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17.The patrol car ___ the BMW for a few miles and then lost it.

18.The letter had mysteriously ___ from the file overnight.

19.All the delegates entered the room; they were each ___ a name-badge.

20.When on stage, try not to ___ on the audience.

Ex. 10. (A) Practice the following expressions and memorize their meanings.

(We have) nothing left – (У нас) ничего не осталось.

to be in (good, bad) mood – быть в (хорошем, плохом) настроении

to be at smb.’s disposal – быть в чьѐм-либо распоряжении

to be of service to smb . – оказывать услугу кому-либо

to make smb. comfortable – помочь кому-либо устроиться

to make oneself comfortable – устроиться (удобно)

(B)Read the sentences and translate them.

1.I‟ve only got a few dollars left.

2.There were a couple of vacant seats left at the back of the bus.

3.Hurry up! We don‟t have much time left.

4.Nothing was left of the house.

5.Suddenly, for the first time in months, I found myself in a very good mood.

6.The good weather put him in an excellent mood.

7.The boss is in a bad mood, you‟d better come some other time.

8.He is in a much better mood than usual.

9.Jasper had a lot of cash at his disposal.

10.The company‟s car was at my disposal.

11.Please allow me to be of service to you.

12.We try to make ourselves comfortable on the hard bench, but there is no back to lean against.

13.Look, why don‟t you sit down and make yourself comfortable?

14.Come in and make yourself comfortable.

Ex. 11. (A) Pay attention to the phrase:

(I) asked … if (I) could … .

(Я) спросил (поинтересовался), могу ли (я) … .

1.I asked the clerk in the booking office if I could change my ticket.

2.I asked my traveling companion if he could help me to put my suitcase on the luggage rack.

3.The conductor asked me if I could take the upper berth.

4.The old lady asked the porter if he could carry her luggage to the taxi stop.

5.The passenger asked the official in the information bureau if he could tell why the train was being late.

(B) Make your own sentences, using the phrase given above.

Ex. 12. Make sure you know the following words. If not, consult a dictionary. angrily, attitude, below, bow, couple, except, expression, grateful, politeness,

same, speech, suddenly.


Ex. 13. Read the story by Mark Twain part by part; translate it and be ready to do exercises 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.


(I) Several years ago I arrived in New York, where I was to change trains and take a sleeper1. There were crowds of people on the platform; they were all trying to get on the long sleeper train, which was already crowded. I asked the young man in the booking office if I could have a sleeping-berth. The answer was: “No”. I went off and asked another local official2 if I could have some poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping car. The man interrupted me angrily saying: “No, you can‟t, every corner is full. Do not bother me any more”. He turned his back and walked off. I felt so hurt that I said to my companion: “If these people knew who I was, they… .” But my companion stopped me there: “Don‟t talk such nonsense. If they knew who you were, do you think it would help you to get a vacant seat in a train which has no vacant seats in it?”

My friend‟s words did not improve my mood, but then I noticed that the porter of a sleeping car was looking at me. I saw the expression of his face suddenly change. Pointing at me, the porter whispered something to the conductor. I realized that I was being talked about.

(II) The conductor came forward, his face all politeness.

“Can I be of any service to you?” he asked. “Do you want a place in a sleeping


“Yes,” I said. “I will be very grateful to you if you can give me a place; anything will do.”

“We have nothing left except the big family compartment,” the conductor continued, “with two berths and a couple of arm-chairs in it. It is entirely at your disposal3. Here, Tom, take these suitcases aboard!” Then he touched his hat and went off.

(III) The porter made us comfortable in the compartment and then he said, with many bows and smiles:

“Is there anything you want, sir? Because you can have anything you want.” “Can I have some hot water?” I asked.

“Yes, sir, I‟ll get it myself.”

“Good! Well…, this lamp is too high above the berth. Can I have a better lamp fixed at the head of my bed below the luggage rack, so that I can read comfortably?”

“Yes, sir. The lamp you want is being fixed in the next compartment. I will get it from there and fix it here. It will burn all night long. Sir, you can ask for anything you want – the whole railroad will be turned inside out to please you.” After that he disappeared.

