевленных предметов — which, that

1.The man who is speaking on the telephone is our dean. Мужчина, который говорит по телефону — наш декан.

2.This is the book which I am speaking about. Вот книга, о которой я говорю.

3.The letter that I am sending now is not long. Письмо, которое я посылаю сейчас — не длинное.

4.That’s the girl whom Bill is going to marry.

Вот та девушка, на которой Бил собирается жениться.

5.The block which we live in is of modern design. Дом, в котором мы живем — современного стиля.

6.Вместо пропусков вставьте слова who, whom, which, that:

1.Can you tell me the answer to the question ... you are asking?

2.The boy ... is reciting the poem is a first year student. 3. The woman ... I meet every day on my way home is very old. 4. Come to our conference; you can meet there people ... you know very

Lesson Ten


well. 5. Look through this book, you can find here stories ... are very interesting. 6. The sentences ... we translate into English are difficult. 7. The man ... gives you English newspapers is my brother. 8. I usually prepare my lessons with my friends ... also learn English. 9. I cannot find my dictionary ... he is asking for. 10. The building ... is behind our block is the office in ... my father works.

Step 57

Причастие I в функции обстоятельства (§ 56)

1.Being very busy he cannot go with us.

2.When doing my morning exercises I open the window.

3.Being unwell (not being well) he cannot do the work.

Он не может идти с нами, так как он очень занят (бу дучи занят).

Делая утреннюю гимна стику, я открываю окно. Будучи нездоров, он не мо жет выполнить эту работу.

В функции обстоятельства перед причастием I часто стоят со юзы when — когда, while — в то время как. Такие причастные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

7. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. While having breakfast my brother always looks through morning newspapers. 2. Being unwell he cannot help you.

3. Reading much every day he learns a lot of new words. 4. When preparing her lessons Ann listens to the tapes. 5. Living in the hostel we always help each other with our homework. 6. Going home in the evening I always meet this girl. 7. Not having time, I cannot get ready to speak on the topic.

8. Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами:

а) When he has time he works in this workshop. (When) Having time he works in this workshop.

б) She cannot translate the text because she does not know the words. Not knowing the words she cannot translate the text.

1. He must not write the test because he is not ready. 2. Nick can paint a poster because he has all necessary things for it. 3. When

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


he is free he always helps us with our work in the garden. 4. When I come home I have my dinner. 5. He cannot help you because he is very busy. 6. You must not go into the classroom because you are late. 7. He does not work at his book because he has no time.

8.They can prepare their lessons together because they live in the hostel. 9. He uses a dictionary when he translates newspaper articles.

9.Прочтите новые слова урока:

already уже • We already know five hundred words. article статья • an interesting article on art

to attend посещать • to attend classes (lectures) regularly to go to bed ложиться спать • I go to bed late.

between между • There is a desk between the two windows in my study. break [breik] перерыв • Let’s have a short break.

to have breakfast [ brekfəst]´ завтракать • I have my breakfast at home. cinema кино • I go to the cinema on week days.

circle кружок • a radio (drawing) circle

correctly правильно • I want to learn to speak English correctly. different = various разный, различный • We read different articles on art. difficulty трудность • His life is full of difficulties.

to have dinner

обедать • When do you have dinner?

to do one’s best

делать все возможное • I do my best to master English.

to do morning exercises делать гимнастику • I do my morning exercises every day.

to dress одеваться

early рано • He always comes home early. even даже • He can even speak German.

example [ig z´ mpl] пример • Give me an example, please; for example на пример

favourite любимый • Who is your favourite writer?

first of all прежде всего • To write the test correctly you must first of all learn the words and review grammar material.

to get получать, добираться • I often get letters from my parents. Where can one get this book? We get to the Institute by bus.

to get up вставать • I get up early.

to go by bus (tram) ехать на автобусе (трамвае) • I go home by bus (by tram).

hour час • Each class lasts an hour and a half (полтора часа); half an hour полчаса

i. e. = that is то есть, это значит

to join вступать, присоединяться • To join a circle; to join a party (club); to join the army поступать на военную службу

to leave уходить, покидать • to leave home for the institute

Lesson Ten


a little немного • Let’s talk a little.

to mean

означать, значить; иметь в виду • What does this word mean?

What do you mean?

to meet

встречать(ся) • Sometimes we meet difficulties when we learn a

foreign language.


