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2. Find in text the words related to drugs and complete the crossword.

















1.a chemical that is given to prevent death disease

2.sedative medicine that makes a person sleepy

3.a substance that increases people's energy, makes them excited and reduces the desire for food


1.trafficking of something

4.it can be for e.g. radioactive, poisonous, etc.

5.otherwise it can be called “cannabis”

6.ownership of something

7.a powerful illegal drug

8.the process of selling and buying something

3.Find the sentences, the parts of which are given and translate them into Russian.

1.if you face drug charges…

2.… unless prescribed by a physician

3.… if possessed without the benefit of a prescription

4.… regardless of whether the owner is the same person…


4. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate verb-forms from the box.



found occurs bring


depending on





The law 1)… the possession of controlled substances unless 2)… by a physician.

Possession of any quantity of illegal drugs can 3)… a jail or prison term, 4)… the quantity of the drug and on how the law 5)… the dangerousness of the drug. Possession 6)… either directly, (in a suspects pocket or somewhere on their person) or indirectly if … in an area of their control, (in the glove compartment or trunk of a car, in a persons purse or briefcase, in the pocket of a jacket hanging in a closet).

5.Recognize the words from the text.

a.You can be under the law for …

-. . le

-d . . i . e . y

-m . . . f . . t . . ing

-. o . . e . . ion

-di . . . . b . tion

-. r . . . p . . . a . . o .

b.It can result in …

-con . . c . io .

-a . . e . t

-. ri . . on

-. ine

-p . l . c . s . a . ch

c.You will be …

-p . o . e . u . ed

d.Your car, home and other property will be

-. o . . i . c . . ed

e.But you may …

-f . . e a c . . im for the re . . . n of the pr . . . t .


6.Match up the parts of the word-combinations and use them to complete the sentences.

1. prison

a. search

2. legal

b. issue

3. police

c. charges

4. central

d. procedure

5. jail

e. fine

6. substantial

f. sentence

7. drug

g. term



a.Offenders will be liable to a seven-year… .

b.Very often illegal substances are found as a result of … .

c.The … of each police operation is to catch the criminals in the process of committing the crime.

d.Felonies are punished by imprisonment or … .

e.… is a very complicated problem for lawgivers.

f.A person who faces… should hire a professional lawyer to be properly defended in the court.

g.Many people are sure that … for murderers should be substituted by death penalty.

7.Fill in the gaps with the prepositions and make up your own sentences (situation, story, etc.) with the given phrases.

-to be arrested… charges

-to file a claim… the return… the property

-prescribed… a physician

-possession… intent… distribute

-result… a lengthy prison term

-time limits… filing a claim

-a central issue… drug offenses

-a lack… knowledge

-to be late… work

-to belong… somebody

8. Render the text into English.

200 миллионов человек в мире употребляют наркотики. Среди россиян таких 6 миллионов. Продолжительность жизни человека, начавшего употреблять наркотики, всего 5–7 лет. Каждые 20 минут от употребления наркотиков погибает молодой житель нашей планеты. Нет ни одной страны в мире, которая бы не столкнулась (to face the problem) с этой проблемой. Рынок наркотиков не знает границ. И, к сожалению, даже суровые законы не могут его остановить. Наркобизнес разрастается и стремится установить свои правила, рвется во власть и сотрудничает с мировым терроризмом. За последние 10 лет в Москве в 10 раз увеличилось число больных наркотической зависимостью (drug addiction). Одной из причин явилась отмена уголовного наказания за употребление наркотиков и принудительного лечения (forced treatment) наркоманов.

(Source: http://www.rg.ru/2005)

Read the text …

L Felony crimes (Part IV)


In the area of sex crimes, this is a broad category which usually involves rape, sexual battery, and prostitution.

If the defendant commits rape while armed, causes bodily injury, or is aided by another person, the more serious offense of aggravated rape is charged. If a participant is unable to give consent due to drug or alcohol intoxication, or due to mental incapacity, it is also rape. The rape of a child under the age of thirteen usually carries the same penalties as aggravated rape.

1.Find in the text the following word-combinations and translate them into Russian.

- serious…

- mental…

- … rape

- … category

- … intoxication

- bodily…



2. Translate the text into English.

Прокурор (procurator) отказался от обвинения по делу москвички, обвиняемой в убийстве таксиста, который пытался ее изнасиловать. Обвинитель (prosecutor) полностью отказался от обвинения и просил прекратить дело, поскольку, по его мнению, обвиняемая находилась в состоянии необходимой обороны.

