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60 3 Describing Models and Scenes in RenderMan

There are several basic rules that RenderMan follows, which determine the overall outline of how it describes scenes. Understanding these sets the stage for understanding the details of the individual API commands and why they have both the power and restrictions they have.

RenderMan allows no forward references of any kind

In a RenderMan scene description, everything that is needed to process a command is defined before that command. For example, the color and other visual attributes of a primitive object, such as a sphere, are defined before the sphere is defined. Moreover, if there are several lights that are supposed to be shining on the sphere, those lights must also be defined before the sphere. This is true of every facet of the scene description.

In this way, RenderMan accommodates (and is very much like) immediate-mode graphics hardware rendering. Because every primitive is literally drawn the moment the primitive command is executed, there is no opportunity for lights later on in the description to somehow say " . . . and I also shine on that sphere that was drawn a few seconds ago." Too late. That sphere is already drawn, and its color cannot be revised.

For this reason, the structure of a RenderMan scene description is very predictable. First, parameters of the image itself are defined. Next, parameters of the camera model are defined, including the position of the camera in the 3D space. Next, lights and other global attributes of the scene are defined. Then, and only then, do the primitives start appearing, with their private attributes individually preceding them.

RenderMan employs a strict hierarchical graphics state for transformations and object attributes

Attributes of primitives are stored in a database (also known as the graphics state) that is manipulated as a stack. The set of attributes that are at the top of the stack when a primitive is created are the ones that describe that primitive and are attached to it as it is rendered. Attributes can be changed and new primitives created with the new state, or the entire graphics state can be pushed onto the stack, where it is remembered and can be later restored by popping the stack. In this way, it is extremely easy to create hierarchical models such as robots or articulated characters by pushing the stack at each joint. Notice that this means the RenderMan scene description is not a DAG (directed acyclic graph), as many modelers use to describe their scenes, but a simple tree.

Pushing and popping the graphics state machine is considered to be a very inexpensive and common operation. For this reason, RenderMan assumes that it is easy to push the state, set a short-term attribute, call a command that uses the attribute, and then pop the state.

The RenderMan scene description also has several useful "modes" that will be discussed as they come up. Each of these modes is also embedded in the hierarchy

Scene Description API

so that entering and leaving the mode is equivalent to pushing and popping the state machine.

The RenderMan API is extensible by both renderer designers and renderer users

The designers of the RenderMan Interface recognized that technology travels fast, and a graphics API that was locked into a particular set of primitives, visual attributes, and algorithms would either quickly become obsolete or else would need to be augmented by an unending set of extensions. Instead, RenderMan was designed with extensible mechanisms built in, which took the burden off of the designers to anticipate every use and in fact allows the API to be extended as each individual frame is rendered.

Chief among these extensibility mechanisms is the concept of the parameter list. Rather than have every possible parameter to every possible call predefined, most calls to RenderMan have only the most fundamental parameters defined specifically and then also take a variable-length argument list of additional parameters. These additional parameters are generically known as the parameter list and are specified by name-value pairs, much like keyword parameters in interpreted languages like Lisp. Each name is a string, which ideally is at least somewhat descriptive of its purpose, like "width" or "compression", and the value is an array of data. Many commands have predefined parameter list entries, and renderer implementations often predefine additional entries to create datapaths for their extensions. One thing that makes RenderMan unique is that users can also define additional parameter list entries and supply corresponding data in ways that will extend the model's descriptive power. This unifying syntax enables the predefined, renderer-defined, and user-defined data types to coexist in a scene description with no syntactic incompatibilities.

RenderMan also provides a few specific extension back doors, which renderer implementations can use to add controls over features that are not in other renderers.


Version 3.1 of the RenderMan Interface Speci fication, published in 1989, spends some not-inconsiderable verbiage describing what it means to be "compatible" with the RenderMan Interface. It also divides features of a renderer into "Required Features" and "Optional Capabilities" and specifies what the default behavior should be in cases where the renderer does not implement any given "Optional Capability." The RenderMan Companion, describes the RenderMan Interface generically, without specifying or describing features of particular renderer implementations. All of this was done with an eye towards the day when RenderMan would be a de facto industry standard for high-end computer graphics.

However, RenderMan is not an industry standard. It is the interface definition of a popular, but proprietary, renderer. As changes are made to its interface, no new

62 3 Describing Models and Scenes in RenderMan

public documents are published to proclaim "the new and improved version 9 of the RenderMan Interface Specification." Compatibility with RenderMan Interface now means being compatible with PRMan. BMRT is considered compatible not because it follows a particular book, but rather because it has been painstakingly checked with a wide variety of input to determine that it behaves identically to PRMan or, where the algorithmic differences require it, in a way that users can easily understand the differences. As new RenderMan renderers appear, there is no compatibility suite or test bed to exhaustively check them, and renderer developers and users are left to their own devices to determine if a particular code base is compatible enough for their own liking.