(IV) I smiled at my companion and said:

“Well, what do you say now? Didn‟t their attitude change the moment they understood I was Mark Twain?” My companion did not answer. So I added:

“Don‟t you like the way you are being served? And all for the same fare.”

As I was saying this, the porter‟s smiling face appeared in the doorway and this speech followed:


“Oh, sir, I recognized you the minute I set my eyes on you.”

“Is that so, my boy?” I said, handing him a good tip. “And who am I?”

“Mr. McClellan, Mayor of New York,” was the answer, and the porter disappeared again.

Notes: 1sleeper (train) = overnight train – ночной поезд; 2official – служащий;

3at your disposal – к вашим услугам.

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions. (Part I)

1.In what city did Mark Twain arrive?

2.Did he travel alone or did he have a companion?

3.Did he want to do a tour around this city?

4.Why were there a lot of people on the platform?

5.What ticket did Mark Twain want to get?

6.Was the clerk in the booking office helpful to him? What about another local official?

7.What was Mark‟s mood?

8.Did Mark Twain want railway officials to know that he was a famous writer?

9.In what way did Mark‟s companion react to these words? (Could this news help get tickets for the crowded train?)

10.Why did Mark Twain pay attention to the porter of a sleeping car? (Was anything unusual about the man?)

11.Could Mark hear what the porter was telling the conductor?

12.Why did Mark Twain realize that he was being talked about?

Ex. 15. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. (Part II)

1.Проводник был очень вежлив с пассажирами купейного вагона.

2.Я могу быть вам чем-то полезен?

3.Я спросил у служащего в билетной кассе, могу ли я купить билет в купейный вагон.

4.Я буду вам очень благодарен, если вы покажете мне город.

5.Я бы хотел почитать какой-нибудь детектив. – Вы хотите книгу английского или русского автора? – Все равно (подойдет любая).

6.После вечеринки в холодильнике ничего не осталось.

7.Научная библиотека в вашем распоряжении – вы можете читать любые книги и периодические издания.

8.Носильщик отнес наши чемоданы в вагон.


Ex. 16. Choose the right alternative to complete the sentence. (Part III)


The porter left the compartment with many … .



a) bows and cries

b) bows and smiles

c) barks and smiles


According to the porter, Mark Twain and his companion could have … .


a) nothing they wanted

b) something they wanted c) anything they wanted


The passengers asked for some … .








mineral water


b) hot water

c) ice water


The porter was ready to … .




a) bring it himself

b) boil it himself


c) buy it himself


Mark Twain and his traveling companion wanted the lamp to be … .




b) replaced


c) hung lower


The porter promised to take a lamp from … .





the next compartment

b) the next coach

c) his office


This lamp will burn … .







all night large

b) all day long


c) all night long

8.The porter was sure the whole railroad will be turned inside out to … .

a)make every traveler on board the train comfortable

b)make everything to please the famous writer and his companion

c)make these two passengers feel at home

Ex. 17. Translate Part IV of the text into Russian. Try to be as creative as possible when doing this task!

Ex 18. Mark the following statements as „True‟ or „False‟. Correct the false statements.

1.Last year Mark Twain arrived in Washington where he was to change buses.

2.At the railway station, there were many people trying to get on the local train.

3.Mark Twain asked the clerk in the booking office if he could change the ticket.

4.There were no tickets for the sleeper train available in the booking office.

5.Mark Twain asked the local official if he could help him and his companion to get the tickets for the sleeper.

6.The local official was very polite.

7.The famous writer felt deeply hurt when nobody recognized him.

8.The porter named Willy seemed to recognize Mark Twain.

9.There was only one vacant compartment aboard.

10.The compartment was very large and comfortable: there were two berths and a couple of chairs in it.

11.Twain asked the porter if he could fix the better lamp above the luggage rack.

12.Twain‟s companion was very pleased with the way they were being served.

13.The porter thought Mark Twain to be Mayor of New York.