(Source: http://www.rg.ru/2005)

White-collar crimes

White-collar crime is a term that is usually applied to crimes associated with business that do not involve violence or bodily injury to another person. In criminal law, white-collar crime refers to any offense committed in a professional or business setting. Typically, antitrust violations, bankruptcy, bribery, computer

and internet fraud, credit card fraud, telemarketing fraud, counterfeiting, trade secret theft, embezzlement, environmental law violations, financial crime, insider trading, securities fraud, government fraud, healthcare fraud, identity theft, kickbacks, mail fraud, money laundering, public corruption, securities fraud, tax evasion, insider training, and insurance fraud fall into this category.

Of all of these crimes, identity theft is quickly becoming the most common. One in 50 consumers will fall prey to identity theft this year alone. Many of these victims won't even be aware that they have been targeted until well after the crime has occurred, making it even harder to find the culprit. In addition, credit card fraud, too, is an all-too-common occurrence. According to many experts, roughly one in every 20 consumers has had his or her credit card or credit card number stolen at some point and used to make illegal purchases.

White-collar crimes may be prosecuted in state or federal courts, depending upon whether state or federal laws have been violated. The penalties for committing white-collar crimes vary, but in some cases they may be as severe as those prescribed for violent crimes.

1. Match up the words with the Russian equivalents in the box.






отмывание денег




деньги за услугу


















2.Choose all word-combinations with the word “fraud” and translate them into Russian.

3.Find the synonyms from B to the verbs from A.

A.to associate, to involve, to violate, to defraud, to vary

B.to link with, to concern, to break, to deceive, to differ

4.Decide what are the most appropriate explanations for the notions in brackets.

• Securities Fraud

• Insurance Fraud

• Internet Fraud

• Credit Card Fraud

• Embezzlement

• Mail Fraud

A.illegally confiscating someone else's property

B.using the Internet and/or computer to carry out a crime

C.committing some sort investment banking or stock fraud, such as risky investments, churning, insider information, unauthorized trading, or malpractice

D.using someone else's credit card to make unauthorized purchases

E.using the mail system to commit a crime

F.making a claim to an insurance company for an accident that never occurred or a condition that doesn't exist



5. Translate the text into English.

Более 200 миллионов рублей арестовано Федеральной службой безопасности на счетах частных фирм, подозреваемых в причастности к противоправной деятельности, причем не только на территории России.

Средства были задержаны в одном из петербургских коммерческих банков в рамках (within the framework of) расследования уголовного дела об отмывании денег (moneylaundering).

Схемы по легализации "грязных денег" (ill-gotten money) укрупняются и становятся все более изощренными. Некоторые рассчитаны на десятки миллионов долларов.

(Source: http://www.rg.ru/2005)


In general, the law divides firearm offenses into two categories: carrying concealed firearms and using a firearm to commit a crime.

Carrying concealed firearms, in a state which prohibits it, is usually a misdemeanor, not punishable by a prison sentence. An unarmed robbery, even though a felony, is not as serious as using a firearm to commit the robbery.

The use or display of a firearm or other deadly weapon may elevate an offense to a more serious crime or increase the punishment. For example, an assault committed with a deadly weapon is a felony, while an unarmed assault is usually a misdemeanor.

9Find the English equivalents to the following word and expressions in the text:

ношение огнестрельного оружия, запрещать, ограбление, увеличить наказание, нападение с оружием, смертоносное оружие


Burglaries are the entry into a building with the intent to commit a theft or any felony inside the building. If the building being entered is a


place of residence, this is prosecuted as a residential burglary. If the building is a commercial structure, this is a commercial burglary.

The crime of burglary occurs upon entry. The key to burglary is the intent of the person as he enters the structure. If the person intends to steal or commit any felony as he enters, the crime is burglary. It is not necessary that the felony or theft be completed; only that it was intended upon entry. Identity of a burglary suspect is often proved using fingerprints. Fingerprints found at the point of entry or around the area of a theft can prove the identity of a burglar.

Defenses to burglary

A common defense to such an accusation is that the suspect had a legitimate reason for being in the area in the past and it is impossible to know how long a fingerprint has been on a surface. The suspect may have been a handy man who had done work on the house week's prior.

1.Find out all if-sentences and translate them into Russian.