For that reason, in this book we will not discuss strict standards conformance, Optional versus Required Capabilities, or pretend that we are discussing RenderMan renderers generically. We will discuss RenderMan as it exists today, embodied in two compatible but very different renderer implementations.

3.2Structure of a Scene Description

RenderMan scene descriptions have a particular structure, embodied in the tree of the hierarchical graphics state. There are actually several calls that manipulate the hierarchical graphics state stack, some of which change the mode of the graphics state and others that push a subset of the attributes onto the stack. We describe the subtree of the hierarchy inside of a balanced pair of these commands as being a block. Being "in" a particular block means that one of the ancestors of that level of the hierarchy was created by that particular API call.


The scene description is divided into two phases: describing the viewer and describing the world. The RenderMan viewer description includes various parameters of the camera as well as parameters of the image file that is being generated. These parameters are called options and are global to 'the entire rendered image. The RenderMan world description includes all of the geometry in the scene, with their material descriptions and other parameters that can be specific to individual objects in the scene. These parameters are called attributes. The division between describing "the viewer" and describing "the scene" occurs at Worl dBegi n, which starts a world block.

Rendering an animation can include the rendering of large numbers of frames, and each frame might require prerendering a certain number of images for use as texture maps or for other purposes. The scene description API allows for these logical divisions of the work to be specified as well.

A RenderMan scene description therefore proceeds as a series of nested blocks, in the following order:


Structure of a Scene Description

These blocks are divided by the following RenderMan API calls:


WorldBegin starts the scene description of a single image. The current transformation matrix is stored as the camera-to-world matrix, and the new objectto-world matrix is initialized with the identity matrix (see Section 3.2.4). As a side effect, the entire attribute state is also pushed. World blocks cannot be nested.


Ends the scene description for a single image and causes the image to be rendered.

FrameBegi n frameno

FrameBegi n begins the description of a single frame to be rendered. A frame can contain any number of world blocks that can generate texture maps, shadow maps, background elements, or any other renderings required to make the "real image" (which is presumably rendered last). The frame number frameno is descriptive only. FrameBegi n pushes both the attribute and the option state. It cannot be nested (there is a single frame block).


Ends the description of a frame. Pops the attribute and option state.

An attribute block is all of the scene description between matching AttributeBegin and AttributeEnd calls. That block inherits the attribute state of the parent block, manipulates it, presumably assigns it to some geometric primitives, and then restores the state to the parents' version. The attribute state contains all of the visual attributes of the geometric primitives in the scene, such as the color and

64 3 Describing Models and Scenes in RenderMan

shaders attached to the objects, as well as the transformation matrices. The transformation matrix stack can also be pushed and popped independently of the rest of the attribute state using TransformBegi n and TransformEnd (creating a transform block), but those stack calls must be made in a way that is completely nested within its attribute block.


AttributeBegin pushes the entire graphics attribute state, including the transformation stack. Although attribute blocks are typically used inside the world block, it is perfectly legal to use them outside as well.


Pops the attribute stack.


TransformBegin pushes the transformation stack but leaves all other attributes alone. Transform blocks can be nested within attribute blocks, and vice versa, but the stacking must always be balanced. That is, the sequence





is not legal.


Pops the transformation stack.

3.2.2Parameter Declarations

In Section 3.1.2, we mentioned parameter lists, which contain the majority of the interesting data that the modeler transmits to the renderer. An entry in a parameter list has two parts, the parameter name and an array of data values for the parameter. The name is a string, of course, whereas the data values can be many different things.

Of course, the renderer needs to know exactly what the data is and how many items are expected to be in the array. For this reason, the renderer maintains a symbol table, or dictionary, defining the data type and storage class of each parameter that the modeler will use to describe the scene. The choices for parameter data type include all of the types that are available for variables in the Shading Language (Chapter 7). Storage classes are used to define various styles of primitive variables (described in Section 4.1).


3.2 Structure of a Scene Description

A reasonably large number of parameters are predefined, corresponding to those parameters that the renderer has built-in knowledge about. However, as we will see in future sections, most parameters to shaders and geometric primitives are data that the user or the modeler has created. These new parameters must be declared before use so that the RIB parser knows what kind and how much data to expect and so that the renderer can process it correctly.

Declare name declaration

Declare adds a new parameter name to the dictionary. The parameter name will be used as the identifier in subsequent parameter lists. The parameter declaration defines the storage class and data type of the data. The syntax is similar to, but not identical to, variable declarations in the Shading Language"class type".

class can be any of the four storage classes constant, uniform, varying, or vertex. class is optional, because it is only relevant to primitive variables, and defaults to uniform if left out.

type can be any of the Shading Language data types float, point, vector, normal, color, string, or matrix or can be a fixed-length array of any of those types by providing a trailing integer array length inside square brackets.