T e x t B




Ex. 1. Match the English words and phrases in column A with their Russian equivalents in column B.






to take notice of smth.





b) уборщик




уходить на пенсию


to run the station (business, etc)

d) напоминать


to polish


руководить станцией (компанией и т.п.)


ticket collector




to paint

g) обращать внимание на что-л.



h) главный


waiting room


объявление, предупреждение


to remind




to retire

k) зал ожидания


to be strict about the rule


полировать, натирать до блеска



m) строго соблюдать правило



n) стрелочник, сигнальщик

Ex. 2. Read the sentences and translate them.

1.I didn‟t convince (убеждать) the ticket collector that I had lost my ticket only some moments before.

2.The railway plans to modernize its wagon fleet; about 480 passenger coaches will be painted in a new livery (= color), re-painted inside and equipped with new comfortable seats.

3.There was a notice on the announcement board saying the flight had been cancelled.

4.He had run the railway station for 30 years but had to retire on medical grounds.

5.Passengers were reminded that no smoking was allowed on this train.

6.A signalman is a railroad worker responsible for operating signals and switches.

7.Having worked as a cleaner, painter and bus driver, Neil decided to go back to University.

8.After graduating from Edinburgh University, Robert Stephenson, George Stephenson‟s only son, ran the Newcastle locomotive works. In 1833, he was appointed chief engineer of the London and Birmingham Railway, the first railway into London.

9.To avoid accidents, both drivers and pedestrians must be strict about the traffic rules.

10.I was so intent (сосредоточенный) on my work that I didn‟t take notice of the time.

11.When the train is on motion, the train master communicates with passengers over a public address system.

12.After his demobilization from the Navy, he was accepted by the railway authorities as a signalman.


Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with the words from Ex 1. Several words should be used twice. Mind your grammar!

1.The tickets should not be thrown away as ___ may check them during the trip.

2.China is a vast country and the railways are the chief means of land transport.

3.James had previously worked at the depot as a wagon ___ but then he was promoted to the assistant of mechanic.

4.The station ___ said that no trains had arrived at the station during the night because of the heavy snowstorm in the mountains.

5.I just want to ___ you that your task (задание) must be completed by Friday.

6.A ___ passed by our train, motioning with his green flag.

7.He ___ the piano until the wood shone.

8.All the passengers should ___ of behavior aboard.

9.Employees can ___ at 60 if they choose.

10.At each railway station, there is a ___ where passengers can rest until boarding the train.

11.The ___ engineer ordered these devices to be repaired as fast as possible.

12.The ___ made two passengers get off the train because they didn‟t pay fares.

13.We finish work at six, and then the ___ come in.

14.In the UK, men usually ___ in their late 50s or early 60s.

15.On the first railways there were no signals because trains were few and traveled at low speeds. But as trains became more frequent, the railways began to employ men known as ___ to regulate the traffic.

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the verbs:

to allow (=to permit, to let) – позволять, разрешать; to forbid – запрещать.

1.These glasses allow you to see the film in 3D format.

2.We do not allow smoking in the hall.

3.Railcard is a card that can be bought at train stations in Britain by students and people over 60. It allows them to buy train tickets at a reduced price for a period of one year.

4.Radios are not permitted in the library.

5.Visitors are not permitted to take photographs in the church.

6.We hope to visit the castle, if time permits.

7.The password permits access to all files on the hard disk.

8.Cash machines permit you to withdraw (снимать) money at any time.

9.I would like to go to Europe this summer, but my parents won‟t let me.

10.Let me help you to put the suitcase on the luggage rack.

11.The management forbids employees to accept tips from customers.

12.The United States has forbidden the use of federal funds for human cloning research.

Ex. 5. Practice the phrase:

It doesn’t matter … – Не имеет значения …

1.It doesn't matter what you wear – you should look neat and tidy.

2.Does it matter what I think?


3.We‟ve missed the train. – It doesn't matter, there‟s another one in 10 minutes.

4.Well, what were you saying about John? – Forget it, it doesn‟t matter.