2.Match up the parts of the words and complete the list of Russian equivalents.




























































– отпечатки пальцев


– строение



– невозможный



– внутри



– вход



– рабочий




Arrested for robbery

Robbery is the direct taking of property from the person of another by the use of force, intimidation or fear. Examples of robbery are purse snatching, car jacking, the "mugger" who takes a wallet or piece of jewelry, or even the kid who threatens to beat up another kid if he doesn't hand over his lunch money.

9 Match up the words with the English equivalents in the box.



a. jewelries


выхватить кошелек

b. mugger


захватить машину

c. to hand over



d. force



e. car-jacking



f. intimidation



g. wallet



h. to snatch the purse



i. fear

10. собственность

j. property

11. сила

k. to threaten




9According to the texts (Part IV), complete the following table. Present the information to your groupmates.

Types and





subtypes of


for conviction



other felonies


e.g. bodily



1. Rape


injury, being





armed, etc.













Task I

Vocabulary note:

-a business tycoon = a business magnate

-an attic = a room at the top of the house just below the roof

-a plumber = a person who repairs water and drainage pipes

-a culprit = a wrongdoer

I.Listen to a news bulletin with Jeremy Craig and Lucinda Thorpe. Complete the following exercises:

1. The episodes of what instances are mentioned in the news report?

(Tick necessary items).




___accidental arson

___escape from the prison



___escape from the zoo





___grand larceny

2.The police suppose Michelle Steen …

a.to be a victim of a forgery

b.to be involved in her husband’s murder

c.to be proposed to leave the country for 24 hours

d.to be one of the members of the gang

3.A. Business tycoon Roger Branston was blackmailed by …

1.his ex-wife

2.one of his colleagues

3.the kidnappers of his wife

4.his company’s competitors

B.and he was told to give…

1.100 000 pounds

2.30 000 pounds

3.1000 000 pounds

4.10 000 pounds



4.Mrs. Branston…

a.was able to rescue herself

b.managed to give her kidnappers sleeping pills

c.phoned the police and they rescued her

d.arrested two men

5.A. A group of six children…

1.vandalized the streets of the town

2.ordered their parents to give them a car

3.broke some windows of the shops

4.damaged several cars

B.and as a result, the city council promised…

1.to install burglar alarm system and close indoor car parks

2.to install security cameras and increase the number of security guards

3.to supervise all indoor car parks in the town

4.security guards to be paid much

6.A. The Paterson family first thought the strange noises coming from their attic were caused by …

1.water system




B.but finally with a help of …

1.the detective

2.the plumber

3.the video camera

4.the neighbour

C.they discovered that the culprit was …

1.a ghost

2.a great bee

3.a zookeeper

4.a chimpanzee


II.Answer the questions.

a.What instances from the news bulletin refer to the category of felonies/ misdemeanors?

b.Do you think that Michelle Steen could kill her husband? What kind of punishment is she worth of?

c.What recommendations could you give for persons being kidnapped?

d.How should parents react in case their children have damaged other people property?

e.What would you do if you heard strange noises from the attic of your house?

Task II

Vocabulary note:

-to take shelter = to find a place where you can be protected

-a post-mortem = a medical examination of a dead person’s body

I. Listen to the BBC news and complete the following exercises

1.The episodes of what instances are mentioned in the news report? (Tick necessary items).





___missing people




2.A. What happened to three climbers?

1.they met a yeti and were found by rescue team in shock

2.they were killed by escaped criminals

3.they missed in the mountains but were rescued

B. Why have rescue organizations been warning about the danger of going out onto the mountains?

1.because of the possibility to meet yetis and other strange creatures

2.because it is risky at this time of year due to bad weather

3.because the animals are very aggressive at this time of year


3.A. Saskia Lane …

1.was found dead

2.was reported to be drunk

3.was arrested in suspicion of trafficking drugs

B.It was said she …

1.smashed her ex-husband car

2.had overdosed sleeping pills

3.distributed sleeping pills to teenagers

C.The reason was …

1.her nineteen-year-old son

2.her last novel “Ex-wives of Manhattan”

3.her depression after the fifth marriage

4.A. Three men on motorcycles …

1.attacked the police officers who were raiding around the bank

2.attacked the security guards on their way from the bank to the van

3.attacked the cashiers of the bank

B.Consequently, …

1.five million pounds disappeared

2.five million pounds appeared in the bank

3.the sum of stolen money is not known

C.It is believed those men will be caught, owning to the fact …

1.there was an installed video camera

2.the mask of one of the men was pulled off

3.the masks were torn up in the fight

II. Answer the questions.

a.What instances from the BBC news refer to the category of felonies/ misdemeanors?

b.What should people know before going out onto the mountains?

c.Do you think the divorce usually results in depression? Is the suicide an appropriate way for resolving the situation? Can anybody help divorcing person?

d.Don’t you think that modern technology allows us to substitute security guards for robot-guards? Can such a means reduce robberies?