собрание • to be present at the meeting; Where do meetings take




музыка • I am fond of music; to dance to music


новости • Are there any news? Latest news последние известия •

to listen to the latest news on the radio

of course = certainly конечно • Of course, he is going to come to the meeting of our circle.

often часто • I often meet my friends.

once [w ns] однажды, один раз; once a month We have a class in physical culture once a week.

only [ əυnli]´ только

in the original в оригинале • I want to read English books in the original. painting картина, полотно, живопись • Whose painting is this?

report доклад • Who is going to make a report today? scientific научный • to do the scientific work

seldom редко • I can seldom go to the cinema on week days.

to smoke = to have a smoke курить • Don’t smoke in this room. Let them smoke.

society [sə saiəti]´ общество • Students’ Scientific Society СНО sometimes иногда • Sometimes I look these magazines through.

to spend тратить • You can spend half an hour a day on your English. to stay оставаться • I am not going to stay at home on Sunday.

to have supper ужинать • Do you have supper with your friends tonight? to switch on (off) включать (выключать) • Switch on the TV set. Do not

switch on the light.

It takes me (him) ... Мне (ему) требуется ... • It takes me an hour to prepare dinner. It does not take me long ... = It does not take me much time ... It does not take me long to get home.

tooth (pl teeth) зуб • to clean one’s teeth


обычно • During breaks I usually go to the English language labo

ratory to listen to the tapes.

to walk

ходить пешком • I usually walk to the Institute. Let’s have a walk.

to wash

мыться, умываться • I wash with cold water in the morning.

to watch

смотреть, наблюдать • to watch TV; Do you have time to watch

TV on week days?


без • You can write the test without his help; to do the translation

without a dictionary


Really? (разг.) Да ну! Правда?

art work

художественное произведение

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


10. Прочтите и переведите текст:

My Working Day

My working day begins early. I always get up at 7 o’clock. Before I leave for the Institute I have a lot of things to do. First of all I do my morning exercises. When doing them I usually open the window and switch on the radio. I like to do my morning exercises to music. Then I go to the bathroom where I wash, clean my teeth and dress. At a quarter to eight I am ready to have breakfast. While having breakfast I often listen to the latest news on the radio or look through the newspapers.

It doesn’t take me long to have breakfast. At a quarter past eight I leave home for the Institute. As I live far from the Insti tute I go there by bus or by metro. It usually takes me half an hour to get there. I seldom walk to the Institute in the morning because I have no time and I am afraid to be late for classes.

I am never late. I always come to the Institute in time. Between classes we have short breaks. At 12.30 we have a long break for dinner. I usually have dinner in the dinning hall of our Institute which is always full of people at this time.

As a rule we have three lectures or seminars a day. Classes are over at twenty minutes to four. If I have no meeting, I go home. Sometimes I stay at the Institute if I have some things to do or if I have a meeting. There is a Students’ Scientific Society at our Institute. I am a member of this Society. Once a month I attend its meetings. I am also a member of the English circle which meets on Tuesdays.

Sometimes I stay at the Institute because I need a book or an article which I can only get in the reading room. Before and after classes in the reading room there are always a great many students who read different books and articles, work at their reports or do their lessons.

After classes I usually walk home. I like to walk after a busy day at the Institute. When I come home I have dinner and a short rest. Then I prepare my lessons. It usually takes me about three hours. In the evening I have supper and watch TV. Sometimes if I have time, I go to the cinema. I usually go to bed at 11 o’clock.

Lesson Ten


Every day I work at my English. I spend half an hour a day on it. Every evening I read a page or half a page of some English book or do my English homework. When preparing my homework I often listen to the tapes which help me (to) learn to read and speak English. I like English very much and I do my best to master it. I never miss English classes and I work at it regularly, that’s why English is not difficult for me. I can already read easy English books and even speak English a little.

Those who want to master it, i. e. (that is) to understand it without difficulty, to speak it well, to read books in the original without a dictionary and to write correctly, must study hard. I am fond of our English classes.

Dialogue One

A.: Why aren’t you going home, Bob? B.: I have a meeting of the English circle. A.: Really? How often do you meet?

B.: Once a week, on Mondays. A.: How long do meetings last? B.: As a rule an hour and a half.

A.: What do you do at the meetings?

B.: Oh, a lot of things. It’s difficult to say in a few words. Today for example we are going to speak about Kramskoy, the well known Russian artist of the 19th century.

A.: Do you like his works?

B.: Yes, he is one of my favourite artists. I’m fond of his paint ings because they are realistic. Today I am going to make a report on his art works. You may stay and listen to my report, if you like.

A.: I like his portraits very much too and then of course I want to learn to speak English well and to understand it without difficulty. Can I join your circle?

B.: Certainly, let’s go and speak to our teacher.

