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Classroom games

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Times table football

Create a field of play using the overhead projector or chalk/white board. On the side of the flash card with the answer, write the results of a football play (e.g. 25 yard pass to wide out, 3 yard run by fullback, incomplete pass, lose 5 yards due to a fumble). Create about 100 plays on flash cards. Most of the plays should be good results, but some plays are errors to add an element of surprise.

Divide your students into two teams. Each player takes a turn answering the fact. If he or she answers correctly, the play on the card occurs. If a player misses a multiplication fact, the opposing team is given a chance to answer the fact correctly. If the other team answers the fact correctly, the team recovers the fumble and start with a first down.

Start on the 20 yard line at the beginning of the game, the beginning of the second half, and after touchdowns. On the 4th down, the team may choose to try for a 1st down, punt (40 yards), or attempt a field goal (must be at least on the 40 yard line).

You can be creative with penalties (e.g., penalties can be assessed for not paying attention when it is not your turn, excessive talking, or helping someone else).

MATERIALS >> White Board; 4 Sets of Flash Cards



Write on the board, Ace = 1, J = 0, Q = 11, K = 12. Break the students into teams of 2, and ask the students to shuffle their cards. Instruct the students to deal the cards into two piles and stack a pile facedown in front of each player. Both students turn over their top cards at the same time. As quickly as possible, they multiply the 2 cards together, and shout the answer. The student who says the correct answer first places the cards in his or her winning pile. If a tie occurs, students should continue to turn their cards until someone wins the pile. When all of the original stack has been played, the players count their winnings. The player with the highest total wins.

• MATERIALS >> Deck of Playing Cards (per pair of students)


X-mas Party games for senior citizens

http://www.ehow.com/how_2075131_plan- party-games-senior-citizens.html

http://www.howtodothings.com/family-and- relationships/a2885-how-to-plan-party-games- and-activities-for-senior-citizens.html

Free Retro Games - www.retrogamer.com/

http://www.buzzle.com/articles/funny-games- for-groups.html


Things You'll Need


Wrapping paper

Play money




Play Bingo free of charge. Purchase inexpensive items as prizes. Prize items might include toiletries, home decor, card games or gag gifts like a bottle of geritol or bladder control pads.


Play name that tune. Have a CD with music from the seniors' teenage eras. Play a small segment of the song and increase the amount played until the song is guessed.

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Have each person bring a baby picture or a picture of themselves as a teenager. Have everyone try to guess which picture belongs to which senior.


Play a trivia game Jeopardy style. Have the questions relate to specific time periods, movies, actors and other categories that the seniors will be familiar with.


Have a gag auction. Wrap gag gifts and have a lively auctioneer auction the gifts off for play money. Supply each person with play cash.


Hire a band and have a dance. Encourage seniors with limited mobility to dance in their chairs or keep the beat to the music.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how_2075131_plan-party-games-senior- citizens.html#ixzz2kb1dYblf



This is by far the most popular of the games for seniors. You can find inexpensive home bingo games at any toy store. For the prizes, go to your local dollar store and pick out some merchandise. Toiletries, kitchen items, personal care products and home decorations would all be good choices. You can either wrap each gift so that they are mystery prizes, or you can arrange them on a table so that the winner of each game can choose a prize. Sing along bingo is a variation on bingo and is gaining popularity among games for senior citizens. You will need to make up bingo cards. Use the same amount of squares as appear on a real bingo card, but instead of letters and numbers, each square will feature the title of a song. Older and patriotic songs work the best. The caller will sing out the song and the guest will have to figure out the title. Upon doing so, they can place a chip on that square. Most seniors will join along in the singing, enhancing the fun of the game! Prizes are handled the same as in regular bingo.


Plan an auction!

An auction is always a great party idea - it can liven up any gathering! You can purchase the same kinds of prizes that were suggested for the bingo activity, but all the prizes should be wrapped as mystery prizes. You will also need fake money. Figure on at least ten thousand dollars per guest. The auctioneer will then hold up a wrapped gift for all to see. Then the bidding begins! Since it's play-money, the guests can feel free to bid as much as they want for it. Choose an entertaining, outgoing auctioneer to make this an exciting activity for all the guests!


Version of name that tune

This is another one of the classic party games for senior citizens. If at all possible, convince someone to play the piano or guitar as accompaniment. You won't have trouble finding an inexpensive music book full of all the songs that were popular when the seniors were young. Start with three notes and pause, asking if anyone can "name that tune." If no one can name it, play the three notes again, this time adding two more. Ask them if they know the tune. Keep adding two notes until someone can name that tune. Once the song is named, have the party guests sing along. A good idea would be to decorate the room with musical notes and the names of the songs that will be used in the game. They can be written on balloons, place mats, or posters, but don't tell anyone!


Your baby picture

Have your guests supply baby pictures of themselves. You can play an entertaining and often hilarious guessing game with these photos. Give each guest a pen and paper, present each picture and challenge the guests to guess the true identities of the babies. When everyone is done, collect the papers, hold up the pictures and read the answers. Many times seeing old photos will remind seniors of old times. They may want to tell about where the pictures were taken, or what was happening in the world the year they were born.


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