Task III

I.Listen to the Daily News report about the robbery in London and reproduce the circumstances of the robbery using the following expressions:

- a bank robbery in central London

- to lie on the floor

- before closing time

- to put the money in the sack

- to enter the Butcher Street Branch

- to try to ring the alarm

of the National Westminster Bank

- to be in St Patrick’s Hospital

- to carry a shotgun

- to try to save the life

- to wear a stocking mask

- to arrest a man

- a few customers

- enquiries

II.Work in groups of 2–5 persons. You need A4 sheets of paper, highlighters, colour pencils and markers.

Task: Imagine you were one of those few customers of the bank and you managed to notice some peculiarities of the robber’s appearance. Your help is extremely necessary for further police investigation. Make up a photofit of the robber and present it to your groupmates describing his/ her appearance.


9 The table will help you to make a photofit:






Age (He/ She)

Built (He/ She)

I. Expand the idea looking through all the texts concerning felony

- is about …



- has just turned …

- is thin, slim, skinny, wiry,

- is in his/ her/ early/ mid/ late/ …

stocky, well-built, plump,


The crimes can de divided according to their nature as …

- is (quite) young/ middle-aged/ old

overweight, average


Usually crimes are classified as …

- a teenager



In law, treason is the crime of …


- is short, of medium height, tall


The list of common-law felonies consists of …

Hair (He/ She)

Face (He/ She)


In the United States felony is used…


- has got fair/ pale/ dark/ sallow


The U.S. Code defines murder as …

- is / is going/ is a bit bald



Possible consequences of committing a felony are …

- has got short-cut/ crew-cut/

- has got long/ round/ oval/


Murder in the first degree includes…

bobbed/ shoulder-length/

thin/ plump/ flesh/ puffy/


Murders in the second degree are considered…

mediumlength/ long hair

wrinkled, pasty, pimpled,


An accidental killing may be …


pock-marked, clean-shaven


Depending on varying state criminal laws…

- has got curly/ wavy/ receding/



A common mitigating defense to Murder is …

rumpled/ straight/ permed hair

- has got a beard (bushy,


The defense for murder often attempts to prove …


spade, grey, heavy),


Controlled substances include drugs such as …

- has got fair/ blond/ red/ brown/

moustache (thin, thick, tooth


Narcotics cases are commonly prosecuted under one of three

chestnut/ dark hair

brush, walrus), green eyes



Accessories (He/ She)

(brown, blue, grey, hazel/


Your car, home, or other property…

- is wearing (has got) sunglasses/

hollowed, bulging, close-set,


A common defense for drug offences is …

glasses/ contact lenses/ a scarf/

deep-set, sunken, wide-apart,


In the area of sex crimes…

gloves/ an earring/ a gold chain/ a



Examples of so-called white-collar crime are …

ring/ a tattoo/ a sack/ a case/ a

- is crossed-eyed


The penalties for committing white-collar crimes may be …


- has got high/ low/ narrow/


The law divides firearm offenses into …


square/ broad forehead


Carrying concealed firearms…

Distinguishing features (He/ She)

- has got small, big, jug ears


The use, display of a firearm or other deadly weapon…

- has got a scar, birth marks,

- has got prominent/ straight/


The key to burglary is …

freckles, wooden leg, humpback

pointed/ hooked/ flat/


Identity of a burglary suspect is often proved…

- is pot-belly/ lame, etc.

aquiline/ snub nose


A common defense for burglary is …


- has got full/ thin/ painted/


Robbery is …


cleft lips


Examples of robbery are …



II.Test translation.

Translate from Russian into English.

Каждый день в криминальной хронике озвучиваются случаи тяжких преступлений. Среди них: грабежи, разбойные нападения, убийства, изнасилования, угрозы огнестрельным оружием, кражи и дорожнотранспортные происшествия. Увеличилось число преступлений, связанных с наркотиками. Хранение, продажа и употребление наркотиков всегда заканчивается криминалом. Самые «злостные» наркодельцы – это представители цыганских диаспор (gypsy; Romany). Они ухитряются доставлять наркотики даже в самые отдаленные населенные пункты и деревни. Кочевой образ жизни позволяет им быстро сниматься с места при появлении серьезной опасности со стороны правоохранительных органов. Кроме всего прочего, часто они являются и поставщиками оружия.