In addition, two data types that are specific to the RenderMan API (that don't appear in the Shading Language) can be declared. The first data type, hpoi nt, refers to homogeneous points, such as the standard vertex data type "Pw". Such data have four coordinates when specified but revert to the standard three-coordinate poi nt type when accessed by the Shading Language. The second data type, integer, refers (naturally enough) to integer data. Integer data is not useful to shaders, but may be useful to declare parameter list data types for other RenderMan API calls that have parameter lists (such as Attribute and Display).

For example, here are several valid parameter declarations:

Declare "Kd" "uniform float" Declare "ml" "matrix" Declare "N" "varying normal" Declare "specularcolor" "color" Declare "st" "varying float[2]" Declare "texturenames" "uniform string[3]" Declare "Pw" "vertex hpoint"

The parameter dictionary is global to the scene; that is, it is not stacked as part of the hierarchical attribute state. If a parameter name is redeclared, the new value will replace the old value for the rest of the RIB stream, and the old value will be permanently lost. Therefore, it is best if each parameter name is unique. If this cannot be ensured, the modeler will have to keep track of whether each usage of a

66 3 Describing Models and Scenes in RenderMan

parameter name is consistent with the current declaration of that name, and if not, be prepared to redeclare it each time it is used a different way.

Newer versions of PRMan and BMRT have addressed this issue by creating a new in-line declaration style. In this style, a parameter name can be declared during its use in a particular RIB command, and its dictionary definition is neither referenced nor updated for the scope of this one command. In-line declarations look even more like Shading Language declarations because of their form-"class type name". For example, here is the use of an in-line declaration to temporarily override but not clobber the standard dictionary definition of the parameter "Kd".

Declare "Kd" "uniform float"

# standard definition

Surface "plastic" "Kd" [.2]

# standard usage

Surface "carpetfloss" "Ka" [.05]

# normal, but...

"uniform color Kd" [.3 .2 .4]

# special usage

Surface "plastic" "Kd" [.5]

# standard usage again


Internally, RenderMan represents all transformations as transformation matricesin particular, as 4 x 4 matrices that are premultiplied by row vectors. In other words, points are transformed as P * M, and the translation component is on the bottom, in elements 12 through 14.

A note on confusing terminology: the transformation matrix that appears on the top of the transformation stack is known as the current transformation matrix. The coordinate system that this matrix represents is confusingly called the local coordinate system, the "object" coordinate system, or the current coordinate system, depending on context. The latter is the worst because it is easily mistaken with the "current" coordinate system as defined in the Shading Language, which is a different thing entirely. Moreover, in the RenderMan Interface Specification, various pieces of renderer documentation, the RenderMan Companion, and even in this book, the authors often use the word "space" as a shorthand for "coordinate system" (e.g., "transform "P" to "world" space"), and "coordinates" as shorthand for "as expressed in the (blank) coordinate system" (e.g., "examine the x component of "P" in "world" coordinates"). The current authors have striven to be consistent in both naming and typesetting so as to minimize the confusion.

It is often convenient for modeling programs to describe changes to the local coordinate systems in terms of simple transformations rather than whole transformation matrices. For this reason, RenderMan has a generous set of API calls that apply transformations to the local coordinate system:

Translate dx dy dz

Transl ate the local coordinate system by (dx,dy,dz).



Structure of a Scene Description

Rotate angle vx vy vz

Rotate the local coordinate system by angle degrees around axis given by the direction vector (vx,vy,vz)

Scal a sx sy sz

Scale the local coordinate system by sx in the x-axis, sy in the y-axis, sz in the z-axis.

Skew angle vx vy vz ax ay az

The Skew call shears everything parallel to a plane. Everything moves along a vector parallel to the axis vector A = (ax,ay,az), the amount of the shift being proportional to the distance from the plane defined by A and A x V. The exact amount is calculated based on the desire for the vector V = (vx,vy,vz) to rotate angle degrees, around the origin, toward A.

ConcatTransform matrix

ConcatTransform premultiplies the supplied parameter matrix into the current transformation matrix. matrix is, of course, 16 floating-point numbers and encodes the transformation matrix that transforms points from the new coordinate system to the previous coordinate system.


The Identity call replaces the current transformation matrix by the identity matrix. In effect, this call returns the local coordinate system to be identical to the world coordinate system when used inside a world block, and to the camera coordinate system when used outside a world block. However, see the newer CoordSysTransform call in the next section for a more general and explicit syntax.