Dialogue Two

It is half past three in the afternoon. Two girl friends are talking.

A.: Must we stay after classes today?

B.: I think we needn’t. We haven’t got any meeting today!

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


A.: That’s good. So we are free and can walk home together.

B.: I am sorry, I can’t. I must go to the library to get some books for my report.

A.: What report do you mean?

B.: Next Tuesday I’m going to make a report on the English poets of the first half of the nineteenth century.

A.: Good bye then. B.: See you tomorrow.

Упражнения для домашнего задания

1. Переведите следующие словосочетания и предложения на русский язык:

а) to have supper, to walk home, to go to the cinema, to have a short rest, a five minutes’ break, to spend time on, between classes, to do morning exercises to music, to switch on the radio, to go by metro, a busy day, an hour and a half, half an hour, far from the house, early in the morning, first of all, to make a report (on), different magazine articles, without difficulty, to translate without a dictionary, that is, to read in the original, to speak correctly, to write correctly, to clean teeth, to clean the blackboard, to clean the room, even, to do one’s best, for example, only, to have a good time

б) 1. I like to watch TV. 2. I am going to meet my friend today. 3. He is busy with his scientific work. 4. I always attend lec tures on Russian art. 5. Once a week I go to the cinema. 6. Are you a member of the Students’ Scientific Society? 7. We spend much time on sports during the academic year. 8. Who is your favourite poet? 9. You can find their house without difficulty.

10.He is much better now but he still walks with difficulty.

11.Can you get an English dictionary for me? 12. How do you get to the Institute? 13. There are a lot of different pictures on the walls of the hall. 14. First of all let’s talk about your article.

15.Tom does not walk to the Institute because he is afraid to be late.

Lesson Ten


в) I have got a watch. = I have a watch. (см. § 21)

1.Have you got a German textbook? 2. He has got a French class today. 3. Has she got a family? — Yes, she has got a big family.

4.Who has got red ink? 5. We haven’t got a meeting today.

6.What have you got in your bag?

2.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод слов little, few

(мало); a little (немного), a few (несколько):

1. She has a few friends in our town. 2. She has few friends in this city. 3. He has very little free time, that’s why he can’t help us. 4. He has a little time and he is going to help us. 5. Can you speak English a little? 6. She reads very little. 7. My watch is a little fast. 8. Ann is going to tell us a few words about her plans for coming holidays. 9. The article is not difficult though there are a few unknown words in it. 10. We have very few English dictionaries in our library. 11. He spends very little time on French.

3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на следующие обстоятель ства места:

far from — далеко от

— far from the plant

not far from — недалеко от

— not far from the office

near — близко от (около, рядом) — near the library

1. I live far from the Institute but near the city library. 2. There is a new cinema near my house. 3. The metro station is quite near our block of flats. 4. The shop is not far from here.

4. Переведите на английский язык:

1.Так как я живу далеко от института, я езжу туда на метро.

2.Мой брат живет недалеко от завода, поэтому ходит туда пешком. 3. Около моего дома есть книжный магазин. 4. Де канат как раз рядом с библиотекой. 5. Недалеко от нашего дома — красивый парк. 6. Эта улица совсем рядом с нашим учреждением.

5. Переведите на русский язык:

а) to join a circle, to join a club, to join a party, to join a group, to join the army

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


б) 1. Are you going to join our scientific society? 2. I want to join our sports circle. 3. Which of you is going to join us? 4. Are you going to join us for a walk? 5. My brother is going to join the army.

6. Составьте предложения, используя таблицу, по образцу:

It takes me half an hour to air the room.



some days

to do morning exercises.


one hour

to listen to the latest news.




half an hour

to get to the Institute.



twenty minutes

to get home by bus.



two hours

to have breakfast.




five minutes

to prepare dinner.




an hour and half

to make a report.





7. Составьте предложения по образцам:

а) How long does it take you to prepare your lessons? It does not take me long to prepare my lessons.

How long does it take you

It does not take me long

to wash and dress, to clean your teeth, to prepare lunch, to make a report, to learn these words, to make a plan, to get to the cinema, to do the translation, to do morn ing exercises, to read the article, to go home by metro, to get home, to walk home, to get ready

б) I do my best to master English.

I do my best

to master English, to master the specialty,

He does his best

to learn the words, to come in time for

She does her best

classes, to help him, to work at one’s En

We do our best

glish regularly, not to be late for classes,

They do their best

not to smoke, to understand him



8. Составьте 5 вопросов и ответов по образцу, заменив выделенные члены предложения:

How do you get (go) to the Institute?

I get (go) to the Institute by metro.

office library park cinema