Еще один вид преступлений, который стал очень распространенным за последнее десятилетие – это преступления «белых воротничков». Здесь нет прямых телесных повреждений и ранений. Банковские махинации, отмывание денег, всевозможные подделки и обманы – это зачастую их рук дело.

Нападения на улице, квартирные кражи также вызывают страх. Причем эти виды преступлений заметно «помолодели». Подростки и несовершеннолетние, находясь под воздействием наркотиков и алкоголя, идут порой на совершенно не обдуманные преступления. Но поражает жестокость, с которой они совершаются. Возможно, они мстят обществу за необустроенность, потерю веры в общечеловеческие ценности и за страх по поводу своего будущего.

Но выход есть всегда! Конечно же, человек должен отвечать за свои поступки, и того, кто нарушил закон, следует карать. Он должен чувствовать, что общество не позволит ему избежать суда и наказания.

Но самое главное – современный мир должен понять, что просто нет другого пути, как стать… добрее и начать уважать друг друга. А добрее можно стать уже сегодня – к своим детям, родителям, друзьям. Сколько горя приносит ребенок-наркоман или родитель-алкоголик и сколько радости можно вернуть друг другу, проведя день, два… год… без пагубных пристрастий и выдуманного ухода от реальности.


III. Complete the quiz.



Felony crimes are serious offenses punishable by a … sentence.


a. light

b. heavy

c. neutral

d. recommended


In early English law the accused was tried by a … with his accuser, the


losing party to be adjudged a felon.






a. personal combat

b. collective combat

c. fight

d. sword


… was an especially common English penalty in the 18th and the early


19th cent.









a. fine

b. prison

c. death

d. marriage


In the United States felonies are usually tried by … .




a. policemen

b. a panel of judges

c. barristers


d. jury


Many insurance companies will … to bond convicted felons.


a. cheer

b. refuse

c. be lucky

d. be prescribed


The U.S. Code separates murder into … categories.




a. two

b. three

c. five


d. four



If charged with murder, the degree of seriousness is dependent upon…


of the person who committed the act resulting in death.




a. the reaction

b. the given bribe

c. the mindset


d. the rank


A drunk driver who causes a traffic accident resulting in death can be


prosecuted for … .








a. assassination

b. manslaughter

c. offence

d. perpetration

9.One… defense to murder is sometimes called diminished capacity or killing in the heat of passion.

a. harden b. habituating

c. mitigating

d. separating

10.White-collar crime is a term that is usually applied to crimes associated with … .

a. business

b. workers

c. medicine

d. school


11.The penalties for committing white-collar may be as … as for violent crimes.

a. light b. mild c. inappropriate d. severe

12. Carrying concealed firearms, in a state which prohibits it, is usually a … . a. felony b. misdemeanor c. robbery d. shock

13.Burglaries are the … into a building with the intent to commit a theft or any felony inside the building.


a. exit

b. rushing

c. entry

d. flying


Identity of a burglary suspect is often proved using… .


a. pants

b. boots

c. fingerprints

d. footprint


The kid who threatens to beat up another kid if he doesn't hand over his


lunch money – is also a … .





a. robbery

b. white-collar felony

c. supervision d. torture



I.Divide into groups of 3-5 persons for making up a report about felony crimes in different countries.

II.Arrange the report with the help of the chart using different sources of information: Internet, TV, radio, newspapers, textbooks, etc.


1.Country ______________________

2.Statistics on felonies in the country _________________________

a.general rate of felonies _______________________________


b.felony types domain __________________________________



3. Possible reasons for felony crimes __________________________


III.Present the report to your groupmates supporting it with video episode demonstration, power point aid accompanying, etc.


1.What crimes can be classified as “felonies”?

2.What are usual punishments for felony offences?

3.Do you think it is just and fair to be not eligible to vote and run for public office after having been imprisoned for felony offence?

4.Compare the crimes fallen under the classification of felonies in different countries and punishments usually given for them. Express your own opinion concerning the severity of state policy towards crime prevention.

5.Work in pairs or groups and create your own self-defense methodology for avoiding and preventing felony. What steps should be undertaken by a potential victim?


Write down a comparative essay about different types of felony crimes in the countries according to the different projects presented in the group. Use the statistic data given

and analyze the situation on the whole. What country is the most effective in felony crimes prevention from your point of view? What are the causes of their success?