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need for precision in the survey is also low. Relative accuracy matters more than absolute accuracy. Almost all generally known techniques in surveying can be employed for the purpose of

cadastral renewal. These include both field survey techniques (using steel tapes, theodolites, total stations, GPS, etc.) and air survey methods. Photogrammetric techniques are a powerful set of tools for documenting, interpreting and surveying large areas. The advantage of using such techniques instead of ground surveying is that they save time and money. They can be used to increase the density of control points as well as to measure property boundaries, provided that whatever is to be recorded can be seen on aerial photographs. They can also be used to determine land use and to collect topographic data.

In Austria, for example, there are three main applications of photogrammetry. Firstly, it is used in the preparation of land-use maps in areas of agricultural land where the soil quality needs to be determined. This is important information for the Ministry of Finance. Secondly, it supports the digital cadastre since high accuracy and completeness are easily attainable. Thirdly, it is used to measure new buildings or buildings which have changed.

Photogrammetry should be regarded as just another set of tools in the surveyor’s trade. The choice of the most appropriate survey technique should be determined by the basic objectives, economic matters, the available resources and by the urgency of the demand.

The overall quality required for cadastral surveys should be laid down by the central surveying authority, which should determine the rules, standards and basic principles for;

-Examination and evaluation of basic material; -Quality improvement of the available maps; -Bringing together the available basic material; -Acquisition of the current data;

-Connection of the current data with the existing data.

The central authority should also lay down standards and procedures for the allocation of land parcel references. The design of the system of land parcel identifiers is an important part of the overall system design. A country is not always free in designing these identifiers, as they may be limited by previous or existing systems. Renumbering may be cost-effective in the long run if existing identifiers do not meet present requirements.

For cultural reasons, some countries assign priority to protecting existing names as part of their system of land identifiers, even when this is clearly not the optimal solution. Identifiers should clearly identify the relevant land parcels or other real-estate units. Identifiers should be unique, stable over time, and practical to handle both in analogue form and in digital form. They should, if possible, be easy to remember for persons directly affected such as landowners, but this may be in conflict with the other requirements. To be stable, identifiers should not contain information which can change over time, such as the type of land tenure, land use, etc. Even reference to a local administrative unit (municipality, etc.) may require renumbering if district boundaries are moved. Street addresses should not be used to identify properties, as street names


саn be changed. If the legislation allows strata titles so that structures above or under the surface can be registered as separate properties, such properties should be assigned unique identifiers that will not be altered even if the surface land is subdivided. When applying computerized registration systems, numeric identifiers may contain a control digit which automatically checks that numbers are correctly entered into the system.


Е.А. Алешугина, Н.Г. Надеждина


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-подготовке к практическим занятиям (включая рекомендации обучающимся по организации самостоятельной работы); -по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для обучающихся по

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет»

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