5.It doesn‟t matter if you‟re a few minutes late. We‟ll wait for you.

6.It doesn‟t matter what other people think. You should do what you think is best.

Ex. 6. Listen to the tape and practice the reading of the text. Try to imitate the speaker as best as you can. Translate the text, using a dictionary, if necessary.


My Uncle Tom worked on the railway. It wasn‟t a big station. Only about two trains a day stopped there; and Tom was a station master, a chief porter, and a signalman – all in one. In fact, Tom did any work that came along, and there wasn‟t a happier man in the whole England.

The chief cleaner (Tom) cleaned the waiting room of the station every day; the chief ticket collector (Tom) sold and collected the tickets – sometimes there were as many as four tickets a day – and the chief clerk1 (Tom) counted the money every evening.

Tom ran the station very well. He was very strict about the rules. He knew what a passenger was allowed to do and what wasn‟t; where a passenger was permitted to smoke and where smoking was forbidden.

He was there for fifty years and then he had to retire. The representative of the Railway Company thanked Tom and gave him a small check as a present. Tom was very pleased but he said: “I don‟t need money, but can I have, instead, something that will remind me of the happy days I have spent here? Could the company let me have a part of an old railway carriage, just one compartment? It doesn‟t matter how old and broken it is. I want to put it into my back garden and every day I could go and sit in it.”

About a week later, a compartment was sent to him. Tom put it into his back garden, cleaned it, painted it and polished it.

One day, about a year after Tom retired we decided to visit him. It was a bad day for a visit, it was raining hard. We knocked but there was no answer. We went into the garden, sure enough, he was there, but he wasn‟t sitting in the carriage, he was outside, on the step of the carriage, smoking a pipe.

“Hello, Tom,” I said, “why are you sitting there, why don‟t you go inside the carriage out of the rain?” “Can‟t you see?” – said Tom, “the carriage is a nonsmoker!”

Note: 1clerk – зд.: бухгалтер.

Ex. 7. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences.

1.Uncle Tom worked at a small station. It means that … .

a)a few trains left this station

b)a few trains made a stop on this station

c)no trains stopped on this station


2.Uncle Tom was the station master. It means that … .

a)he was in charge of the station operation

b)he was the owner of the station

c)he was allowed to sell tickets

3.Uncle Tom was the ticket collector. It means that … .

a)he had a great collection of train tickets

b)he printed tickets

c)he sold tickets to passengers

4.Uncle Tom was the chief clerk. It means that … .

a)he was in charge of the station’s finances

b)he was in charge of the station’s locomotives and carriages

c)he was in charge of collecting tickets

5.Uncle Tom was very strict about the rules. It means that … .

a)he knew what the train fare was

b)he knew what a passenger was allowed to do and what wasn’t

c)he knew that smoking was forbidden on board the train

6.After fifty years of work Uncle Tom had to retire. It means that … .

a)he got a bonus

b)he stopped working because he has reached a certain age

c)he left his job because he didn’t like it any more.

7.The representative of the Railway Company gave Tom a small check. It means that … .

a)he received a printed piece of paper with an amount of money written on it

b)he received a small box filled with all kinds of presents

c)he received a large box filled with all kinds of small presents

8.Instead of money Uncle Tom wanted to have something that would remind him of the happy days he had spent on the station. It means that … .

a)he wanted to have something related to railway

b)he wanted to have something related to his childhood

c)he wanted to have something related to his youth

9.The day Tom‟s relatives decided to visit him was a bad one. It means that … .

a)it was raining cats and dogs

b)it was snowing

c)it was very cold and windy

10.Uncle Tom didn‟t go inside the car because it was a non-smoker. It means that … .

a)he didn’t smoke

b)he was very strict about the rules

c)he wanted to welcome his guests

Ex. 8. What do you think might be the best translation of the story‟s title?

T e x t С


Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words.


via, consortium, Belgian, excellent, complimentary, area, to reserve, to walk, apply, adult, to accompany, unfortunately, above, weight, terminal, to convert;

airline-style 3-course meal, face-to-back airline-style seating, guide dog, luxurious interior design.