Transform matrix

The Transform call replaces the current transformation matrix by the supplied parameter matrix. This is equivalent to Identity followed by ConcatTransform matrix.

3.2.4Special Coordinate Systems

The RenderMan Interface has a few distinguished coordinate systems, which are important enough to both the modeling process and the rendering process that they have predefined names and relationships. The first of these is "camera" space. This is the coordinate system that exists around the virtual camera. The camera is at the origin of this coordinate system, where the positive z-axis extends in front of the camera, the positive x-axis is to the left, and the positive y-axis is up (a

68 3 Describing Models and Scenes in RenderMan

left-handed coordinate system). This coordinate system is critical due to the fact that the RenderMan modeling paradigm builds the scene from the camera out-the camera coordinate system is the center of the visual universe. All other coordinate systems are relative to this in some way. Camera space is created when Projection is called, and at that point the current transformation matrix is set to the identity. From then on, until WorldBegin, changes to the current transformation matrix are actually building up the eventual worl d-to-camera matrix.

The next important coordinate system is "world" space. This is the coordinate system that the modeler generally thinks of as being the canonical coordinate system for scene description. In RenderMan, however, it is placed relative to "camera" space, not vice versa. World space is initialized when WorldBegin is called. The current transformation matrix at that time is stored with the other now-fixed options as the official world-to-camera matrix, and the current transformation matrix is reset to the identity. From then on, until WorldEnd, changes to the current transformation matrix create coordinate systems that are relative to "world" space. That is, the matrix transforms points from the local coordinate system into "world" space. When geometric primitives are created, they take their positions from the current transformation matrix at the time. That coordinate system is also stored (for future reference) as the "object" space for that particular geometric primitive. Naturally, every geometric primitive has its own "object" space. Similarly, when shaders are created with Surface and other calls, the local coordinate system is stored as the "shader" space for that particular shader.

There are three other distinguished coordinate systems that are sometimes referred to in models or in shaders that relate to the projection of the 3D scene into the eventual 2D image:

"screen": the 2D coordinate system on the z = 1 projection plane (after the projection occurs), in which ScreenWi ndow is defined. As with camera space, x is left, and y is up. Depths are encoded so that the near and far clipping planes are projected to 0.0 and 1.0, respectively.

"NDC" (normalized-device coordinates): the resolution-independent 2D coordinate system in the image, in which the upper-left corner is (0.0, 0.0) and the lower-right corner is (1.0, 1.0). CropWi ndow is defined in this space. Notice that y is down in this coordinate system.

"raster": the pixel coordinates on the image, where the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel is (0, 0) and the lower-right corner of the lower-right pixel is (xres, yres).

Of course, it wouldn't be RenderMan if the modeler were not able to extend the distinguished set of predefined coordinate systems:

CoordinateSystem name

Coordi nateSystem marks the local coordinate system and labels it with identifier name. Subsequent calls that refer to coordinate systems by their names can thereafter refer to this name in addition to any of the predefined names.

3.3 Rendering Options


These named coordinate systems, both built in and user-defined, are most useful because they can be referred to by shaders. It is extremely common, and extremely easy, for shaders to transform points and vectors into various coordinate systems by using their names. In addition, geometric models can be placed into specific named coordinate systems, making them useful in the geometric scene description as well. The following API call allows you to use named coordinate systems in the RIB file:

CoordSysTransform name

The CoordSysTransform call replaces the current transformation matrix with the matrix that forms the name coordinate system. This permits objects to be placed directly into special or user-defined coordinate systems by their names. For example, if an object needs to be placed on the near clipping plane (regardless of the position of the camera or the settings of Clipping), you can simply use CoordSysTransform "NDC" to make the local coordinate system "NDC"-space and then place the object at z = 0.

Modeler-defined coordinate system names, like the standard predefined coordinate system names, are global to the scene and are not part of the hierarchical attribute state. If a name is reused, the old matrix is lost permanently. This can have unintended effects on the renderer, as shading and modeling operations may desire to refer to the old matrix long after it has been destroyed and will unknowingly get the new matrix instead.

3.3 Rendering Options

As described above, the RenderMan scene description is generally divided into phases. The first phase describes parameters of the image to be rendered and of the camera. These parameters are called options because they must hold true for the entire process of image generation and therefore might be considered global to the scene. For example, the resolution of the image being rendered, or the position of the camera, are obviously global parameters. The following RIB listing contains a typical option setup for a single frame of an animation:

FrameBegin 14

# Image options

Display "joe27.s9.14.tif" "tiff" "rgba" Format 1880 800 1

Exposure 1.0 1.0

Quantize "rgba" 255 0 255 0.5 PixelSamples 3 3

PixelFilter "sinc" 4 4

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