Ex. 2. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings.

1.to accept – принимать

2.to check in (baggage) – регистрировать (багаж)

3.change machine – разменный автомат

4.coach – междугородный автобус; вагон с сидячими местами

5.to deposit – отдавать на хранение

6.in advance – заранее

7.left luggage locker – автоматическая камера хранения

8.left luggage office – (ручная) камера хранения

9.lorry – грузовик

10.power socket – розетка

11.to refurbish – обновлять, модернизировать, реконструировать refurbishment – обновление, модернизация, реконструкция

12.to reserve (= to book) – бронировать, заказывать

Ex. 3. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian.

1.Ask your travel agent about check-in times.

2.Tickets can be booked 21 days in advance by calling the box office at 622-2823.

3.A lorry driver signaled to the elderly lady to cross the road.

4.After considerable discussion, the clients decided to accept our offer.

5.Our friends went to Italy on a coach tour.

6.When Oxford railway station was refurbished 3 years ago, it was criticized for its lack (отсутствие) of disabled facilities.

7.Students accepted by Stanford Law School had very high scores on the LSAT (Law School Admissions Test)

8.We checked in our luggage and went to the departure lounge (зал ожидания).

9.Is the cable long enough to reach the power socket?

10.The railway will not accept responsibility (ответственность) for items lost or stolen.

11.At a railway station or airport, you can leave your bags or suitcases for a short time in a left-luggage office or in a locker.

12.It‟s expected that 150,000 lorries will use the refurbished terminal every year.

13.Delta Airlines Inc., a US airline, offers a telephone check-in service for first and business class passengers with hand baggage.

14.On some tourist trains, passengers may deposit their valuables in the train safe.

15.The passengers were surprised by luxurious interior design of the recently refurbished carriages.

Ex. 4. Translate the words in the box and match them with the definitions below.

автоматическая камера хранения

междугородный автобус



отдавать на хранение






разменный автомат


(ручная) камера хранения

1)a large vehicle for carrying heavy loads by road;

2)a place in a wall where you can connect electrical equipment to the supply of electricity;

3)a small cupboard that can be locked, where you can leave your clothes, bags, etc. while you go somewhere;

4)to decorate and repair something such as a building or vehicle in order to improve its appearance;

5)a comfortable bus for carrying passengers over long distances;

6)a place in a station, airport etc. where you can pay to leave your bags and collect them later;

7)to put something valuable or important in a place where it will be safe;

8)a device used to convert banknotes into the coins;

9)to take something that someone offers you or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do.

Ex. 5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Вы можете заказать билеты на поезд через Интернет.

2.Наше турагентство организует автобусные туры в Финляндию, Польшу и Италию.

3.Правое крыло железнодорожной станции закрыто на (for) реконструкцию. Там будут установлены автоматические камеры хранения и автоматы для размена монет.

4.Извините, но мы не принимаем дорожные чеки.

5.Пассажиры должны зарегистрироваться за час до отправления.

6.Он оставил кейс в камере хранения.

7.Все купе вагона первого класса оборудованы розетками для зарядки сотового телефона или ноутбука.

8.Поезд состоял из одного багажного и четырѐх пассажирских вагонов.

Ex. 6. Answer the following questions, using the information given in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1 . What is Eurostar? (the high-speed passenger train)

2 . What cities does this service connect? (London, Paris and Brussels) 3 . When did it start running? (in 1994)

4 . How many carriages are there in this train? (18)

5 . What carriages does Eurostar contain? (both 1st class and 2nd class carriages) 6 . How can you reserve tickets for Eurostar? (booking at the Eurostar site)

7.How do children under 4 travel? (free)

8.Whom does a special fare apply to? (children from 4 to 11 inclusive)

9.Where can a passenger place his/her small or medium size bags? (on the luggage racks above his/her head)

10.Where can passengers leave their luggage if they want to explore the city or change trains? (in left luggage offices and left luggage lockers)


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